70 Elemental/Resto Shamans where are you!!!!!!!

I currently have a fairly well geared 70 twink Shaman that I'm having a great time with. My enhance set is pretty much complete and nearly BiS for every piece except for a couple slots. Cool, yay, enhance is fun...

But I have been picking up and collecting Elemental and Resto gear. Nearly every 80 I have is melee based, so a I'm having a great time shooting lighting and waves of healing water out of my you know where.

My question is to all you knowledgeable twinks: What would be a BiS gear setup(cloth included) for a Elemental Shaman? What stats would be most beneficial to look for/gem for in a mostly PvE environment?

I also ask the same questions for Resto. Gear set up/stats to look for/gemming.

Another question for both specs is how good are the 4pc set bonuses for T6? Are they crucial to pick up or are 5 BiS non-tier pieces enough to offset the set bonus loss? (I played a rogue at 70 that killed everything pre-nerf but Mu'ru...bastard... and the 4pc was a must have) If the 4pc is worth having then which piece of tier should be used to compliment the three from Sunwell? I would assume shoulders, but I may be wrong.

Last question: Where might I find out some of the hard/required caps that casters can reach at level 70? Hit rating, haste rating, and the such. I remember just about all of the melee caps to look for but know nothing of caster caps.

Thanks guys! I love reading a lot of the threads on here from people who like twinking and BC content as much as I do. My Armory:

The World of Warcraft Armory - Tortur @ Zul'jin - Profile

specific pieces? idk exactly

stats? stam + int w/ spell power and ideally crit & haste. but you could take sp+crit+mp5, or sp+haste+mp5 as well. spirit is useless for ele and resto, so avoid that as much as you can. you can filter 70 gear on wowhead and see what pops up there

caps? 17% is the hit cap against a raid boss. if you're alliance you need 16 since ur automatically a spacegoat. 13% with a moonkin/spriest with imp FF or misery.

hard cap on crit would be 100%, i doubt you'll get anywhere close tho - its not something you stack

haste cap is when all ur spells are at or below 1 sec w/o hero probs. as a shaman you'd prolly wanna find a guide that says an ideal amount to make the best rotation of CL, LBxX(X being # of LB haste allows you to fit in before CL is off CD) - if thats still the best way to do things.

id prolly do 23 SP in all slots except yellow, and in yellow either do reckless or potent depending on crit/haste levels. but not 100% sure on that for a 70 shammy
So, you'd go for straight spellpower for elemental and throw in a couple haste gems for good measure? I had figured it would either be spellpower or haste to stack, but I wasn't sure which one.

For Resto do you think it's best to look for MP5 on every piece that you can? Only reason I ask is because I have the KJ helm, Mu'ru chest, Felmyst legs, and the trash mail gloves. All of which can be traded in for their MP5 counterpart. As it is in my current resto set I'm sitting at 325-400 haste with about 300+ MP5 raid buffed, and I can burn through my mana pool in a hurry with Chain Heal.

I see how much a lot of people, like Sober, on these forums like the chardev site and the profiles they can put together. I was hoping I might find someone that knew enough about the class, specs, and end game gear who could put something like that together. I haven't really seen any "full BiS" elemental/resto shamans out there on the armory(could be in the their offspec though) to get a good base to go off of.

Thanks for the reply though!
Also, resto gems pure haste beside meta req (and high gem bonuses). Mana shouldn't be a problem with replenishment up a 100% + various buffs & coordination with another resto shaman or a priest ;) You shouldn't gear, gem or enchant for mana regeneration either.

As elemental you generally go full sp unless gem bonuses gives x number of either haste or sp (and is a yellow or red socket) then you go with reckless.
oo one last post :p

As elemental your rotation is keep flame shock up -> spam lightning bolt. Pretty doll..
Damn that's a lot of haste on that resto set! I mean... damn! Lol. So, it looks like the 2pc set bonus isn't worth it according to your gear set up for resto? Does haste really have that much of a real value or does it just look cool to stack?

Also, I have the Mu'ru shield and the shield off Archimonde. Does the socket on the Bastion of Light really outweigh the higher item levels of the other two shields for each spec?
Haste is the way to go for resto since your job should be to spam chain heal. You can always dump some haste in favor of spellpower once you hit the softcap but imo full haste stacking is alot better since it will lower the cast time of your slow heals such as chain heal which is your #1 heal.

And no the 2pc set bonus isn't worth getting again mana shouldn't be a problem. I cba checking the two shield you're talking about but unless they give more stats than bastion of light with a gem in it then no.
Hmm, I dont know if Cuddle is trolling or misinformed, but as old guildie i'd say he must be trolling.

There are alot better items than what his "BiS" chardevs show and as Ele you go for spell power and crit Only after you've reached 40% haste and spell hit cap which is 14%(11% from gear + 3% from talents as horde, 10% + 1% + 3% as draenei[Heroic Presence])



inb4 lol spirit @Resto specc, do note that with the staff used on resto chardev you get 2% more haste than you would get with any other weapon/combination

@Ele chardev, your hit capped, haste soft capped(no GCD coming on your way while spammin LB), decent crit(42-45% crit self buffed[2set bonus from T6]) and Sp isnt ridiculousy low.

Grab a napkin homie, coz you got served
Wait is this for PvE or PvP? I have a 70 resto shaman I played in BC (cleared Sunwell etc) so I can help you. Like the previous poster said, by Sunwell you should have the gear levels to gem for haste; but I wouldnt go 20 haste like he stated. You want to get a lot of haste but not so much that you are overhealing and going OOM. For example, because of having 80s in your raid/ and gem/enchant progression fights are a lot shorter now. People also take less damage then usual meaning a lot of your CH is going to wasted overheal. You should really have no trouble going into the 5 sec OOCR period. This means you need to gem Reckless in orange slots, pure haste in yellow slots and stam/sp in blue slots. Now you might wonder why you want stam in PvE gear. Its because in Sunwell without 25 people that are very good (you wont have these) you are going to have problems with taking large sums of damage. A very coordinate group in BC could do it without having to worry about mechanics to the extent that you have to. Stam will help you overcome this.

As elemental you do NOT want to go for haste. Because of bloodlust/other buffs you will go OOM very quickly. Anyone who says otherwise has never played a shaman. You do not have the methods to stay mana efficient with haste at 70. You need to purely go for spellpower and add haste only in yellow slots. Again I would reccomend going for stam in blue slots for the same reasons as stated above.

You pretty much want to go 4 piece using the offpieces from sunwell (and generally the helm) and then you want to use the rest of the Sunwell pieces. The only thing you might want to pick up as a healer is Crystal Spire of Korabor over Hammer of Sanctification (the proc is amazing). You should probably pick up the Memento of Tyrande (absolutely the best trinket) as resto and the rep trinket as Ele.

For PvP gear is very easy. If you are Ele, you want the 4 piece PvE set using Sunwell and again a piece of your choosing (pants probably in this case) and then the rest is going to be Brutal or Guardian. You are going to be gemming for haste, because in this case you want quick kills and you hit hard enough as is (get the crit offpieces).

If you are resto you want 2 piece ELE (the 4 piece for resto is chain heal which is useless where as the Ele one is a great buff) and then the rest as Brutal/Guardian. You gem for resilience because you are very susceptible to dying in a stun or silence, whereas your heals are really pretty much good enough on their own.

PvE if you dont get the set bonuses, you are an idiot.
Thanks much for the last two posts. This is what I was looking for. Especially someone that played the class at 70 in those end game instances. I know from current experience right now that I can go OOM very quickly in Sunwell(We do run with mostly 70's if not all) with all the damage going out. I currently don't have my resto set properly gemmed or enchanted, and it's far from complete gear wise, but I have around 440+ haste and around 350mp5 with shield and totem down. I still go OOM chain healing the raid a couple min into a healing intensive fight. Could very well be poor healing on my part though, lol :). But, I really couldn't imagine a 800+ haste set up with only 150mp5.

The same mana problems applied to Elemental. I'm pushing close to 500 haste and will drop a full mana bar in a hurry with bloodlust and other raid buffs up. So, I do appreciate the real raid tips.

If I read correctly, you'd actually use the T6 helm with the Sunwell tier pieces to get the 4pc? Or would using the shoulders for both specs be better? I guess I'll have to play around with the Crystal Spire and the Hammer off KJ when I get them to see which would generally be more beneficial.

I do get into PvP a little bit but want to hold off on it for a minute until I get my PvE sets completed. Thanks for the PvP tips though. Just wish Shamans had Lava Burst at 70!!!!!!!!!!

@Subtex-- Thanks for the math man. I was looking for some hard numbers to go off of. And yea, I kinda figured there was something up with Cuddle's Chardevs :)

Part of the reason I enjoy twinking so much is the min-maxing. I do the same thing at 80 (only 2 pieces off full BiS for my rogue) but I still love BC content
Subutex said:
There are alot better items than what his "BiS" chardevs show and as Ele you go for spell power and crit Only after you've reached 40% haste and spell hit cap

As i said you'd only wanna go for the soft cap for haste then go all out on sp, haste is worth more than sp at lower level of gear.
Evocate said:
You want to get a lot of haste but not so much that you are overhealing and going OOM.

Like I said again if mana is a problem there's alot of ways to get it back like timing tides etc etc, mana as a resto shaman should never be a problem.


Evocate said:
You should really have no trouble going into the 5 sec OOCR period.

Healing is all about spamming these days even if it's wasted, he's better off spamming than stopping to regain a little mana that he shouldn't have a problem with in the first place.

Evocate said:
This means you need to gem Reckless in orange slots, pure haste in yellow slots and stam/sp in blue slots.

No, you gem haste all the way even after hitting the gcd since it still lowers the cast time of your slow heals such as chain heal which is his #1 used heal.

And you only gem in blue for the meta and the blue should be 10 haste / mp5.

Evocate said:
As elemental you do NOT want to go for haste. Because of bloodlust/other buffs you will go OOM very quickly.

If you go oom as an elemental shaman spamming lb & keeping up flame shock you really have a problem.

Evocate said:
Anyone who says otherwise has never played a shaman.

I'm starting to think you haven't, or atleast haven't read much about the class no offence...

Evocate said:
See above You do not have the methods to stay mana efficient with haste at 70. You need to purely go for spellpower and add haste only in yellow slots. Again I would reccomend going for stam in blue slots for the same reasons as stated above.

Stop recommending him to gem for stamina you gotta be stupid, you should never waste precious stat points on stamina as a shaman even if you take alot of damage, the stam you get from the gear and buffs itself is more than enough...........

I wouldn't take advice from someone telling you to gem stamina.

Evocate said:
You gem for resilience because you are very susceptible to dying in a stun or silence, whereas your heals are really pretty much good enough on their own..

You sir, have obviously got no arena xp at all. Stop talking about shit u dont know. Gemming for resillience is bad. Being bad is bad. It's not fun to be bad.

Evocate said:
PvE if you dont get the set bonuses, you are an idiot.

See the last 5 words of aboves sentence.
Flawwless said:
I know from current experience right now that I can go OOM very quickly in Sunwell(We do run with mostly 70's if not all) with all the damage going out. I currently don't have my resto set properly gemmed or enchanted, and it's far from complete gear wise, but I have around 440+ haste and around 350mp5 with shield and totem down. I still go OOM chain healing the raid a couple min into a healing intensive fight. Could very well be poor healing on my part though, lol :). But, I really couldn't imagine a 800+ haste set up with only 150mp5.

If you go oom you have a problem, resto shamans shouldn't go oom even when spam healing. Try coordinating your tide with other resto shamans or ask for innervates from your druids etc, also keep in mind that haste equals more heals which equals more water shield procs which equals more mana gained.

Are you keeping water shield up all the time? Do you have replenishment up all the time? Check your buffs the next time you raid if you're missing any, elixirs etc helps aswell.

Flawwless said:
The same mana problems applied to Elemental. I'm pushing close to 500 haste and will drop a full mana bar in a hurry with bloodlust and other raid buffs up.

If you go oom you really have a problem, for the next raid try to check if water shield is up all the time and replenishment aswell, not having them up all the time can be crucial for your mana regeneration.

Flawwless said:
And yea, I kinda figured there was something up with Cuddle's Chardevs :)

Imo if I was you i wouldn't blindly follow people on a random forum, go theorycraft yourself it's not hard. Go check out EJ etc or do the math yourself, it'll help greatly in making chooises between gear. What I'm telling you is either what I've calculated myself or what I've found out through theorycrafting, if you don't wanna follow my advice then don't.


And one last thing.. the spell hit cap is 17% not 14%.
Imo if I was you i wouldn't blindly follow people on a random forum, go theorycraft yourself it's not hard. Go check out EJ etc or do the math yourself, it'll help greatly in making chooises between gear. What I'm telling you is either what I've calculated myself or what I've found out through theorycrafting, if you don't wanna follow my advice then don't.

I'm not blindly following anyone's advice. I'm taking bits and pieces from each person that seem to make a little sense. For instance...Gemming and gearing solely for haste as resto just doesn't make sense to me. I do have my water shield up all the time. I do have replenishment up all the time. I do go OOM in Sunwell with a full 70 raid. My definition of going OOM is burning your mana bar through normal healing during a boss fight WITHOUT external sources of mana regen. You say a resto shaman shouldn't go OOM but then state I should be using a druid's innervate. I would much rather be a little self sufficient and not have to rely on something that might not be available when I need it. But that's just me and the experiences I've learned from.

I would agree that gemming for stamina in too many slots would be a waste. But, on the other hand, Shamans don't have any stamina boosting talents that I'm aware, and Blizz has even stated that their health pools at 80 are lower than they should be. That being said, picking one or two socket bonuses with a sp/stam gem really shouldn't hurt your healing potential and provide a little more survivability on the harder fights(which still hurt like hell). But that's just my opinion and I'm the one here looking for advice. I do think it's a little over the top to say I shouldn't listen to anyone saying I should gem for a little stam.

I really would go ahead and try and do some theorycrafting on my own because I do enjoy that, but it's not like there are many current threads on EJ about shamans in 70 content. That's why I'm here. To get a basis to go off of. To see what some experienced shaman at this level are doing these days.

I do appreciate the posts though! Please, any other people out there that might have some input, throw up some posts!
Flawwless said:
You say a resto shaman shouldn't go OOM but then state I should be using a druid's innervate.

What I said if memory is right is that if you have mana problems there are several resources out there for you to use, i've been playing a resto / ele shaman since early bc & I talk out of experience. And i'm telling you that a resto shaman should never go oom (neither should any other healer) even when spamming.

Flawwless said:
Blizz has even stated that their health pools at 80 are lower than they should be.

Shaman's base health pool has been boosted already fyi.

Flawwless said:
That being said, picking one or two socket bonuses with a sp/stam gem really shouldn't hurt your healing potential

sp / stam is the wrong gem to pick you should go for haste / mp5 if you're dying or feeling to weak in terms of health pool then maybe you should check your tactics used on bosses or your other healers. I'm telling you right now gemming for stamina is bad.

Flawwless said:
I do think it's a little over the top to say I shouldn't listen to anyone saying I should gem for a little stam.

For your own good please go check EJ or speak to any experienced shaman and ask them if gemming stamina is a good idea..

Flawwless said:
I really would go ahead and try and do some theorycrafting on my own because I do enjoy that, but it's not like there are many current threads on EJ about shamans in 70 content. That's why I'm here. To get a basis to go off of.
I understand and I respect that but ideally you should be gearing and gemming for the same as you do at level 80. Of course there will be bits and pieces of the theorycrafting threads that won't fit your character level (such as gem sp for lvb since you don't have that).

Hope it helped
shamans do run oom @ 80, not a big deal though just use mana tide or ask for an innervate. try running with some feral druid b/c (until cata) their innervate is just as good as a balance/resto druids but they have ZERO use for it and therefore are free to give it to you. balance druids shouldnt have mana issues in BiS gear either so they can give innervate. same should apply for 70. even in a full 70 raid the dps and hp has gone up so much, plus talent tweaks and boss nerfs, that healing shouldnt be too big of an issue.

dont gem stamina.

shaman base hp did go up. that was a long time ago.

other than that....i doubt haste is worth more than SP, even at low gear levels. if its the same as balance druids they say that so new druids will know getting the haste soft cap is very important, but really if you do the math SP is always king. not to mention super haste stacking at low gear lvls just means running oom that much quicker. should be hit to cap (17%, 14% with spriest/moonkin talented, 13% if ur a spacegoat with afformentioned, -3% for ele precision = 11% in best case scenario). > sp > haste (to gcd) > crit. once you get gcd to 1 sec (counting wrath of air or w/e) you should gem potents but still find gear that is ideally sp, crit, haste. haste is still good post soft cap, but you'll wanna raise crit and haste equally while also nabbing SP
Falkor said:
shamans do run oom @ 80, not a big deal though just use mana tide or ask for an innervate. try running with some feral druid b/c (until cata) their innervate is just as good as a balance/resto druids but they have ZERO use for it and therefore are free to give it to you. balance druids shouldnt have mana issues in BiS gear either so they can give innervate. same should apply for 70. even in a full 70 raid the dps and hp has gone up so much, plus talent tweaks and boss nerfs, that healing shouldnt be too big of an issue.

Finally someone with a brain! Thank you very much sir.

Falkor said:
dont gem stamina.


Falkor said:
shaman base hp did go up. that was a long time ago.


Falkor said:
other than that....i doubt haste is worth more than SP, even at low gear levels.

According to this; Shaman: Elemental - Elitist Jerks sp beats haste but it's a very close call and on some fights haste is better, i guess it's all down to playstyle.

Flawwless, I suggest you go read (ele) Shaman: Elemental - Elitist Jerks & Shaman: Restoration - Elitist Jerks (resto) or atleast just scroll through it and read whatever catches your eyes, most of it will help you greatly.

If you scroll down to the "what to wear" section in the resto thread you'll see that haste gives more HEP (Healing equalevent points) and therefor is more valuable as stat. Either way I really suggest you read it through :)
"(Hit) -> Spellpower -> Haste -> Crit -> Int -> Other stats" for ele, haste is noted as being close to sp point for point, but i was still right XD

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