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  1. 70 twink dk

    Here's the highest i got when i made a stam DK chardev(remember to click frost presence on when you look at it, chardev always deactivates it on links) 70 Stam DK If anyone finds items that grant more stamina they are welcome to correct me :)
  2. [EU] <Counterbalance> Frostwhisper Ailliance, 70 Guild

    "aswell" is actually a word its used in sentences "id like an apple please, and a coffee aswell" "abit" is just a lack of spacebar but still can be used as understandable word in english Also Unholy, dont take it out on others for having spelling errors, you typo all the time and its not...
  3. 70 Elemental/Resto Shamans where are you!!!!!!!

    I dont have BiS shaman, not even close but ive got to 3,4k in the single SWP raid ive been to so far, still pretty new to raiding as Ele at 70's, but i can say that the dps im pulling now is not something you want to have as your mindset for the "best possible dps an elemental shaman can pull"
  4. 70 Elemental/Resto Shamans where are you!!!!!!!

    I just have to ask, do you guys currently own a lvl 70 elemental/resto specced shaman ?
  5. 70 Elemental/Resto Shamans where are you!!!!!!!

    Hmm, I dont know if Cuddle is trolling or misinformed, but as old guildie i'd say he must be trolling. There are alot better items than what his "BiS" chardevs show and as Ele you go for spell power and crit Only after you've reached 40% haste and spell hit cap which is 14%(11% from gear + 3%...
  6. <Acquired Taste> Level 70 Raiding Guild [EU-A]

    bump, gief warlocks
  7. <Acquired Taste> Level 70 Raiding Guild [EU-A]

    Supbrah is just trolling, dont mind him cuddle :) Also Rxr, gief shaman pvp vids!
  8. <Acquired Taste> Level 70 Raiding Guild [EU-A]

    Supbrah, you must remember that we cant be too picky about the people we recruit. Most people have issues even with the no Wotlk gear on raids rule, how do you think they would react to no wotlk gems or enchants? :D Also, we want to expirience the bosses again but we have wotlk talents which...
  9. 70 DK Tanking Q's...

    The last part of my post was a response to your message which i quoted where you said "the only thing they offered in BC was high hp and armor." and what i ment with the wotlk enchants and gems is that druids get more benefit from stamina than other classes(e.g. dire bear form and SotF and Imp...
  10. 70 DK Tanking Q's...

    Not to trash you here, but when you argue with someone, your trying to make some point. Paladins dont have Last Stand, warriors have less hp and most importantly we arent in BC anymore and druids have very high hp now with the buff they have been given and with wotlk gems and enchants
  11. 70 DK Tanking Q's...

    Dk tanking at lvl 70 is very viable, farming gear is easy at start because blood makes it easy for a healer in heroics(which compensates the lack of defense you might have). Ofcourse your not going to tank Sunwell right away but getting there with Dk tank is not hard. Threat is more than fine...
  12. My 70 twink hunter.

    I would recommend to use agi gems and run with survival until you have atleast 50% passive arp, does alot more dps. Other than that, looking good for self funded lvl 70 main char!
  13. 60 Enhancement Shaman

    Yeah, was bit of a quick build up, did that in 5 minutes just throwing stuff there, 7,4% hit was purely because DW(and no hit from talents) and ret paladins+ other classes that require 7% hit in pvp but not mandatory ofcourse so you could change the drake fang or the gem to jom gabbar/ ap stam...
  14. 60 Enhancement Shaman

    60 Enhancement Here's slightly modified DW version.
  15. Armor penetration for MM hunter? (60)

    You just had to add that "(aka gems)" in there like the items would not give agility themselves without gems, mail and leather items obtainable at 60's (with gem slots) atleast and yes trolling Glancealot is a "hobby" of mine, you caught me.
  16. Combined officer deleted 6 chars on a x-member acount

    The EU World of Warcraft community has offically disowned Pwnostar from our player base and he has been sold to the Chinese, who like Pwnostar, are a little behind if you catch my drift
  17. Armor penetration for MM hunter? (60)

    Lightning reflex is 15% bonus to your TOTAL agility, not the agility of each item. Please Glancealot, check your argument before you post it, you make yourself sound like a 12 year old german kid who thinks he knows everything and has to prove it on every single topic. On the topic, MM skills...
  18. chausess of westfall v.s. smelting pants

    well since revenge is getting buffed on 3.3.3 quite a bit and it requires block/dodge/parry it would seem only rational to use Chausses and warriors have around 20% crit anyway. Adding to Notoriusthf 's post, Chausses do have 97 more armor which with Armored to the Teeth translates to...
  19. 29 Enhancement Shaman?

    You need hit. Here is an example build which i would see much more fit for something other than stat boasting. Example Build as Sword'n'Board i would use 17039 with 40sp/mongoose + Marbled Buckler with +18 stam
  20. Stam Set for Warlock

    character planner . maxstamlock19 . chardev seven here is one with satchel gear, improved imp buff could not be included but its just 30% increase to 70 hp