Are You Burned Out on Random 70 BG's?

I hate to say this, I am.

It seems to me that 70 XP off BG's are following the same patterns as the "old" x9's from vanilla/BC. You would find 2-4 "real" twinks or people slightly undergeared but could carry a BG and everyone else was just a scrub. There's a huge difference now though. Everyone in 70's BG's now has decided to turn off XP, they're not just passing through.... right? They're supposed to know what classes are good in bracket, you'd think they'd know map objectives, you'd think they could actually play a class well if they loved it so much they decided they wanted to stick around.

So why is it in any group you random with you might see 20-30% of the players even remotely geared as twinks? I mean I'm not talking BIS standards that are the norm we would expect from one another on this forum with multiple Sunwell/BT clears and gears. I'm talking about people STILL showing up in quest greens and blues, BOA gear and even a piece or two of vanilla leftovers. People that show up with full Brutal gear (Did you ever think we'd be looking down on "just" full S4 sets?) with no gems, no enchants and can't figure out why they're getting 2 shot and sporting stats like 1 kb and 10 deaths and 70k damage at the end of the game?

I'm just so deflated that with as much love as I have put into 3 70 twinks I just can't take going into BG's anymore for hours at a time like I used to. I wish I could say it was one faction or another, it's not. I have 2 US Horde and 1 Alliance 70 that are active. It's the same scenario every game. Quick gear inspection results in me shaking my head, burying my forehead in my palms and saying "Geeze, not this crap again.". I can tell by looking at the artwork of the cloaks on my team if we have a shot or not. If it's a sea of vendor browns I know we've already lost. If I see no Sunwell staffs, glaives etc. I know we've already lost.

The funny part? If I see a caster link a Apolyon the Soul Renderer with like spirit gems and +3 int on it to taunt the melee people in the game? I LOL for real and think..... we got a real shot at this. However that's happened to me exactly one time in 8 months of hardcore 70 twinking. More often than not, I increasingly feel like I'm living in a sea of bads and burned out on what I once loved.
Maybe people are gearing? Skill > gear.. dinged 70 yesterday on my priest and I still top healing in greens.

If you hate it that much either que with group of friends (5 of them) more chance you can win and carry / not get bad people, or get in a guild and just run rated bgs.. I mean overall this post is pointless.. not sure what you wanted from it but .. I mean we can't change anything can we? all I say is the obv that you already know like people are gearing and such... waste of a thread.
Thats why im leveling to 80 with My 70 rogue
people are stupid, there really really stupid, wow bgs are the worst sign of inteligance i have ever encountred in my life. people who seam to enjoy being killed again and again and again.

the way i fix it, que with guildies, people who know how to play, its alot funnier than the regular slush pit of a random battle ground.
We are tallking about 10g here. Some people just like to give 70 a try for arena, RBGs and the nostalgia factor. Not everyone doing it is twinking. Some could be noobs with BC restricted accounts. The OP is making a lot of assumptions about people in the bracket.
I feel the same way, Resto Shaman geared Looking for Guild to run 5 man Bg queues with. tired of losing every game cuz there are people in greens or ungemmed So where is my new home going to be come on people im a beast <3
When I do run solo BGs I usually win anyway. Seems I am the only one who cares about winning in WSG.

I'm a mage and I can blink my way up to get the flag, blink my way back home and deliver the flag, 3 times without dying one single time, and doing it all alone with no teammates following me.

Everyone else fighting mid/graveyard camping
I still like playing random bgs, even for playing my 70 twink for 1 - 2 years.

I've gotten to the point where I cant carry scrubs, and i just farm kills.

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