The BiS Llama
Ok, so going from "level of CATA ench required and the mats is rather impossible" to "how to get it" is definitely a step in the right direction. You can check the Profession Rotation part of the guide HERE, where each expansion mats were summarised. Not sure what the Cata TW drops are disenchanting to, but you should try those as well.i have found it faster and easier to buy my way to a WOTLK lifeward enchant if needed. the kor kon orc, goblins, demolishers, tree cutter CATA mobs in the barrens are level 20/35 and if killed by a 20 the 35s drop no loot, the CATA added level 20s including those on the upper south plateau drop standard OG barrens drops. the loot rules for low levels was changed like 4 expacs ago and it's still that way.
lifeward is way easier and less complex than some you have listed. imo far from a niche enchant as most do WOTLK enchanting anyway due to ease of mats from vendor DEs
where are you soloing CATA mobs for greens to get lesser/greater celestial essences?
Regarding Lifeward, as you can see in the already mentioned Enchant Scaling Spreadsheet, Lifeward procs for 20 % less heal (and less often btw) than Mending. In the guide, I prefer to list a few of the best options and then leave everyone decide if they want to go the extra mile or pick something easier, even if not optimal.
i farmed this recipe many expacs ago and was not able to learn it, would click on it and nothing, so i got rid of it. i take it F2Ps can learn/use it now?
The recipe is easily farmable (the drop chance is waaaay higher than listed) and is usable by low-level characters, yes.