70 Elemental/Resto Shamans where are you!!!!!!!

narp, thats why i cant help with making a chardev with BiS armor (altho if i cared enough i could prolly find it all on wowhead via filters). but the stats you want i can still inform you of and such
Subutex said:
I just have to ask, do you guys currently own a lvl 70 elemental/resto specced shaman ?

Like I'd said before, I'm more or less looking for someone that knows the basics of the class. All the 80's I have are oriented around tanking or melee. I have little to no idea what's going on with healers and casters. Let alone ones at level 70. The reason I was asking so specifically about what stats to stack at this level, instead of just going off level 80 information, was because I didn't know if 70's could reach certain hardcaps that 80's might not be able to attain.

I'm curious though... Does anyone have any dps meters of elemental shaman in close to BiS gear in an actual raid? I'd be interested to see what the class could pull these days.
I dont have BiS shaman, not even close but ive got to 3,4k in the single SWP raid ive been to so far, still pretty new to raiding as Ele at 70's, but i can say that the dps im pulling now is not something you want to have as your mindset for the "best possible dps an elemental shaman can pull"
I have a bis ele / resto shaman apart from KJ cloak and Muru haste trinket

The World of Warcraft Armory - Rxrlol @ Frostwhisper - Profile

My chain heal spec

I'm curious though... Does anyone have any dps meters of elemental shaman in close to BiS gear in an actual raid? I'd be interested to see what the class could pull these days.

I hit 4.9 K on a random Muru fight, altho it was with shit gems and half pvp spec. Yes, 70 only raid. No 80 buffs

On a 70 dummy it was something like 2.7 K or so but im pretty bad when it comes to shamans anyway >.> Warrior4life
Rxrlol said:
I have a bis ele / resto shaman apart from KJ cloak and Muru haste trinket

The World of Warcraft Armory - Rxrlol @ Frostwhisper - Profile

My chain heal spec

I hit 4.9 K on a random Muru fight, altho it was with shit gems and half pvp spec. Yes, 70 only raid. No 80 buffs

On a 70 dummy it was something like 2.7 K or so but im pretty bad when it comes to shamans anyway >.> Warrior4life

Haha nice. Shamans are a good time though. You really need to work on your gear for your warrior though... don't know how you could possibly enjoy playing that!
Flawwless said:
Haha nice. Shamans are a good time though. You really need to work on your gear for your warrior though... don't know how you could possibly enjoy playing that!

Whats wrong with my 1 H fury gear and spec :(

1 H fury is better then Titans Grip at 70
Sorry I dont log in here anymore because frankly most of the kids here are bads who spout of opinions that are wrong, but I thought I would answer some of the idiot claims some random made. First, hes talking about 70 arena. Find me one healer who doesnt gem for resilience thats above 2200 and Ill show you the other 99% that do. Stop being an idiot. I am a 2700 priest, I think I know how to arena.

Second, you are going to have to gem stamina in blue sockets. If you do not know fights you will die without a decent health pool. Look up any BC character; their blue slots were stamina.

Third, if you gem pure haste like that idiot said, god help you. Not only will you go OOM you wont have any staying power. Either way, I hit 70 on my shaman earlier this month, and I started gearing last week. Im at 1950 MMR atm, and having a ton of fun. And unlike the idiot at the beginning of the thread I actually play a shaman and don't stack cloth gear because it has haste.
id link you my druid friend, but he lvld to 80

dont socket stam for pve lol. health was buffed, encounters were nerfed. new gems, new item enhances (leg armor, shoulder, helm), new spells, etc. its totally unnecessary.

if you gem stam for pve you are a fail. end. people in BC didnt do it either unless they were tarded, but thats also when BC was the highest xpac so you cant compare an apple to an orange.

i dont advocate pure haste really. id go more sp/haste gems in yellow, 23 sp in all else. depends on if you are literally tasked to spam chain heal tho or not. also with BiS gear for high mana pool, mana totem or wisdom, innervates, mana tides, and replenishment...you should be fine.

Hyperion is a guild that holds top rankings in arena, both BG and server. As a guild we raid twice week with full clears. We look for people who know full BC content, complete knowledge of your class, how to gear and spec it. Which means being able to adapt to new situations and goes beyond just reading theorycrafting and knowing what the right gems are. We expect people to put forth a lot of thought into their character, so they can be the best it can be.

Top-notch raid performance goes without saying. Which means you must be experienced in high-end raid content and able to play your class to perfection. People who repeatedly die to the same mistakes and perform sub-par compared to the rest of the guild will be kicked. Generally have a friendly attitude towards your guild mates. You must be able to take a certain level of abuse and jokes from your peers. If you can't take a few jokes at your expense this may not be the place for you.

General whining is not tolerated at all. If your main focus is loot or you can’t handle sitting out of raids sometimes, then this is not the right guild for you. Sometimes certain compositions will be better and you simply won’t get a spot. We expect you to play for the guild and its progress above all else. You are not guaranteed a raid spot every week, but our main focus is to gear out our twinks as much/quickly as we can.

Server:Wildhammer, Faction:Horde. Wildhammer is a CT zone server. Main raids that we run twice a week are: Black Temple, Sunwell Plateau, and Hyjal Summit. Guild members also run most of the other 70 raids. Information is released in guild chat or G-message. If you would like more information please contact Rukiea or Upliftingz ingame.

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