73 ret in 31 resil gear wing killshot videos.

Very sad videon, about you nearly always 1 shotting people.

What's the fun about such a thing ?
I concur, mages rather have had that effect on the bracket, wonderful to see a mage who actually admits it.

mage are retardedly easy, but im not suprised to see mages below 2,4k when they backpeddle and when I see their UI they're clicking shit.
I actually headbobbed the whole way through the video.

Personally I think this is just fucking awesome, many will be trolled.


Imagen if he had synapse..
Stop the fucking whining about mages. Obviously there are several classes that are not equal in damage in exact specs, but overall 70s are quite balanced class-wise. Then ofc., engineering & such a thing can make a difference, but I don't see any catastrophical "OP" class at 70s.

I created this char far before mages became "OP" vs some classes, so quit the fucking shit and focus on this topic.

Wait what?
Stop the fucking whining about mages. Obviously there are several classes that are not equal in damage in exact specs, but overall 70s are quite balanced class-wise. Then ofc., engineering & such a thing can make a difference, but I don't see any catastrophical "OP" class at 70s.

I believe PvE rogues are definitely a catastrophical op class at 70, due to insane burst.

I think mages are almost on par with PvE rogues.
everyone just needs to stfu about mages.. you can beat a mage in arena its called being skilled... i play a lock and can kill mages.. locks/hunters/warrs most gimped thing in the game at 70, but we still play them just stfu and play the game as it was made to be played

And i play a 2300 mage they can be beat in arena and 1v1s.. just play the game with skill instead of relying on RNG dmg and tazik and shit..


15 k hammer with wings.

I do belive that instead of this Blizzard should just give wings at 70, reduce the damage it would deal.

Same as giving mages a higer dr, 30 % less on frost shield ( and priest shield ) giving back warriors two charges, cyclone at 70.

This would bring some balancing, imho.
It's crazy i have a 72 ret bis and it's wild how we can take some damage... did a 2v3 vs 2x dk's and an spriest and we won somehow. I've got a vid where i went 38-0 in a pug wsg xp turned off lawls.

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