Hey guys i twink lvl 19 but ive noticed an uproar in 70's on my server and i was wondering,

what class is the most op and the most underpowered and which class is not really represented in the 70

community because im thinking about bringing up a charecter but i wanna play somthing unique.
mage most op , rogue 2nd most op , war is most underpowerd followed by hunter , not represented class i would say shaman i never see any good shamans
mage most op , rogue 2nd most op , war is most underpowerd followed by hunter , not represented class i would say shaman i never see any good shamans

^^ all true

should roll a warlock
heaps of fun and if your skilled enough you can go somewhere playing one unlike a warrior you just get raped
Thanks for the feedback i was thinking a shaman or warlock would be the least represented ill look at both classes and pick which 1 i would reather do
resto shaman getting a buff in 4.3 so will be a great class !
Ya im leaning towards shaman although i was thinking of going enhance idk anyone know what the "better spec" for dps as a shaman is??
enhance is for sure the most underpowerd at 70 , while at 71 if you know how to play with dual niflears is one of most op (but only nubs got past 70!) resto / ele i would recommend
Here is a good class overview at 70 I highly suggest you check out.


BM hunters are a very bursty class at 70 but easily countered by a rogue. Here is a hunter I found on my server. http://us.battle.net...ls/Liraa/simple

Rogues with a tazik shocker are very viable when used at the right time

Disc priests are very difficult to kill because of their resil stacking, while shadow priests and affliction warlocks can be powerful because of UA and Vampyric Touch.

Frost mage is another overpowered class because of their shatters (a frostbolt immediately followed by an ice lance w/ fingers of frost up) Which makes a great combo with a rogue in 2s because of the CC capability and the spellsteals.

Resto druids are pretty decent at this level as long as you keep a hot on yourself at all times incase of a hard switch in arenas. Where druids really excel in my opinion is being able to hot and go bear form to avoid mana burns.

Resto shamans are between decent and OP at this level. They are very hard targets to kill and cc with tremor and stoneclaw totems.

Warriors are very squishy at this level and not very OP in my opinion.

Death knights are very squishy but can 2 shot just about any class. Had a dk do 90k damage in a 2 minute 3s not too long ago.

Paladins are slightly underpowered in ret because of the lack of wings. But make it up with self heals. In holy you get a holy power everytime you are stunned I believe letting you go from 0%-100% fairly easy. Prot does alot of burst as well.

I know, this post is just my thoughts in a nutshell but I thought I'd express my opinions.
Here is a good class overview at 70 I highly suggest you check out.


BM hunters are a very bursty class at 70 but easily countered by a rogue. Here is a hunter I found on my server. http://us.battle.net...ls/Liraa/simple

Rogues with a tazik shocker are very viable when used at the right time

Disc priests are very difficult to kill because of their resil stacking, while shadow priests and affliction warlocks can be powerful because of UA and Vampyric Touch.

Frost mage is another overpowered class because of their shatters (a frostbolt immediately followed by an ice lance w/ fingers of frost up) Which makes a great combo with a rogue in 2s because of the CC capability and the spellsteals.

Resto druids are pretty decent at this level as long as you keep a hot on yourself at all times incase of a hard switch in arenas. Where druids really excel in my opinion is being able to hot and go bear form to avoid mana burns.

Resto shamans are between decent and OP at this level. They are very hard targets to kill and cc with tremor and stoneclaw totems.

Warriors are very squishy at this level and not very OP in my opinion.

Death knights are very squishy but can 2 shot just about any class. Had a dk do 90k damage in a 2 minute 3s not too long ago.

Paladins are slightly underpowered in ret because of the lack of wings. But make it up with self heals. In holy you get a holy power everytime you are stunned I believe letting you go from 0%-100% fairly easy. Prot does alot of burst as well.

I know, this post is just my thoughts in a nutshell but I thought I'd express my opinions.

roll a dk , maybe 3-4 decent dks out there

met a hunter in bgs yesterday , 9k chimera 7 k tazik overkill on me 2times >>
roll a dk , maybe 3-4 decent dks out there

met a hunter in bgs yesterday , 9k chimera 7 k tazik overkill on me 2times >>

jelous a pve hero kileld u?
tbh tho we have all had the occasional pve hero get the random tazik + arcane blast 4 stack or aimshot / chim shot at least once
I hate dk's im so terrible at them so i think ill pass on that i had a 67 shaman and im waiting on blizz to get him back to me cause i deleted him

so ya ill be up in running in a couple of weeks will see how school works out first haha.
Shamans are fun @ 70. Pick a spec, it really doesn't matter.
resto shaman getting a buff in 4.3 so will be a great class !

Implying it hasn't been borderline retardedly OP for the past 2 seasons?
I'm going elemental/resto but mainly going elemental because i have no 85 healz and im not sure how good ill be on em haha.

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