Dk or war?

Some im in a bit of a pickle and cant make up my mind i was in the process of gearing my warrior but i cant figure out how to gear him honestly so many ppl have diffrent ways and cant tell to go prot or arms also All str? all Res? And im hearing from alot of other 70s to not even bother because there useless.. So should i make a DK or finish the warrior?
Alright, ill try to be as detailed as i can giving you an overview.

Warrior : Good explosive and sustained damage, very low survability, very low mobility.

Death Knight : Good substained and ranged damage, as well as some good burst damage, medium survability, medium mobility.

Overall at the moment Death Knights are better, but it totally depends on what you like the most !

Play what gives you most joy out of the game.
Consider the time it takes to level from 1-70, or 55-70, you could always just try both and see which you enjoy more.

Deathknights have more self-healing, control, ranged abilities, More 'smallish' cooldowns, ie; Anti-magic shell, Can put out huge burst as Frost or blood, unholy is a bit more sustained, Aswell as a nice mix of magical abilities to knock down high-armor targets.

Warriors are rather gimped in this bracket, lack of Heroic leap, second closer, colossus smash, etc. I'm not expert on warriors, but expect they'd always need escorts/healers to do decently, Arms' can still put out a lot of damage, and protection is very mobile, and has a lot of control. No idea how fury fares.

Overall, Deathknights are currently in better shape in the bracket, but play whichever you enjoy more.
Alright, ill try to be as detailed as i can giving you an overview.

Warrior : Good explosive and sustained damage, very low survability, very low mobility.

Death Knight : Good substained and ranged damage, as well as some good burst damage, medium survability, medium mobility.

Overall at the moment Death Knights are better, but it totally depends on what you like the most !

Play what gives you most joy out of the game.


Warrior has low Surv/Mobility if you keyboard turn.

If you play warrior. 40% resil and FC. Arms or SMF @ 20% resil.

Warrior is 10x more difficult to play then DK.

If a SMF warrior blows both intercepts with Heroic Fury before a mage blinks.... the warrior is dead.

If a DK used Skill Strike instead of Cockroll Strike it doesn't matter. You will still have 4 death runes to spam HB whenever you feel like killing that mage.





Warrior has low Surv/Mobility if you keyboard turn.

If you play warrior. 40% resil and FC. Arms or SMF @ 20% resil.

Warrior is 10x more difficult to play then DK.

Warrior has low survability and mobility, it's a fact, it does not depend if you keyboard turn.

If you play a warrior on 40 % resilience you will still die into a deep freeze with your 13 k hp.

Arms or SMF with 20 resilience means you take around 7-8 k frostbolts plus a few finger of frost and you are dead, fact here as well.

Yes it is easier to play a Death Knight, but it does not change the fact that, everything > warrior at the moment.
Warrior has low survability and mobility, it's a fact, it does not depend if you keyboard turn.

If you play a warrior on 40 % resilience you will still die into a deep freeze with your 13 k hp.

Arms or SMF with 20 resilience means you take around 7-8 k frostbolts plus a few finger of frost and you are dead, fact here as well.

Yes it is harder to play than a Death Knight, but it does not change the fact that, everything > warrior at the moment.

Want me to make a 40% resil char dev with 22k HP RQ? And it is true. My mobility and Surv is fine.... and im fury. you must have made a warrior and failed so u made a rogue.

Btw. Everything > Warrior...

Lemme fix that.

Frost Mage/Prot Pally/Blood DK > Everything = Me on my warrior > Bad warriors and other terrible people.
Warrior has low survability and mobility, it's a fact, it does not depend if you keyboard turn.

If you play a warrior on 40 % resilience you will still die into a deep freeze with your 13 k hp.

Arms or SMF with 20 resilience means you take around 7-8 k frostbolts plus a few finger of frost and you are dead, fact here as well.

Yes it is harder to play than a Death Knight, but it does not change the fact that, everything > warrior at the moment.

wait what dk is harder then a warr? pretty sure playin a high rated warr is much higher skill cap @ 70 and 85 then a dk.
Yes please make such a chardev, that does not hit like a lvl 1 with a stick too please.

Its in the post above. Its quite nice. Isn't it?

@ OP. Sorry about the argument in your thread. Do whatever you feel comfortable doing. Nesyla posts in every thread spewing bullshit that she knows nothing about. She spends more time ramming bullshit on threads then playing her rogue. She thinks that OPINIONS of hers are FACTS! ALL OF IT! And she is so proud of her new title Community Leader she thinks that she is the greatest thing on the forums.

What i saw isn't all facts either. But i have exp on warrior. From my exp nothing she has said in this thread makes any sense. Warrior is bad atm. Compared to Prot Pally/Frost Mage/Blood DK. A good warrior can take down any shaman dps/most rets/any lock/most mages Arcane and Fire/Most shad priests yada yada. A warrior is prolly one of the best DPS if a pocket healer is with them. They req attention @ times if you are stunned with no shield or if Shield Wall is on CD. Warrior takes a lot of stance dancing to do great things.
Its in the post above. Its quite nice. Isn't it?

@ OP. Sorry about the argument in your thread. Do whatever you feel comfortable doing. Nesyla posts in every thread spewing bullshit that she knows nothing about. She spends more time ramming bullshit on threads then playing her rogue. She thinks that OPINIONS of hers are FACTS! ALL OF IT! And she is so proud of her new title Community Leader she thinks that she is the greatest thing on the forums.

That sir is a Protection warrior, not a fury or arms which you spoke about.

Wile for the OP part your forcing me to delete this part of the conversation who really dident bring anything usefull.

Get your facts straight please.

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