Tazik Shocker in arena

Also , like a duck said, 700 resi targets lol hf gl killing someone atleast in 2s, u can only kill a healer as a feral with a 15k crit, or as a rogue with dance, and don't tell me im wrong cause if anybody should know it's me.
lol dont need tazik to get high.. just out skill the other team.. im at 2400 in 2s and 2.2k in 3s none of us have tazik beat peeps without it just outplay them....
Sick to death of this thing ... People are just getting carried by this

Anyone think it's gonna get nerfed/changed for 70s cuz it kinda ruins arena

In no way does it ruin arena, either get it or learn to cope with an extra 3k damage on you, its over rated, and people who QQ about it are shocking anyways.
Yowxd said:
Agree for once.

I've never had tazik on my rogues, nor had anyone in my teams with tazik- but I'll say its not that OP, it does 3-4k on ~600 resilience most of the time.

Lets say your complaining about being hit for 8k taziks+ : all I have to say to you is that its your own fault for wearing so much PvE gear.

Infact I'd say using nearly every slot PvE in arena is way more OP than tazik, don't like tazik? Then wear some more resilience instead of entering arena with 4k AP or 2k SP expecting easy wins.

Springs> Tazik, all classes but healers, People who QQ about tazik hitting 10k are retards you are right on this 1 yowxd, If you wear pve expect to be crit for 10k, its your own fault, if some 1 has 700 resil tazik is basically useless anyways, + 2 min CD any rogue mage feral ect, who take this over springs are retarded.

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