The War Within F2P Baseline Guide


The BiS Llama
Well, here we go again...

Hi all, it's Doob - your favorite BiS Llama, back with a brand new thread to bookmark. The Dragonflight F2P Baseline Guide became a go-to place for most F2Ps and Vets in the last year and a half, so I guess a TWW version also needs to pop up. A bunch of the information in the DF Guide is still relevant, so I won't be copying everything (for now, maybe in the future), but instead go through the main changes we saw with the TWW Prepatch. Just for reference, I will be linking every section of the old guide here, for people that are new and need to catch up.

Buckle up, it's a wild one!

TL;DR - BiS Gear Guide

0. The state of F2P and the 20-29 bracket

PVP is an unknown as of now. Pops are few and far between because people are busy with Remix, Prepatch, TWW, farming gear etc. I will update you once the waters calm.

PVE is having a blast, with a whole new continent full of quests, achievements and rewards. F2P characters can do stuff mostly in the Walking Shores, Ohn'ahran Plains and some of The Azure Span. If you are a Vet (with access to a high-level character), by completing Moving On you will unlock Adventure Mode which lets your lvl 20 alts do almost everything on the continent. Gearing-wise - the only known benefit (as of now) are a few DF necks, which may or may not be BiS for your char.

By far the most influential change in this expansion is the newly added Warband Bank. It makes F2P lives a ton easier by allowing (!) account-wide transfer of items, gold and reagents (!). For the first time in F2P history, you can give and receive items (even if it's only between your toons). Unlocking the Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor provides on-demand access to all your goodies go. Oh, and did I mention all characters lvl 10 or higher CAN FRIKING FLY?! IN 2 DIFFERENT MODES?! Anyway, more on that later.

1. Class and Race

We now have access to Dracthyr Evokers - the first new class this bracket has seen since the Demon Hunters became a thing! Other than that - nothing has changed. Still no Allied Races available to F2Ps, but they are still available to Vets (once unlocked on a high-level character).

2. Getting to 20

(!) All quest rewards, mob drops, and dungeon loot are scaling to your current level, so don't complete any important quests, and don't loot anything that is not repeatably lootable until you hit 20. (!)

The only thing to add here is the Dragonflight intro - The Dragon Isles Await, which is something you may want to do in addition to the old expansion campaigns.

3. Once you hit 20

(!) Do not lock your XP. It is a well-known bug that if a F2P locks XP, the character won't be able to participate in Battlegrounds. If you somehow get in this situation, write a ticket explaining that even if you spend 10 gold, the XP is not turned on and ask the GM to turn it on for you. It's a bit of a hit-and-miss but the approach is still working, confirming a GM Xp unlock as recently as March 2024 (!)

You no longer need Darkmoon Cannon or Gnomish Gravity Well, because we now have full world access to Expert Riding and Skyriding (the new term for Dragonriding), with the option to Switch Flight Style whenever you decide. Yes, that also means druids get their Flight Form! F2P characters can use 4 Vigor points, while Vets have access to everything they have on their high-level characters.

A new 34-slot bag was added - the Misty Satchel, which can be easily looted from the Misty Treasure Chest. Also, Wildercloth Bag is now an alternative to the tried and tested Lightless Silk Pouch. And lastly, finally a big reagent bag - Simply Stitched Reagent Bag.

On the gold spending front, the new priority would be stacking as much gold in your Warband Bank as possible, allowing you to unlock more tabs (first - 1k, second - 25k, third - 100k are all possible), while still acting like a literal bank, rendering gold sinks like the infamous Elixir of Tongues useless.
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4. Gearing

4.1. Dungeon Gear

Things have changed, mostly for the better. Mindless WOD farming is now mostly gone (keep all your WoD gear, you never know what changes the next patch/expansion will bring) and is replaced by mindless TBC / WoTLK / Legion / BFA / DF (and some WOD) farming. Fresh! TWW brings a lot more consistent ilvl scaling than what we saw in Dragonflight. Now every item (outside of the DF dungeons for some reason), including trash/boss drops and quest rewards, follows the same pattern - uncommon and rare-quality items scale to ilvl 84, while epic items scale to ilvl 89. The 5 ilvls no longer result in a big enough stats difference to compensate for the opportunity cost of missing 2/3 gem sockets, which means TBC dungeon gear is back to being your best option for most slots.

The same upgrade rules apply - every dungeon item can roll a Tertiary Stat, while only some slots (head, waist, bracers, neck, rings) can roll an additional Socket. While Tertiary Stats (mainly speed, as leech got nerfed) are cool, an extra Socket provides much more value (either 13 speed or 4 main stat), so if you decide to go for procs after you are done with your initial build, go for the Socket procs first. The white stats (main, stamina, armor) are equal across the board for the same ilvl items but secondaries differ, so instead of a definitive BiS list, you can mix and match depending on your class and playstyle priorities. Wowhead is inconsistent with filtering for those items, so open your Dungeon Journal, select your class and spec, choose a slot and go through TBC dungeons to see all the available options filtered. Bonus ease if you are using Brihan's F2P Dungeon Journal Cleaner to hide all the unavailable dungeons (or check here).

Some notes:
- TBC helms with 3 sockets like the Raven-Heart Headdress may still proc additional Socket as per the rule, but the 4th socket is not visible in the UI and is not known to be usable in any way.
- TBC / WoTLK / WoD rings have some main + some secondary stats instead of a bunch of secondaries. For that reason, Classic / MOP / Legion / BFA / SL rings with Socket and Tertiary are considered BiS.
- Socket availability is as follows:
3 - Chest, Legs, Head, 2H Weap, Waist*, Neck**
2 - Shoulders, Gloves, Boots, Bracers*, 1H Weap
1 - Cloak, Rings, 1H Weap*, Off Hand*
Meta gems - Head
* Socket proc | ** JC recipe

4.2. Quest Gear

Quest rewards with sockets may still proc an epic ilvl 89 upgrade, but the stat difference, compared to regular TBC boss drops with the same number of sockets (which can also proc a Tertiary) is smaller, so most of those rewards are not considered BiS anymore and definitely not worth rerolling for. Other than the infamous 4 dungeon ones (The End of the Exarch, The Soul Devices, Into the Heart of the Labyrinth, Escape from Durnholde) there are 5 more (now scale to the same ilvl, even outside of dungeons) in case you have some time to spend and want to give them a shot.

Saving the Sporeloks
The Terror of Marshlight Lake (A) / Pursuing Terrorclaw (H)
Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know (A) / Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know (H)
The Plume of Alystros
The Yeti Next Door (A) / Mimicking Nature's Call (H)

Outside those quests, there is hardly ever worth mentioning, excluding the occasional meme trinket/weapon.

4.3. Classic Dungeon Epic Drops

Those are still scaling well, but excluding a couple of weapons, they are not considered BiS anymore
Runeblade of Baron Rivendare, Sul'thraze the Lasher, Treant's Bane, Dragon's Call, Ironfoe, Blade of Eternal Darkness
Book of the Dead, Circle of Flame, Embrace of the Wind Serpent, Savage Gladiator Chain, Mark of the Dragon Lord

4.4. Rare Mobs, Chests, Professions, Vendor and PVP Creates

The rare mob drops scaling is fixed and in some cases (usually the repeatable once-per-day drops) we can farm Socket / Tertiary Stat. The only slots worth considering are cloaks, weapons and trinkets (no Socket version of those slots is usually available). An exception to this rule are the Dragonflight rare mobs that drop rare necks like the Forgotten Creation, which drops Amnesia. Those scale to the correct ilvl of 84 (instead of the bugged ilvl of 79 like all Dragonflight dungeon drops) and are still eligible for Tiered Medallion Setting x3.

BFA Rares drop once per character rare-quality items (ilvl 84), and as mentioned, they can proc a Socket / Tertiary Stat (with a pretty good chance of ~20 %) in every slot (not only the 5 dungeon socket slots). Think about those as a quest that once per char may grant you a cool upgrade. They are not worth rerolling for, there are repeatable options that provide similar stats, but give them a shot whenever you have the time. A good filter for everything that you can get can be found HERE (by @Stim)

WoD Rares - there are 2 kinds of those:
- Regular rares, that drop once per character rare-quality items (ilvl 84) with a chance to proc an epic ilvl 89 upgrade. Most of those (excluding some trinkets) are not worth much, you can ignore them. A Socket / Tertiary Stat has not been seen and we believe those are not available to us.
- Apexis rares on the other hand work just like a daily quest - you do have a once-per-day chance (not 100 %) to loot an item and it can proc all 3 known upgrades - Socket, Tertiary Stat or Warforge. The "Warforged" proc is visual only - you get the text but no quality, ilvl or stats upgrade happens. The Socket one is the main thing to note here, providing F2Ps with a relatively easy, farmable way to get your last ilvl 84 Socket slots! More details can be found HERE (by @CigNus), but some repeatable rares are missing from this list. All of them can be seen by using this addon - it marks repeatable rares with a purple scull on the map (while regular rares are marked with a white scull)

(!) NEW (!) 4.5. BoE Uncommon (BFA / Legion) and Epic (Legion) drops

A long-forgotten set of items is back on the menu, coming with its own mindless farming method (you can check the best spots in a great Guide by @Jonnes, but ignore all character level/item level recommendations, things have changed since then). Basically, Uncommon items that drop from random mobs in BFA and Legion can proc a Socket / Tertiary Stat (or both) in every single slot and their scaling is close (ilvl 72 for F2Ps) or equal (ilvl 84 for Vets) to the rare-quality items we will usually use, which makes them BiS contenders (together with WoD / BFA rares) for slots where no socketed item is available - Agi Cloaks, Int Weapon, Int Off Hand. Also worth considering are Rings and Trinkets, even tho there are better (or at least easier to get) options out there.

*In order to get the ilvl 84 version, the farm needs to be done оn a lvl 21 - 23 character, so those are available only to Vets. F2Ps will get drops of ilvl 72, but with the Socket / Tertiary Stat availability, those will still be considered BiS. Also, keep in mind that while Cloaks are farmable in both BFA and Legion (but only Legion can proc single stat versions like Adaptable), Weapons / Offhands drop in BFA only and Rings / Trinkets drop in Legion only.

4.6. Gearing summary by slots

Slot:BiS Summary:Example Leather Agi (Mastery > Vers >= Crit > Haste)Example Leather Int (Vers >= Crit > Mastery > Haste)
HeadMeta Gem TBC boss rare + Socket + SpeedWastewalker HelmHelm of Anomalus
ShoulderTBC boss rare + Speed
*or epic proc quest reward with sockets
Moonglade ShouldersMoonglade Shoulders
ChestTBC boss rare + Speed
*or epic proc quest reward with sockets
Moonglade RobeMoonglade Robe
LegsTBC boss rare + Speed
*or epic proc quest reward with sockets
Moonchild LeggingsMoonchild Leggings
HandsTBC boss rare + Speed
*or epic proc quest reward with sockets
Wastewalker GlovesStarlight Gauntlets
BootsTBC boss rare + Speed
*or epic proc quest reward with sockets
Boots of the Shifting SandsSpymistress' Boots
WaistTBC boss rare + Socket + SpeedLiar's CordLiar's Cord
BracersWoD boss epic + Socket + Speed
(Int only) Verdisa's Cuffs of Dreaming + Socket + Speed
Crystalbinder WristguardsVerdisa's Cuffs of Dreaming
CloakWoD Apexis rare + Socket + Speed
Legion epic BoE + Socket + Speed
Legion uncommon BoE + Socket + Speed
(Int only) Reanimator's Cloak
Craven Coward's Cloak
Thunder Totem Cloak (Vet)
Reanimator's Cloak
Cloak of Martayl Oceanstrider
Thunder Totem Cloak (Vet)
NeckDF Rare mob rare Crystalized SigilLucky Hunting Charm
RingsClassic / MOP / Legion / BFA / SL boss rare + Socket + Speed
Legion epic BoE + Socket + Speed
Legion uncommon BoE + Socket + Speed
Loop of Eightfold Eyes
Jade Ophidian Band
Demar's Band of Amore
Thunder Totem Band (Vet)
Electrocutioner Lagnut
Seal of Rivendare
Sameed's Vision Ring
Thunder Totem Band (Vet)
WeaponWoD Apexis rare + Socket + Speed
WoD boss epic + Speed
TBC boss rare + Speed
BFA uncommon BoE + Socket + Speed
Depthroot's Forearm
Crushto's Neck Separator
Deepwarden Staff (Vet)
Crow Wing Reaper
Blackout Truncheon
Claw of the Watcher
Bal'ra's Compound Bow (Bow)
Cudgel of the Son of Goramal
Shadowspeaker's Shard
Blade of Eternal Darkness
Golden Fleet Mace (Vet)
Book of the Dead
Ironcrest Lantern (F2P)
Ironcrest Lantern (Vet)
Rockworm Carapace Shield (Shield)

4.7. Enchants

(!) Enchants tooltips (both on the profession screen and the enchanting scrolls) are not scaled correctly. You can check the correct value by applying the enchant on an item (or trying to apply it on an already enchanted item). (!)

A summary of every BiS enchant for Stamina, every primary stat and every secondary stat can be found in the table below. I have listed the correct stats bonus scaling for (lvl 20 / lvl 29) so that you can make decisions depending on if you are gearing for PVE or instanced PVP. In many cases, there are multiple enchants that provide the same stats bonuses. If so, I have chosen the easiest-to-obtain version for F2P characters (usually Vanilla / WoTLK / MoP / WoD, as they are WAY easier to level). I am also maintaining an Updated Spreadsheet Version in case you want to experiment.

Only Minor Speed of all the boots enchants stacks with racials like Quickness, abilities like Cat Form, talents like Trailblazer and other enchants like Gift of Versatility. Depending on your class and playstyle, you may depend on it or not find it helpful at all. If you find yourself in the second situation, consider one of the other speed + stat enchants (Tuskarr's Vitality, Blurred Speed, Pandaren's Step etc.) and Minor Power / Mighty Stamina to your cloak. Also, note that enchants marked with an asterisk (*) require knowing a profession to work, even after they are applied. That is not an issue because with the current scaling, Inscription is definitely better than Alchemy (both @ 20 and @ 29) and you should choose it alongside Engineering (for the various modifications like Frag Belt, Nitro Boosts and Goblin Glider).

If you have already enchanted your toon last expansion, the only changes to what was BiS in DF are:

- Agi Bracers - Greater Agility
- Int Bracers - Superior Spellpower
- Crit Bracers - Critical Strike
- Stam Boots - Fortitude
- Crit Boots - Precision
- Haste Boots - Haste

ShouldersMaster's Inscription of the Storm (4+1 / 5+2) *Master's Inscription of the Axe (3+2 / 4+3) *Master's Inscription of the Axe (3+2 / 4+3) *Inscription of the Earth Prince (3+1 / 5+2) *Inscription of Dominance (2 / 2)
Boon of the Zookeeper (effect)
Boon of the Scavenger (effect)
Swiftsteel Inscription (2+1 / 3+2) *
Master's Inscription of the Crag (3+2 / 4+3) *
Felfire Inscription (2+1 / 3+2) *
ChestSuper Stats (3 / 5)Super Stats (3 / 5)Super Stats (3 / 5)Super Stats (3 / 5)Mighty Versatility (5 / 7)
LegsHeavy Leg Reinforcements (5+2 / 8+3)Primal Leg Reinforcements (3+2 / 5+3)Draconic Leg Reinforcements (3+2 / 5+3)Heavy Leg Reinforcements (5+2 / 8+3)Master's Spellthread (1+1 / 2+1) *
HandsMajor Spellpower (4 / 6)Major Agility (4/7)
Crusher (5 / 7)
Super Strength (5 / 7)-Superior Mastery (5 / 7)
Precision (4 / 7)
Greater Haste (5 / 7)
Boots-Greater Agility (4 / 5)Greater Assault (3 / 5)Fortitude (4 / 5)Minor Speed
Tuskarr's Vitality (3 / 4 + 10 % not stacking)
Blurred Speed (2 / 3 + 10 % not stacking)
Pandaren's Step (2 / 3 + 10 % not stacking)
Greater Versatility (3 / 4)
Precision (2 / 4)
Haste (2 / 4)
WaistFrag Belt *Frag Belt *Frag Belt *Nitro Boosts *Spinal Healing Injector *
Grounded Plasma Shield *
BracersSuperior Spellpower (4 / 5)Greater Agility (3 / 5)Superior Strength (5 / 7)Major Stamina (5 / 7)Mastery (3 / 4)
Superior Versatility (5 / 6)
Critical Strike (3 / 5)
Greater Speed (3 / 5)
CloakMinor Power (5 / 7)Minor Power (5 / 7)Minor Power (5 / 7)Mighty Stamina (3 / 5)Gift of Versatility / Gift of Mastery / Gift of Critical Strike/ Gift of Haste (1 / 2 + 2 % stacking)
Critical Strike (3 / 5)
Greater Speed (3 / 5)
Goblin Glider *
NeckTiered Medallion Setting
Mark of the Hidden Satyr (untested)
Tiered Medallion Setting
Mark of the Trained Soldier (4 / 7)
Tiered Medallion Setting
Mark of the Claw (7+7 / 11+11 proc)
Tiered Medallion Setting
Mark of the Ancient Priestess (untested)
Mark of the Distant Army (untested)
Mark of the Heavy Hide (untested)
Breath of Versatility / Breath of Mastery / Breath of Critical Strike / Breath of Haste (1 / 2)
RingsAccord of Haste (4 / 5)Accord of Mastery (4 / 5)Accord of Critical Strike (4 / 5)Accord of Versatility (4 / 5)Pact of Versatility / Pact of Mastery / Pact of Critical Strike / Pact of Haste (2 / 3)
Gift of Versatility / Gift of Mastery / Gift of Critical Strike / Gift of Haste (1 / 2)
WeaponElemental Force (~50 dmg)
Major Spellpower (12 / 16)
Jade Spirit (16 / 24)
Elemental Force (~50 dmg)
Mighty Agility (13 / 20)
Superior Potency (8 / 12)
Landslide (20 / 31)
Superior Impact (weapon dmg)
Elemental Force (~50 dmg)
Massacre (13 / 20)
Superior Potency (8 / 12)
Crusader (36 + ~200 / 45 + ~400)
Coastal Surge (5x45)
Naga Hide (10+410 / untested)
Lifestealing (~35 dmg + ~35 heal proc)
Mending (~50)
Mark of Bleeding Hollow (24 / 37)
Mark of Shadowmoon (24 / 37)
Mark of the Frostwolf (24 / 37)
Mark of Warsong (48 / 74)
Gale-Force Striking (15% proc)
Windwalk (26 / untested + 10% proc)
OH / ShieldMajor Intellect (o+s) (5 / 7)--Major Stamina (s) (5 / 7)Mastery (s) (3 / 5)
Vitality (s) (4+4 / 5+5)
*Procs scaling is hard to test with no pops, I will update the values later.

4.8. Gems

BiS gems are pretty straightforward nowadays - Straddling Jewel Doublet + Revitalizing Jewel Doublet (Vet only) and filler Versatile Jewel Cluster / Masterful Jewel Cluster/ Quick Jewel Cluster/ Deadly Jewel Cluster gems in all other sockets to increase the doublet gems effect. If the item has multiple sockets, you need different types of gems (I.e. vers + mast + crit) in each socket to get them all to count. You don't need to do that tho. Because we are easily getting 12 socket items (even if we don't count the weapons and the trinkets), you should only put 1 cluster gem in each item (your most valuable secondary stat) to reach the instanced PVP speed cap (scaled to lvl 29) of 171 Speed. If you don't care about instanced PVP, even less cluster gems (7 or 8) are needed to reach the speed cap (49 %) of 111 Speed @ lvl 20.

Every other available socket should be filled with main stat gems. You have 3 main options:
1. Unique-Equipped gems:
- Nightmare Tear (WoTLK JC) - 2/4 All Stats tooltip is wrong, says 3 @ 20
- Jagged Deep Peridot (Mark of Honor Hold daily) - 3 Stam / 4 Crit
- (meta) Tense Unstable Diamond (Apexis Shard event, takes ~30 minutes) - 12 Crit
- (meta) Powerful Earthshatter Diamond - 3 / 5 stam

2. Single stat gems:
- For whatever reason, 2 specific epic gems scale better than anything else in the bracket - 4 @ lvl 20 / 4 @ lvl 29. Delicate Ornate Ruby and Brilliant Ornate Ruby are sold for 1 Mark of Honor, which is not a bad trade for a BiS gem. You can get 5x Mark of Honor from Orboreal Distinguishment for 2000 Honor from Seltherex or Purveyor Zo'kuul.
- TBC and Cata single stat epic gems scale normally to 3 Stam / Int / Agi / Str @ lvl 20 and 4 @ lvl 29 and are considered BiS for FC / Str DPS classes. Sadly, those are not available to F2Ps.
- WoTLK single stat epic gems scale normally to 3 @ lvl 20 / 4 @ lvl 29. While better options (PVP Vendor) exist for Int and Agi users, Str users should consider those BiS. It was found that the Stamina gem scales wrongly to 2/3 and is not BiS.
- WoTLK Stormjewel gems like Solid Stormjewel do scale correctly to 3 @ lvl 20 / 4 @ lvl 29, but only drop with a low chance from the Bag of Fishing Treasures, available from Northrend Dalaran Fishing Dailies or sold for 150 Timewarped Badges while Northrend Timewalking lasts. Prepare to spend a ton of badges, if you are building a BiS FC set. #RiPLlama

3. Double stat gems:
- All available double stat epic gems (PVP Vendor / TBC / WoTLK / Cata) scale to 2 / 2 both inside and outside battlegrounds. There are 100s of options, depending on your priorities, but you can use this filter to find out what you need. Keep in mind, F2Ps can only get the PVP Vendor (easy) and WoTLK (hard and slow) ones.
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5. Professions Rotation

(!) Keep in mind you need Pandaria LW (1 skill) to apply your BiS Legs enchant (no profession requirement after applying), so farm your legs before you occupy both of your profession slots so you don't have to drop and redo. (!)

The main point to be made here is that profession rotation is no longer needed. You can quickly level alts for each set of professions and move everything through the Warband Bank. Which is a huuuuge time saver! Other than that, nothing has changed but the addition of DF-level professions. The noteworthy mentions are Tiered Medallion Setting, Wildercloth Bag and Simply Stitched Reagent Bag. Nothing important gear-wise looks to be possible, but things like Azureweave Expedition Pack and Chronocloth Reagent Bag look cool. We are still figuring other things out, I will update you once we know more.

6. Resources, Addons, and Macros

6.1. Resources

Join the XPOff Discord, the WOW20 Discord and the Twinkcraft Discord. As far as I am aware those are the 3 main community hubs other than the XPOff website. And while we are praising the website, here is a list of cool threads that you may find helpful:

F2P Collection Website by @Conzil
F2P Traveler's Log Guide by @Conzil
How do I get that? by @CigNus
Reputation Guide - what is possible for 20-29s? by @Monkeyflip
An in-depth guide to speed scaling by @glancealot
All Specs Mastery Rundown by @Bop
General Weapon Theory Sheet by @mirrorbender

6.2. Addons

DejaCharacterStats - More detailed Character Stats Sheet.
Brihan's F2P Traveler's Log - Lets F2P accounts see and use the Traveler's Log to get Trader's Tender
Brihan's F2P Dungeon Journal Cleaner - Filters the Dungeon Journal to only show available dungeons.
Brihan's F2P AdBlock - Removes the F2P upsell banners
Loot Spec Swapper - Remembers your loot specialization changes per boss.
GatherMate2 - Database with all gathering points you may need.
HandyNotes - Map enhancer that lets you visualize points of interest (rares, chests, etc) from a database.
Master Plan - Garrison and Order Hall Interface upgrade.
Rarity - Helps keep track of different farms.
Leatrix Plus - UI enhancer.
Leatrix Maps - Every zone's map is actually visible to you even if you don't have it explored.
TomTom - Easy coordinates navigation.
BattleGroundEnemies - List of the enemy team with a bunch of useful information.
Capping Battleground Timers - Objective timer and dynamic score calculator for battlegrounds.

6.3. Macros

1 click dungeon leave macro.
/run C_PartyInfo.InviteUnit("a");C_Timer.After(1,function() C_PartyInfo.LeaveParty() end)

1 click dungeon reset.
/script ResetInstances();

Open the Garrison table from anywhere.
/script ShowGarrisonLandingPage(2)

Use a slot, not a specific item. Change the number for different slots. Waist - 6, Cloak - 15, Trinket 1 - 13, Trinket 2 - 14
#showtooltip 6
/use 6

7. Conclusion

Start gearing, keep exploring and see you in The Gulch!

- Doob

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May want to add a section on consumables. Since the update you are now able to use sharpening stones and oils on weapons now. Brilliant wizard oil is BIS but only an enchanter who learned the recipie before cata removed ZG can still make it so its very hard to find.
Great guide! I would add a note about using Follower Dungeons as a quick way to escape/reset dungeons as well. The NPCs will also give you buffs and put down a mage table for you too. Only available in DF or non-Chromie Time of course.

May want to add a section on consumables. Since the update you are now able to use sharpening stones and oils on weapons now. Brilliant wizard oil is BIS but only an enchanter who learned the recipie before cata removed ZG can still make it so its very hard to find. was actually made available again a few patches ago. However, it does require entering the ZG Cata dungeon and will not be available to F2Ps. Lifestealing was also re-added at some point as well when they re-introduced Old Scholomance, but not available as F2P either.
Are you sure, Flight Form works on level 20? What mode of "flying" do you need to be in?

I know that Evokers get Skyriding as their default during their starting area, but I have not been able to fly on my Druid without a mount?
Also to add, that the 34-slot Azureweave Expedition Pack is learnable with enough specialization points into Needlwork to make the required bolts, that DF Tailoring can make requires DF enchanting mats which besides at least one quest that gives one a container of DF mats of your choice, at least for F2P/Vet <= level 20 the DF disenchanting is not enabled yet.

So, making the Azureweave Bolt needs the Chromatic Dust as well as getting to the Azure Archive table (which luckily Skyriding/flying should help get there) for roughly a 10-hour cooldown per bolt depending on the specialization.
This appears to be incorrect. My with 3x is giving me 17 strength @20. Subtract the 8 from the base weapon, and you're getting 9 from the 3 gems.
I think it's based on the item, because I have had similar results with Cardinal and Spinel.

On my Vet account, I did encounter an oddity with a Remix Heirloom (the Hellscream's Warmace) I put in a Straddling Viridium (+9 Speed) and for giggles a Deadly Solstone (only showing +1), and I saw that my overall Intellect turned to Red and getting a -1 somewhere.

I did try a Cardinal or Spinel, each showing +4 until socketed then turned into this heirloom results is +1 each :O
May want to add a section on consumables. Since the update you are now able to use sharpening stones and oils on weapons now. Brilliant wizard oil is BIS but only an enchanter who learned the recipie before cata removed ZG can still make it so its very hard to find.
I decided to stick to gearing only, but it is something I may consider in the future, thanks!
Are you sure, Flight Form works on level 20? What mode of "flying" do you need to be in?

I know that Evokers get Skyriding as their default during their starting area, but I have not been able to fly on my Druid without a mount?

Also to add, that the 34-slot Azureweave Expedition Pack is learnable with enough specialization points into Needlwork to make the required bolts, that DF Tailoring can make requires DF enchanting mats which besides at least one quest that gives one a container of DF mats of your choice, at least for F2P/Vet <= level 20 the DF disenchanting is not enabled yet.

So, making the Azureweave Bolt needs the Chromatic Dust as well as getting to the Azure Archive table (which luckily Skyriding/flying should help get there) for roughly a 10-hour cooldown per bolt depending on the specialization.
Once someone goes through the process, I will update, but thanks for clarifying.

This appears to be incorrect. My with 3x is giving me 17 strength @20. Subtract the 8 from the base weapon, and you're getting 9 from the 3 gems.
I just tested it with the WoTLK strength gem and you are right, it scales to 3 / 4 as expected. My default single stam tests are usually done with stamina gems but for whatever reason, single stat primary gems scale to 3/4 and single stat stamina scale to 2/3. I have not seen this before, and I do not remember it ever being reported. Anyway, will update the guide and have that in mind for my future tests.
Azureweave Bolt & Azureweave Expedition Pack (34 slot) --

earn Dragon Isles Tailoring to 25

Unlock Draconic Needlework (first choice unless one has enough knowledge points to unlock two specializations) put in ~15 points to unlock Azureweave Tailoring -- includes the Azureweave Bolt. Which requires the Azure Loom near the Azure Vault dungeon entrance to craft.

Azureweave Expedition Pack recipe requires Dragonscale Expedition - Renown 19 (this is fairly easy as a big chunk is via doing the Walking Shore and other Dragonscale Expedition quests in the Plains, that when you unlocks Renown 2 which one finds more of the Dragon Isles Artifacts to turn in repeatedly (~10 Renown per item). @ Renown 6 unlocks the Expedition Supply Kit and Climbing quests. @ 8 Unlocks Cataloging quests).

With Warband, each alt doing these same quests adds to the renown fast.

+ + +

For Vet that did DF Campaign to 'Moving On', it is even easier as the Renown and WQ for many factions are daily, but I have done the above on F2P (using about 6 alts up to the Plains unlock quest; then doing the Plains quests as well as checking for any of the Walking Shore/Plains for Dragonscale Expedition quests that pop up for Climbing, Highest Point and Cataloging) since the prepatch and I just unlocked Renown 19 for the recipe a few days ago.
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