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  1. My mage chardev

    TBH it really dont matter about ur gear, mage nuffsaid ( i play one just saving peeps the troubles of saying it )
  2. Higest Rating

    i was like 2380 and gaining 1-2 points per win if the teams were like 2.2k, so i didnt think it was possible to get 2600+ legit
  3. Higest Rating

    i was just wondering what is the highest ( legit ) rating you can get in 2s without win trading, i was thinking it would be somewhere around 2600ish thanks
  4. Shocker

    wtf lol? i have a mage and play with synapse and i out play and out dmg other mages with tazik, pretty sure you have no idea and Tupac was right from start
  5. 70

    ^^ all true should roll a warlock heaps of fun and if your skilled enough you can go somewhere playing one unlike a warrior you just get raped
  6. Dk or war?

    wait what dk is harder then a warr? pretty sure playin a high rated warr is much higher skill cap @ 70 and 85 then a dk.
  7. Level Seventy Tournament and Sign ups!

    Cross-Realm Wargames would be pretty mad and would make 70 twink arena more competitive and a wider range of players to vs
  8. Interviews .

    dont lie tupac you just wanna get interviewed
  9. 70's three word game

    slipped out of
  10. 73 ret in 31 resil gear wing killshot videos.

    everyone just needs to stfu about mages.. you can beat a mage in arena its called being skilled... i play a lock and can kill mages.. locks/hunters/warrs most gimped thing in the game at 70, but we still play them just stfu and play the game as it was made to be played And i play a 2300 mage...
  11. Loads of 70 Priest Questions

    good priest shad/disc both pvp spec/gems if u still wanted to see some
  12. Public Test Realm

    if brutal takes rating to get maybe 70 will have some skill involved in it again good thread
  13. Hello.

    my name is eshbrax im a mage, n1 one shotting peeps with skill since cata :DDDDD
  14. `Taylorswift 1

    dk's real gimped at 70, imo get some better clips before you attempt a vid
  15. Hello - spriest questions (arena)

    i dont play a spriest but in 2s/3s i recommend playing mage/spriest and 3s mage/spriest/resto sham or holy paly
  16. Fire Mage's "Discuss"

    yea fire is better but frost/disc will always rule arena >.<
  17. Fire Mage's "Discuss"

    i play frost/disc in 2s and have never lost to a fire mage >.< but yea fire is alot more fun then frost
  18. Why are there no 70 warlocks

    i have a 70 lock o.0 2k arena dont get globaled and can beat mages/rogue's 1v1 link
  19. Are You Burned Out on Random 70 BG's?

    be better are carry the bg nuffsaid
  20. Tazik Shocker in arena

    lol dont need tazik to get high.. just out skill the other team.. im at 2400 in 2s and 2.2k in 3s none of us have tazik beat peeps without it just outplay them....