70 twink dk

I was trying to get Bis gear on my dk, and if you want Bis you need profs, and you do need to be def capped, or ur just a useless hp tank.

Even tho i dont like the tank skills/talents on lvl 70 for a dk tank, you should go dps if you want to raid, other tankclasses are better balanced on this lvl
Looks like he just wants to get boosted so he can gain some epeen points for having gear that he doesn't reserve.

It's so typical of little kiddies and bads to just want to get good gear and not care about other stats etc.

Lmao you are a lost cause chris6969
What? He was just asking a question.

With max stamina you would infact, get the defense cap, you would have some shield block in there. All your gear for it is from badges, BT, Hyjal, and SWP. You might need some sunmotes to convert the gear into tanking gear. All the red styled plate in Sunwell is tanking gear, don't go for paladin gear, which is all yellow and white.

I can show you the BIS DPS DK if you want it, I don't have a tank BIS chardev.

@UnholyShaman How's that Thori'dal workin out for ya as a warrior. You totally deserve that.
Unholy[S]haman;181303 said:
Looks like he just wants to get boosted so he can gain some epeen points for having gear that he doesn't reserve.

It's so typical of little kiddies and bads to just want to get good gear and not care about other stats etc.

Lmao you are a lost cause chris6969


Why bother posting if you're just going to be a prick

Unless you're a baddie 4chan reject And maybe i just wanted max stam to see how much Health a dk could get at that level?
Dude thats just childisch, im just stating my opinion about dks,

You are so lazy to not even invest time to get your own gear, and demend people dont give opinions about whats good or not, just to give u a link so u can get boosted get that gear and be useless.

You attitude is lazy, childisch and offencive, gl with your dk, hope ull be a great hp tank :)
Dreazow said:
Dude thats just childisch, im just stating my opinion about dks,

You are so lazy to not even invest time to get your own gear, and demend people dont give opinions about whats good or not, just to give u a link so u can get boosted get that gear and be useless.

You attitude is lazy, childisch and offencive, gl with your dk, hope ull be a great hp tank :)


You're a douche....

I have done the research on my " hp tank" i was just curious what other could come up with

You can state your opinions all you want, in the end they are worthless

Have a nice day :)
haha what is up with fags these days. who cares if you run with 80s or do full 70 runs. sun well isnt nearly as hard as it once was...you arent a special snowflake for doing it with 70s and it isnt difficult. so stop being total faggots.
idk about the gear but that aint max stam b/c you used a 20 hit gem. what is it with people and not listening to the OP?
Is this the discuss favourite ice cream flavour thread?


Ill go find my professionless 70 DK tank Chardev <_<
he just said max stam, not necessarily tank.

but wasnt there already a thread in 70s about max stam warrior? so dk would be same minus sword&board + apolyon
if your looking for an amazing example of a level 70 death knight twink, check out Brutallus on Korgath - US. Armory up :D
Falkor said:
he just said max stam, not necessarily tank.

but wasnt there already a thread in 70s about max stam warrior? so dk would be same minus sword&board + apolyon

close but you would have to find alternative items for warrior t6 as a DK
Here's the highest i got when i made a stam DK chardev(remember to click frost presence on when you look at it, chardev always deactivates it on links)

70 Stam DK

If anyone finds items that grant more stamina they are welcome to correct me :)

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