[EU] <Counterbalance> Frostwhisper Ailliance, 70 Guild

Counterbalance - 70 twink Guild

Counterbalance is NO LONGER RECRUITING. As people in the guild have gone into directions.

If your looking for another 70 twink Alliance guild.

Acquired Taste is a good twink community doing everything that a twink can do, Pls visit there website and recruiting thread.

Website: http://acquiredtaste.guildlaunch.com

Recruiting thread: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/thread11861.html

Shorter recruiting thread: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/728994-Level-70-TBC-Raiding-Guild-lt-Acquired-Taste-gt
Today we did a full clear run to Black Temple with 70s only, We got our very first kill to our guild and we are now moving to Sunwell, Congrats to our members and the eventure begins agen,

Btw we are no longer recruiting Melee at this time.

More progress news.

To our first sunwell raid with 70 only, we manage to get up to kil'jaeden, Good work to those in the raid :)

Pictures can be found on our homepage
Braptingthebeast said:
Good luck with recruiting, and on Kil'jaeden.

thx for that we are trying to do our best to progres and in our first raid we cleared up to Kil'jaeden
Update for Counterbalance, We have now cleared Sunwell 70 only, And everything is on farm :)
Arllie said:
Up we go, Btw we are only recruiting excepcional players at this time.

I thought to be exceptional you had to know how to spell?

If you want to be professional or at least not considered a joke, I would recommend get someone who can spell to write your homepage news, and also do a proof read before posting, there are some VERY scary typos and spelling errors on your homepage. - and your guild recruitment post here is even worse.

"...and the smaller raids if the members whises for it..."

"...aswell..." isn't a word.

"...some have a great interess for PvP..."

"...we have two opcional days..."

"...abit..." isn't a word

"...like DKP but easyer to implement..."

"...that is gemed and enchanted proberly..."

"...you know tatics for all bossers..."

"...having at lest fully epic..."

Mate...Twinkinfo.com even has a built in spellcheck while you type. How on Earth do you manage to make so many typos? I won't even begin to go into how horrible your website's spelling is.
"aswell" is actually a word its used in sentences "id like an apple please, and a coffee aswell"

"abit" is just a lack of spacebar but still can be used as understandable word in english

Also Unholy, dont take it out on others for having spelling errors, you typo all the time and its not always on the "hard to spell" words either, you should also remember that Twinkinfo.com is not the same as Wowstead.com. Also when you make hate posts like these, keep in mind that your often seen as the Acquired Taste official and things like these might give you bad rep.

Nothing personal and counterbalance is a bunch of baddies.
Subutex said:
"aswell" is actually a word its used in sentences "id like an apple please, and a coffee aswell"

"abit" is just a lack of spacebar but still can be used as understandable word in english

Also Unholy, dont take it out on others for having spelling errors, you typo all the time and its not always on the "hard to spell" words either, you should also remember that Twinkinfo.com is not the same as Wowstead.com. Also when you make hate posts like these, keep in mind that your often seen as the Acquired Taste official and things like these might give you bad rep.

Nothing personal and counterbalance is a bunch of baddies.

Fair enough, I agree I was a bit aggressive, I originally started the post just to point out some spelling mistakes so that they could fix it and make their guild look a bit more professional - I apologize for going over the top.

However. "Aswell" is definitely not a word. It is a lazy derivative of the grammatically correct "As well as". "Abit" my previous opinion still stands.

I do not make Typos all the time, you will be hard pressed to find a single spelling error on any of my posts on TwinkInfo.com, on any other forum or public discussion board or on our guild website even though I have written an extensive amount of text on our public forums and homepage. In our guild rules, guild rankings and raiding requirements thread (which at the time I did NOT type in a word processing application such as Microsoft Word) and have not gone back to edit spelling errors since the day the threads were published. There is just over 2300 words used, 13,314 characters including spaces in total. Out of all of that you will find 1, possibly 2 "lazy words" such as "ontime" which is also negotiable. You will find about 8 different entries of WoW "jargon" which most word processors will pick up as a spelling mistake and 1 entry of questionable choice (whenever vs when ever).

The only typo's you would see from me would be while raid leading due to typing and fighting at the same time, which almost all the time I correct myself immediately. Though I don't think your opinion on how I type in-game really counts nor matters to me at all considering your current character location and history with our guild.

FYI I live in a country that has 11 official languages, not 1 or 2 like most.
Unholy[S]haman;181392 said:
edit: nvm...it's not worth it lol.

So true. Dont worry though, Our guild is way better than my english :)

Bump again, Counterbalance has everything on farm every week, Clearing it with just 70s ofc.
chris6969 said:

Dont waste our time.

You guys are not on Europe servers. so its nearly impossible for you to move your chars to us.

Not even to mention everyone must apply on our website and as i seen here, Your probly likely get declined in a instinct.

Due to the fact you probly didnt read the whole recruitment thread. If you couldnt see that, Than fek knows what els you cant see.

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