`Taylorswift 1

vid aint showin for me
double click it comes up with youtube, works from there
How in any way was that trolly i cant help if other people post like that jk , and i made it clear i think double click to youtube lame excuse mr.moderatorx
How in any way was that trolly i cant help if other people post like that jk , and i made it clear i think double click to youtube lame excuse mr.moderatorx

Too bad you changed your thread, was fun to see how you gave the fault to me.

lame excuse mr.moderatorx

Why would a moderator need an excuse to lock your thread that was full of trolls ?
You guys are such high maintenance sometimes ^^

And you didn't make it that clear when I first read the thread. Anyway, play nice in this thread and you can keep it.
that was very uninteresting to watch

I wasn't sure if you just had a poor ability to pick out good clips or just cant make death knight gameplay at that level interesting with the low skillcap dks has
well played, wish the mage didn't fall at the end though would have been interested to see what would've happened
More 1v1 + 1v2 + 1v3 KO's please. The mage running away from you with 647 health left at the beginning was cute, but not worth putting in a vid.

The 1v2 that was near the beginning was great. the one in the doghouse in WSG was meh, cuz u had help. The arenas were god awful. Put in a few second clip of some close calls, then slow-mo the last bit where the mage blinks, runs too far off the stage and gets out of LOS with his healer and you trounce his ass. Overall the vid was too long, with not good enough clips. Waiting anxiously for a do over!
watching that dks dont really seam fun to play (but ive hated dks from the first day they came out)

Well, you alternate between Howling blast, Obliterate (BOOM EIGHT KAY), Frost strike, Rotate defensive cooldowns, and possibly chains of ice to peel off partner, or somthing. Bit of a stereo-type, but still.

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