Level Seventy Tournament and Sign ups!


Level Seventy Tournament!

Fight for fame, glory and honour in a level seventy tournament that you will never forget! You will be put to a test like no other as all the level seventy pvpers come together and fight for victory! Are you ready for the challenge?


Server: Frostwhisper - Horde

Region: EU

Format: 3v3 (Played Via Wargame 5v5 - 1 streamer each team, 1 commentator each team and 3 players each team)

Prize: 10,000 gold - It is not ment to be a huge prize, it is a tournament that is just ment for fun and to make the level seventy community stand out more.


No tinkers allowed - Tazik and Synapse Springs(Caught on use = Instant lose)

No more than one class in a team (E.g. 3 mages not allowed, 2 mages not allowed - Keep it to one of any class per team to make it intresting to watch)

No bad mouthing or play after a loss or a win towards other members of the tournament.

If a player disconnects on a team the game will be replayed - Inless for example he disconnects after a team mate has died and its a 2v3 or if its a clear win to the other team and he disconnects.

Will be played on a bracket system:

Winners bracket and a losers bracket - Every team starts with out a bracket, if you win you progress to the winners bracket if you lose to go to the losers bracket. If you lose in the losers bracket your out the tournament if you lose in the winners bracket you go down to the losers bracket. Each game will be Bo3 and one team from winners and losers bracket will progress through to the grand finals, the grand finals will be Bo5 however the team from the losers bracket will need to win two sets in order to win the whole thing.

When will this tournament be?

I'm thinking the 10th of december which gives people time to practice and get a team sorted as well as me to sort the whole tournament out.

Date: 10th of December 2011 - Beware depending on the amount of teams we get signing it will be carryed over to the following saturday at the same time.

Time: 19:00 Gametime

Location: Frostwhisper - Horde


The maps will be under random selection - However if the players get ring of valor we leave the game and reque.

Ring of a valor is taken out the tournament as a whole.

Want to Sign up?


Team Name: UnofficialGames Youtube

Team Members: Jkmejt, Fearedmuch, Unknown atm (Will edit them in later on)


Team Name: For old times sakes

Team Members: Vapriest, ßaus, Unknown(They need a healer or a rogue PM vapriest in game for details)


Team Name: JK whatsup bro

Team Members: Taylorswift, Chillqt, Primal


Team Name:

Team Members:



I will edit this with all signed up teams in order to sign up post this information:

Team name:

Team members:

I will add the brackets in a week before the tournament and close the sign ups at that point - If we don't get that many sign ups, I will still go ahead with the tournament however it won't be as great as it could be.

Please consider signing up even if you think your bad and you will get owned, it will help the level seventy community and there will be people around to help out with tips and such if they see you do something bad in a game.

Recruiting Helpers:

Need a few more streamers

A commentator or two (Know your stuff, not asking for a proffesional but just something that knows alot about pvp in general)

A few more people to help organise.

Contact Details:

Any questions contact: Georgecassell1 on skype or Sußzero in game - frostwhisper horde.

Thanks for reading.

I will edit this post as I go along to just keep on top of things and add new ideas / information into it so if you have any post below - No trolling please, keep it on topic so I can see sign ups easy.

Last thread created by me for a while, sorry for creating a lot lately.

This is europe servers!
Good idea bro, Inb4 rmp.

Will be good to watch, make sure you hit me up with the streams when released.
Doubt anyone is actually going to transfer to FW for the tournament.

WTB Cross-realm wargames

Cross-Realm Wargames would be pretty mad and would make 70 twink arena more competitive and a wider range of players to vs
i might transfer to FW for the tournament, my realm suckz anyway 2 friends of me might come with me do 3s
need to takl to them first

we are rdruid,blood dk,prot/retpally 1.9k rating atm

name: redbulled - dentarg eu
Cross-Realm Wargames

The minute they announced that they wouldn't be cross realms, the 'good' part of the idea died. Hopefully they add the xrealm support later on.

On topic, I would love to participate, but I am US 70s.

Excellent tournament format.
i might transfer to FW for the tournament, my realm suckz anyway 2 friends of me might come with me do 3s
need to takl to them first

we are rdruid,blood dk,prot/retpally 1.9k rating atm

name: redbulled - dentarg eu

Get back to me mate:)

The minute they announced that they wouldn't be cross realms, the 'good' part of the idea died. Hopefully they add the xrealm support later on.

On topic, I would love to participate, but I am US 70s.

Excellent tournament format.

Idd:/ shame your US

Doubt anyone is actually going to transfer to FW for the tournament.

WTB Cross-realm wargames

Maybe not but there is quite alot of people at frostwhisper atm and I'm sure others from other servers will watch the stream for sure - Also doing more tournaments in the future with bigger prizes and just for more fun so it won't be a kind of one off thing:D

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