Life Tuesday at 1:17 AM 35's <MAIN PROG 25MAN HEROIC BASTION OF TWILIGHT!> Come RAID with your favorite low level guild in retail wow!!
35's <MAIN PROG 25MAN HEROIC BASTION OF TWILIGHT!> Come RAID with your favorite low level guild in retail wow!!
Fry Monday at 10:38 PM No questions asked but i need you all to queue alliance and not horde next Sunday, plssss
Sketchbag Sunday at 11:48 AM WTB ilvl 141 Intellect + Versatility socketed trinket! x2. Bleeding Hollow. PST
Sponsor Friday at 11:27 PM Wow servers crashed from a DDoS. Guessing we'll be seeing more posts on Reddit about dead HC toons to DCs.
Wow servers crashed from a DDoS. Guessing we'll be seeing more posts on Reddit about dead HC toons to DCs.