My mage chardev


Hello guys !

After leveling my old 70 mage to 80 to twink it, I've decided to re-level another 70 mage. It's already 70 and I've made a chardev which I'm not sure of.

Could you guys check it and tell me if anything's missing ?

Hello guys !

After leveling my old 70 mage to 80 to twink it, I've decided to re-level another 70 mage. It's already 70 and I've made a chardev which I'm not sure of.

Could you guys check it and tell me if anything's missing ?


TBH it really dont matter about ur gear, mage nuffsaid
( i play one just saving peeps the troubles of saying it )
TBH it really dont matter about ur gear, mage nuffsaid
( i play one just saving peeps the troubles of saying it )

I don't remember of askinf if my class was so OP that I don't need the right gears. I asked if everything was ok
lol this forum is so serious, you can't even make a joke instant delete post and incoming ban
If you think your post was deleted and that is did not break the Code of Conduct feel free to report it to any Moderator.

You don't even have to break the code of conduct. Some of the mods will ban people just because they don't like them.
You don't even have to break the code of conduct. Some of the mods will ban people just because they don't like them.

Moderators do not ban people cause " they dont like them ". That is not how it works, if you do not break the Code of Conduct there is no reason why you should be temporarily or permanently banned.

Not a great oppinion you have about the people who help the comunity to run this website and do more work than you can immagine in the background to make this a better place to either use or share informations.

There are as well Administrators who along with the staff members help to keep Twink Info at it's best and than again, the background work done is insane.
Moderators do not ban people cause " they dont like them ". That is not how it works, if you do not break the Code of Conduct there is no reason why you should be temporarily or permanently banned.

Not a great oppinion you have about the people who help the comunity to run this website and do more work than you can immagine in the background to make this a better place to either use or share informations.

There are as well Administrators who along with the staff members help to keep Twink Info at it's best and than again, the background work done is insane.

I am not trying to slight against anyone. It's just been the case were someone isn't doing anything wrong, and he gets banned just because the particular mod who got the report, doesn't like the guy. Then someone else comes along, does something much worse, and gets no punishment because the mods like him.

I think favoritism is the word I am looking for? None of these mods are paid to do this, so their 'job' is more of a hobby. I wouldn't expect them to be unbiased and fair. It definitely explains things when one mod comes along and bans someone, then another comes along and un bans them, then the first one turns around and bans them again. I have seen it happen more than once.
I am not trying to slight against anyone. It's just been the case were someone isn't doing anything wrong, and he gets banned just because the particular mod who got the report, doesn't like the guy. Then someone else comes along, does something much worse, and gets no punishment because the mods like him.

I think favoritism is the word I am looking for? None of these mods are paid to do this, so their 'job' is more of a hobby. I wouldn't expect them to be unbiased and fair. It definitely explains things when one mod comes along and bans someone, then another comes along and un bans them, then the first one turns around and bans them again. I have seen it happen more than once.

What your saying now is even more offensive than what you previously said. If someone does something wrong that breaks the Code of Conduct, no matter what sort of feeling the Moderators may have for him they are forced to award him with warning points, X warning points equals to Y.

And warning points are based on the infraction, not on personal judgement.
Sorry Camael, but from my perspective Gigzxx's summary in the post above sums up their work completely, they have no legal obligation i.e not paid for to maintain neutrality, indeed, in those instances where i've spoken to people off TI who have received bans/suspensions they have all been from the same mod. Granted that could simply be down to it being the 70-79 bracket moderator (of whom that is i have no clue), or instead it could be that they do indeed, seek vendetta's against posters. Now surely, these moderators cannot be on the forums the entire time, so when something occurs other mods deal with it, but from my experiences in relation to bans, those who give out the first ban, are the exact same moderator who delivers the second, moderators also don't take account of the positives that a person offers, thinking of Yow here, but his rogue guide was excellent, and despite myself and others asking for a sticky - it did not receive it, that and other contributions to the community have been overlooked in assigning punishments, i'm thinking from an entirely legal perspective here, but during sentencing, the defence ask the judge to consider the positives, those being the deeds that the defendant has done which are overwhelmingly positive.

Although this post is off topic, that shouldn't be the basis of deleting it.

These forums have turned into a ban and closed threadfest lately, and amongst the trolling, which is to be expected on a public forum, especially in relation to wow, the moderating policy is too strict imo. Congrats on your leadership role Nesyla - it was thoroughly deserved i suppose, but i can't help think to myself that everytime you post, you shouldn't have the powers that you do have. No offense to you, but your English isn't particularly great, you often misspell words - heck we all do, but when it comes to filtering through arguments and flame wars, i presume (thinking of Xavizi's thread from yesterday here) you just delete anything remotely non trolling, as opposed to editing. I mean i even pointed out to a fully fledged moderator the other day the indecency of posting private emails on a public forum, which he then went on to later edit out, but in turn couldn't be bothered to edit my post containing a quote of his with said emails in.

/rant out.
Sorry Camael, but from my perspective Gigzxx's summary in the post above sums up their work completely, they have no legal obligation i.e not paid for to maintain neutrality, indeed, in those instances where i've spoken to people off TI who have received bans/suspensions they have all been from the same mod. Granted that could simply be down to it being the 70-79 bracket moderator (of whom that is i have no clue), or instead it could be that they do indeed, seek vendetta's against posters. Now surely, these moderators cannot be on the forums the entire time, so when something occurs other mods deal with it, but from my experiences in relation to bans, those who give out the first ban, are the exact same moderator who delivers the second, moderators also don't take account of the positives that a person offers, thinking of Yow here, but his rogue guide was excellent, and despite myself and others asking for a sticky - it did not receive it, that and other contributions to the community have been overlooked in assigning punishments, i'm thinking from an entirely legal perspective here, but during sentencing, the defence ask the judge to consider the positives, those being the deeds that the defendant has done which are overwhelmingly positive.

They might not have any legal obligation but they do have to follow the Code of Conduct, if someone doesn't do anything wrong, a moderator can not and will not even consider a ban or a warning, since there would be no reason to do so.

You mention the fact that moderators who ban someone once, are the ones that do it the second time, i'd like to take your attention on :

Circumventing a Suspension / Ban

This category includes :
  • Posting on another account during the ban period of another account thought to belong to you
  • Having someone post on your behalf

If a member is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
  • Be given an appropriate number of infraction points or a temporary/extended ban from the forums, depending upon severity.

Most people who do get a ban, are usually those who will create a second account right away to either discuss, whine over the ban. By doing so they do infract the code of conduct which often leads to a ban on the second account and a longer term on the first ban. Moderators are the first ones to be happy when someone does something positive for the community, i can not and will not discuss about Yow as i do know what happened and for what reason he was warned / account suspended. But a positive thread, does not justify a negative one. If someone makes a guide for every single class avaible but than decides to make just one thread relative to any arguement who might activate as many points as a day ban requires, he will be banned.

Yow's guide should have not even been posted in this forum, but in the guide forum, a sticky here would be wrong wile what you should have done is ask a Moderator to move it in the right section and than eventually sticky it.

Although this post is off topic, that shouldn't be the basis of deleting it.

These forums have turned into a ban and closed threadfest lately, and amongst the trolling, which is to be expected on a public forum, especially in relation to wow, the moderating policy is too strict imo. Congrats on your leadership role Nesyla - it was thoroughly deserved i suppose, but i can't help think to myself that everytime you post, you shouldn't have the powers that you do have. No offense to you, but your English isn't particularly great, you often misspell words - heck we all do, but when it comes to filtering through arguments and flame wars, i presume (thinking of Xavizi's thread from yesterday here) you just delete anything remotely non trolling, as opposed to editing. I mean i even pointed out to a fully fledged moderator the other day the indecency of posting private emails on a public forum, which he then went on to later edit out, but in turn couldn't be bothered to edit my post containing a quote of his with said emails in.

/rant out.

I would love to show you the ammount of posts i'm forced to delete as completely troll and or vulgar / offensive, you might as well agree or disagree on the position i have been given, but that should not affect the way you consider the rank i have, i am at the bottom of the staff pile, both Moderators and Administrators are above me and judge my work, if you think i am doing it wrong, you can discuss it with them, if you think you are the best person to do such a role you can apply as mentioned in the link at the bottom of my signature.

You mention Xavizi thread where i had to pretty much delete everything because they went on for 2 pages, insulting each other, is there any point in me leaving such posts ? Does the Community really have to read such nonsense ?

Yes i did see your post about emails in forums, but than again, that is not something that regards me, I do not have the power to edit posts and it's not that he might not have been bothered enought, but he probably just did not see it, each day there are a lot of reports being done and if Moderators had to read every single post it would be a no end work.

radiosninthaccount said:
/nine accounts

Here is another clear example, nine accounts being done instead of waiting on the first account ban to expire, and this will end in another ban and a longer term on the first 9.

Yes, it's probably the same moderator that has banned him 9 times and will probably ban him 9 more times if he does not stop and keeps on being a troll for these forums and a non helpfull member on these forums.

To end it, this is the 70's section, this is not the tavern, if you want to go off topic and have a good fun with friends, you go in the Tavern.

Obviously a bit of fun - jokes is accepted as it's normal, as long as they are funny.

And when i say funny i mean from an objective point of view, not subjective.
@ original trolling - there is a difference between a joke and an insult, your comment was on the wrong side of that line.

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes both clear and masked language, images and/or links to websites containing such language which:
  • ...
  • Are not immediately obvious to all, involved or not, that it is “banterâ€￾


W.R.T. Forum policing, I'm going to summarise it as concisely as possible here. Let me know if i missed anything out:
  • We do not ban, infract, warn or anything else arbitrarily. We have a set of guidelines that is followed. Obviously each incident is inherently different, but we do endeavour to keep consistency high.
  • Personal grievances are not supposed to hold any weight when moderating. This does not mean to say that a moderator will not take into account the member's past record, they can and should, but they should not be emotionally affected in their decision making.
  • Bias is kept as low as possible too. As an example, I once banned my GM here for a short period. Not terribly good evidence I know, but take it or leave it.
  • @ban, unban, reban... pics or it didn't happen. I can't bring to mind an incident like that. It may be that a certain member was temp banned, that ban expired and the member the earned another ban. this happens pretty frequently.
  • @Taking into account member positives: No, generally we do not. You cannot earn the right to troll on these forums simply by producing a guide for the site. We do very much appreciate every guide written for the site and we try to make it worthwhile to write them by granting MVP status and the like, but we cannot give out the equivalent of Get Out Of Jail Free cards. It would ruin the site's moderation.
  • Finally, if you think that a staff member has acted inappropriately then contact me directly. I am the Head Moderation and therefore any moderation issues ultimately are my responsibility. If you think a CL, Mod or Admin has been too zealous, overlooked something or otherwise acted inappropriately then tell me.

the background work done is insane

Damn straight.

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