Why are there no 70 warlocks


They lack key spells, and second talent tree talents, ie; you only get enough talent points at 70 to spec into your end-tier talent (Haunt, metamorph, Chaos bolt).

Key abilities being, Demonic portal, Demon soul, Shadowflame, Fel flame for mobility, mastery, and the lesser, Seed of corruption moved to 72, leaving Affiliction with almost no AoE.

Plus with how abilitys scale, Mages/rogues just destroy most warlocks, so most people opt to play Rogues, Priests and/or Mages.

As for single-target PvE; Warlocks are great, rotations are mostly intact, (Unlike, say, hunters, lack of cobra shot for Sv/Bm) and so on, good fun.

Least, that's why i think nobody plays them in this bracket.

And sorry for the small wall-o-text.
they are pretty underrated, should be played in a support role tho they are perfectly capable of topping the charts while doing so
do u hav a 70 lock on doomhammer?
Yowxd said:
Rly starting to dislike people who say 70 locks are bad.

Game the fuck up, they are easily capable of high-end ratings- the reason why hardly anyone plays them is 'cus there dog.


They also had 89-4 in 3v3 at 2.4 as MLS, and no, lock or mage doesn't/didn't have synapase/tazik.

Locks are viable at 70, learn that.

They are viable, BUT you just get shit on in 2's and 3's against mages and rogues...
When I came back to WoW in December of 2010 after a couple years off my old level 70 main wrecked faces in BG's. Then.... they nerfed HoG.

It was a 70 locks best friend, hands down. After that we really took a hit. I would absolutely love to get my hands around the throat of the Blizzard designers that took Mass Dispell, Seed of Corruption and any other old 70 spells and moved them to 72.

Are locks viable? Yes, if you're excellent at destruction (I am not, I'm horrible at it.) you will absolutely destroy people. Affliction though cannot keep up with HoT's or burn through bubbles/shields.

It makes me sad too because like the site founder Drayner I was a lock fiend. I had a 39, 49 and my main (70 at the time.) was a lock. This class scales horribly damage wise in the middle levels for PVP. Of course I can point to this class and the 2 hit nature of rogues and arcane mages in this bracket as to why low level PVP is so horribly broken.

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