Combined officer deleted 6 chars on a x-member acount


As far as you all know combind is the lvl 60s "vanilla" raiding guild..

but over to my subject, to day when I was supposed to logg into my acount and send gold over from alts to main cause I'm changing server cause of too many kids in the guild combined over to the other guild that is doing lvl 60's raiding named Time Machine ( that where Combined stole members from)

some one had changed the PW on my acount, I was like getting this brain freeze and my heart beat droped for a second...wait, who know my aocunt info?

ONLY two person is this world knows it...

It was ME and a officer from the guild combined cause of he helped me out with the lvl 60s epic priest quest that I some how did not manage to do...

So I hit to resett my password, did so..

logging in...loggin in.. finally!

what meets me?

a empty acount! whole 6 chars has been deleted and 3 of them was 60's with decent gear!

I may be stupid that did not change PW but I thought I do it after the trans cause no hurry, after all he is a seated officer in the guild Combined and has talked to me on MsN about other stuff - know as buying my trusth, thats why I let him do the quest for me..

I'm uploading a frapsed movie of all my chars atm that I had cause it was supposed to be a intro to my wow movie that was supposed to be about lvl 60's continent and then again I gonna upload a movie of my empty acount!
I feel sorry for you man.

Ive lost a Marshal Mage, and 3 19 twinks this way too.
Why do you always defend your self with that?

even changed the post on your offical forum to "Pwnostar trys to troll" when the faq is that you did not answer my question on why the last know IP adress was from UK?

you simply said : "Dude I got like hacked 1000 times"

then logg off (block?) this was on msn

Just everything seems a bit obvious when your only defens is like to post that I'm "trolling" when the truth is I may not get back my characters, Do you know how that feels?

moral of the story: dont give out your pw. who woulda thunk it...
you gave out your password to someone else...

you have nobody to blame for this but yourself. Would you give your house keys to total stranger and then be surprised if all your stuff went missing one day?
I think giving out your password and getting your toons deleted may be a blessing in disguise.

Less WoW, more school for you. Reading your slop was very painful.

its about that a officer in the guild Combined deleted those characters, not a totally stranger,but a seated officer!

stop trolling my post if u dont have any thing importen to say!
you are stupid giving out your pass from the beginning, officer on some guild or not.
Pwnostar said:
its about that a officer in the guild Combined deleted those characters, not a totally stranger,but a seated officer!

stop trolling my post if u dont have any thing importen to say!

you're an idiot. how about that.
Pwnostar said:
its about that a officer in the guild Combined deleted those characters, not a totally stranger,but a seated officer!

stop trolling my post if u dont have any thing importen to say!

oh noez guyz! whatever will we do, an officer in the most amazing guild know......COMBINED!(OMGZ OMGZ!) deleted all my characters. He was NOT a stranger, he is a seated officer in a respected guild I am a member of......i just made those characters after transferring all my moniez onto the toons.......why meez??!

GROW UP PWNOSTAR........ oh and its "important" not Have to love 10 year old noobs.
Pwnostar said:
so cute to see how you all are such a fanboys of Combined :3
We dont even know them/the guild, all we know is that you posted, a whine post, about how you shared your account and got your characters deleted.
Well, if you want to try and save your toons than I suggest sending a ticket or email in to Blizz and hope that they can still restore your toons that were deleted. Blizz is pretty good with restoring deleted toons if you do not waste time in messaging them about it. Also change your password as soon as possible and maybe get an authenticator to.
this post was mainly posted for EU players!

not dumb Americans...go away and post on your silly threads! :3


got chars back..seems like Combined still goes around and try to steal members from other guilds like they destroyed Time Machine...


dont answer silly americans.. I don't bother what you say..

Just go and ruin your own thread!
[quote name='Pwnostar']this post was mainly posted for EU players!

not dumb Americans...go away and post on your silly threads! :3


got chars back..seems like Combined still goes around and try to steal members from other guilds like they destroyed Time Machine...

kkth...dont answer silly americans.. I don't bother what you say..

Just go and ruin your own thread![/QUOTE

FYI, your have been posting your so far accumulated 13 posts on is a website run, started, and created by an American twink player known as Drayner...... who according to your belief that americans are dumb, Drayner, the guy who runs this website who YOU, yes I am talking to you Mr. Euro, are complaining on an american run website that americans, aka me, and over half the forum posters here along with the website admin/creator Drayner, ARE DUMB AND JEALOUS FANBOYS OF A RANDOM ASS GUILD CALLED COMBINED.......who by the way no one here from the US has claimed they have even heard of this guild. Correct me if I am wrong, but pwnostar your one screwed up British dude with some really F**ked up teeth.( Which ironically an American created plastic fake teeth in your country's honor......he titled them Dr.Buck's.)
see tavern thread: us vs eu
Pwnostar said:
this post was mainly posted for EU players!

not dumb Americans...go away and post on your silly threads! :3


got chars back..seems like Combined still goes around and try to steal members from other guilds like they destroyed Time Machine...


dont answer silly americans.. I don't bother what you say..

Just go and ruin your own thread!

The EU World of Warcraft community has offically disowned Pwnostar from our player base and he has been sold to the Chinese, who like Pwnostar, are a little behind if you catch my drift

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