Loads of 70 Priest Questions


First, please, I'm not trying to be rude but if your spec, gems or gear is just totally random or unfinished and you don't have any sort of respectable achievements or ratings don't bother posting your opinion. I have no issues with you linking other armories or anything but as for your own personal opinion, please, keep it to yourself.

Please list why you reply with what you reply with. Links, comparisons of %'s, etc....

1. Best PvE spec for BT and Sunwell as a healer? Disc VS Holy. Which glyphs? Straight Int or Int/Haste for certain socket bonuses? Enchants? Meta gem?

2. Best Disc PvP spec and glyphs? (BG, 2s and 3s)

Twin Disciplines VS Mental Agility VS Reflective Shield VS Borrowed Time VS PW: Barrier.

1, 2 or 0 points in the PW:S talent?

3. Best Shadow PvP and/or PvE spec? Same questions as above for PvP and PvE.

4. BiS PvE list for Shadow and/or Disc PvP? I know disc PvP stacks resil, but what secondary stat after resil? Haste VS crit?

5. PvP addons? I have a few already but a quick list of essentials for priest/healer specifically would be great.

Will add more and refine when I get home.

Apologies for lack of structure/categorization, I'm posting at work on a phone
When you say " Spec" do you mean just the talent choise, or are you interested in the gear as well ?

Cause in fact of gear, there are two sticky at the top of this section ( 70 - 79 ) that contain some very usefull information you might want to check out.

Holy Spec Here.

Discipline Spec Here.

Feel free to check the glyphs and the talents, i'm quite sure on them being right at a 99 %.

Wile for the Player vs. Player part you will most likely want to ask Vapriest to check this thread and share his oppinion, he is by far one of the best priests i have seen around.

Pvp addon's other than Gladius and Interupt bar i cant help.

Hope i helped a bit, if i can do anything else just ask ( i sadly cant help with shadow as i'm ignorant as hell on that subject )

Good luck !
Thanks Camael /kiss
I can give you my thoughts into the PvP side of things, imo the way you gear and gem is completely depending on your own playstyle and indeed your comp, for example, if you find that your comp requires lots of offensive dispelling then you'll be wanting that 4% hit cap, furthermore if you feel that hitting fears is gamebreaking you'll sacrifice other stats for hitting the 97 hard cap (which imo is advisable as literally every team in 2s and 3s has atleast 1 mage in it)

The spec is possibly the only thing of a PvP disc priest that most adhere too - which will be in the link to my character at the end, the only debateable area is 3/3 Mental Agility vs 3/3 Twin Disciplines - for me, better mana control > more healing, the glyphs are also the same, apart from one major glyph - i choose fear ward over the PoM glyph - simply because in the comps i run outplaying the other priest by having FW up earlier is a huge advantage - again that is up to your own personal opinion.

In terms of addons i don't use that many, i'll edit this part when i get a chance to relog and give you the full list, but for now here it goes:

OmniCC (shows the CD on your spells, with a countdown, makes communication easier and quicker)

Afflicted (requires personalising and adding a few interupts but it suits me, alternatively you can use InteruptBar, does the same job but the interupts are permanently on show which imo makes recognising their use harder)

LoseControl (shows cc on nameplates of enemies and allies making dispelling easier)

RSA (priest only) - shows priest specific cd's and gives whispers to people when you use certain big cooldowns on them i.e fear ward.

Gladius (I used to use this until blizzard allowed you to muck around with their own frames, again requires personalising)

For gearsets, i'd suggest you check out a couple of priests, all on the EU and check the sticky at the top of the bracket forums:



Reflective shield is useful for bgs and duels, but most definitely not needed in arena. In terms of gear - you need to take into account all of the above and have the rng gods dropping the items you need.

Currently i'm waiting on Skull of Guldan and the sunwell wand to drop so i can swap round some bits of gear - but yep aim for as much resi as you can, in terms of secondary stat, crit gives Divine Aegis (which you should be speccing for), haste improves renew ticks and reduces chance of interuptions. Personally i choose haste over crit, but i've never actually chosen one item over another simply because of that.

If you've read this far, i'm the highest rated legit team in the EU as rogue/priest at 2603 and i don't have tazik, played 40-1 in 3s as heroic rls after shadow dispel nerf, played a 70 priest since the end of season 8 and not by my own acclaim one of the best disc priests in the EU, if you have any more questions post them here and i'll try my best to answer

http://eu.battle.net...Vapriest/simple <- My armoury.

Edit: Figured i'd add in a helpful tip, seeing as afaik i'm the only person doing this atm - if you can get your hands on a second Golden Staff of the Sindorei - chuck 3 20 spirit gems and 45 spirit enchant onto it, gives 66 mp5 whilst in combat, also added in some more addons.
Edit: Figured i'd add in a helpful tip, seeing as afaik i'm the only person doing this atm - if you can get your hands on a second Golden Staff of the Sindorei - chuck 3 20 spirit gems and 45 spirit enchant onto it, gives 66 mp5 whilst in combat, also added in some more addons.

Been doing this since I made my druid 70 from 60 a long time ago (although I made do with staff from Heroic MGT as I do not raid on her). I was under the impression this was nothing special and was well known.

According to you apparently not...
Having 2 points in Soul Warding seems like a waste to me, especially for 2s. When will you ever need to Shield yourself and your partner back to back enough that that .5 seconds you will gain would be worth taking over a point into Reflective Shield?

Also seems like 2% damage/healing would be a pretty minimal effect VS that 2nd point into Reflective Shield. That's like 5k damage every shield. Seems like that's a lot of damage in certain burst situations?

Why do you put 3x resil in Chest and a Red in another socket, rather than Int/Resil in two sockets and gaining socket bonus? Gets you 4 more resil.
Soul Warding: Only having a 13 sec cd is often key to surviving vs burst from classes such as mages/rogues, whereas the damage output from reflect shield is nice, if you're not getting sat on it's useless and at the end of the day, surviving > damage in my book.

If there's a red in another socket then i'm most likely in wrong gearset on armoury, just looked back at my current gear and i have 20 resi in every socket except head which is +10 stats for the meta activation and spell pen gems for hardcap

Edit to match your edit
: My gear, PW:S is 7.4k absorb, so 1 point in reflective shield would be giving 1.5k damage, which in a bursty situation wouldn't be that effective unless a team was playing madly offensive bursting you when they were indeed themselves low, 2 points would be under 3k, and when you take into account that burst happens (mages/rogues here) every 30 and 60 seconds respectively, 2 of those shields will do little damage vs mages and 4 vs rogues. I do see your point about 2% being minimal, but personally i would stick without reflective shield, though it is imba for dueling rogues
I didn't realize Soul Warding reduced the debuff from PW:S? I thought it was only the CD on PW:S which is only 3 seconds now?

That was one of the other armouries I guess.

If they sit on you, or your partner, that's 5k damage per PW:S. I dunno, I just can't see 2% healing being better than 5k-10k damage every 15 seconds >.>

I also notice almost every other Priest I've armouried uses the 21 Int chance on cast for mana Meta. Why do you use the one you have?
Sorry my mistake, im fucking tired lol, 3:20 am, going to bed in a minute. Having shield up on an instant is rather crucial to surviving burst in the bracket, for example, if you shield your partner as a kinda pre-burst, and they switch to you, as disc no shield for an opening burst often results in death or indeed atleast a trinket if not trinket + ps.

And indeed, but that 5k dps will be gradual, providing it's not burst, nice granted, but not really useful versus any comp except double dps, and right now besides unusual comps, the only teams i'm meeting at 2.4k mmr with double dps are double mages.

I use the meta because i feel that although 21 intellect is nice, it's not exactly needed one flash heal crit heals most classes to full, which indeed the crit helps with in a sense. Yes, it's completely rng on the reflect, but so is the chance to restore mana on spellcast and imo when you way the two up against each other reflect comes out on top. It reflects everything in the global which it procs - i.e it can reflect frostbolt, ice lance tazik or indeed anything else. Though i've noticed it often procs most against HoJ and occassionnally polymorph if i mess up on death/los'ing
With your Haste I dunno, but with my Haste having a 2 second PW:S CD is barely slower than GCD. Having the 1 second seems like overkill to me. That 1 point there and 1 point in TD gives you 2/2 RS. Yea, maybe it's fairly situation but /meh. I dunno.

I guess I agree with the meta though =o and SR'ing people is always :LUL:Z.
Edit: Figured i'd add in a helpful tip, seeing as afaik i'm the only person doing this atm - if you can get your hands on a second Golden Staff of the Sindorei - chuck 3 20 spirit gems and 45 spirit enchant onto it, gives 66 mp5 whilst in combat, also added in some more addons.

Cute to see you spread my tips xoxoxo
OMG LOL, you need help playing 70? about as low as it gets right.. zomfg I can't play 70 lets ask for help.. number one tip: learn to fucking play.. I mean its not fucking hard just smash some buttons kill some noobs and then ur done.. don't backpedal, or keyboard turn.. despite what camael may tell you.. its bad. Shadow word death blinds or gtfo, if you can't do that then I mean really.. just quit. quit now.
OMG LOL, you need help playing 70? about as low as it gets right.. zomfg I can't play 70 lets ask for help.. number one tip: learn to fucking play.. I mean its not fucking hard just smash some buttons kill some noobs and then ur done.. don't backpedal, or keyboard turn.. despite what camael may tell you.. its bad. Shadow word death blinds or gtfo, if you can't do that then I mean really.. just quit. quit now.

boy if u wanna troll, get another winrate than 80% on 1.5k rating, sad to say it but vapriest would probably woop ur ass
OMG LOL, you need help playing 70? about as low as it gets right.. zomfg I can't play 70 lets ask for help.. number one tip: learn to fucking play.. I mean its not fucking hard just smash some buttons kill some noobs and then ur done.. don't backpedal, or keyboard turn.. despite what camael may tell you.. its bad. Shadow word death blinds or gtfo, if you can't do that then I mean really.. just quit. quit now.

Why do you feel the need to insert my name in every lame, useless, lie, crappy, annoying, stupid and mentail damaged post you do ?

Just a question i'v been asking my self.

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