70 DK Tanking Q's...


Hey all, I have a lvl 70 DK, and i recently joined a twink guild, and they want me to go Tank MS, and i was just curious as to how DK tanking is at 70? Is it even viable? I know they're a self healing tank, but they do take quite a bit of spike dmg. Also they have no tier (which i dont think will be such a big deal, since the BiS is all from Sunwell n such) So i just wanted to hear some other thoughts on this. Thanks.
in my 1st 70 twink guild the GM was our MT, and a DK. he was amazing (we had sick healers too, but still he rocked). tier really doesnt matter, just get BiS tank pieces from SW/BT. you can do perfectly fine.
Dk tanking at lvl 70 is very viable, farming gear is easy at start because blood makes it easy for a healer in heroics(which compensates the lack of defense you might have). Ofcourse your not going to tank Sunwell right away but getting there with Dk tank is not hard.

Threat is more than fine at lvl 70 and survivability is really good. The skills that your going to use in your tanking rotation are already there at lvl 70 on Dk(except for AOTD) unlike on Warriors and Paladins.

I would engourage using Dk or Druid MT in lvl 70 raids over Warriors and Paladins, not disliking them ofcourse at all, but minmaxing with defensive utilities, Dk and Druid are just superior. Before i get trolled for my opinion, check the skills that Warriors and Paladins get after lvl 70: Enraged Regeneration at lvl 75, Heroic Throw at lvl 80, Divine Plea at lvl 71, Shield of Righteousness at lvl 75, Sacred Shield at lvl 80.
Dks are good....i would argue druids arent as good. the only thing they offered in BC was high hp and armor. armor was nerfed, but they can still get really high stam. their defensive CDs arent that spectacular compared to druid/warrior either.

Dks are good....i would argue druids arent as good. the only thing they offered in BC was high hp and armor. armor was nerfed, but they can still get really high stam. their defensive CDs arent that spectacular compared to druid/warrior either.

Not to trash you here, but when you argue with someone, your trying to make some point. Paladins dont have Last Stand, warriors have less hp and most importantly we arent in BC anymore and druids have very high hp now with the buff they have been given and with wotlk gems and enchants
Subutex said:
Not to trash you here, but when you argue with someone, your trying to make some point. Paladins dont have Last Stand, warriors have less hp and most importantly we arent in BC anymore and druids have very high hp now with the buff they have been given and with wotlk gems and enchants

warriors are still good tanks. might not have the highest hp or armor, but they have great defensive capabilities and threat too. not that great for aoe tanking, but single target is awesome. have good avoidance and mitigation & for CDs they have last stand and shield wall.

pallys are great aoe tanks, good single target. got good hp mitigation and avoidance. they get a free death & rez if something goes bad, pretty BA. as well as a shield wall-esque bubble

druids have high hp, still high armor - but you certainly arent going to be hitting the armor cap after the nerf. great aoe taking with swipe due to buffs. good single target threat. cant block or parry (but do get an absorb effect following a crit), and usually have high dodge - altho dodge can backfire with bad rng and either get you gibd if you rely on it too much OR make you rage starved if it happens too much. for CDs you got barkskin, which is a watered down version of shield wall altho still nice, frenzied regen...which isnt that great, and SI which is like last stand.

overall druids are pretty good. they're still pretty much meat shields tho. you still cant reduce magic damage taken whereas a warrior, dk, and i think pally can via talents/abilities. you cant cap armor anymore, making you a juggernaut. high hp is good, and a decent stable of CDs (even tho barkskin is just a weakened version of shield wall/bubble and FR is pretty meh). great aoe tanking and decent single target even with lack of block & parry and the possibility that dodge can screw you.

So, Subutex, I think I have shed a bit more light on this. please be less vague if you respond... make a char dev of a druid and warrior in full BiS gear and show the stamina diff. also i dont understand the last part of your post "most importantly we arent in BC anymore and druids have very high hp now with the buff they have been given" - well yes, i know we arent in BC....but druids have very high hp now just like they did then; what buff? it really hasnt changed. also "and with wotlk gems and enchants". well of course, but remember that teh dk, warrior, and pally will also have wotlk gems and enchants...they're not restricted to druids yaknow.
The last part of my post was a response to your message which i quoted where you said "the only thing they offered in BC was high hp and armor." and what i ment with the wotlk enchants and gems is that druids get more benefit from stamina than other classes(e.g. dire bear form and SotF and Imp. MotW, ofcourse other classes get the talent stamina buffs too).

Im sorry i came out vague, that was not my intention, ill add char devs to back out my argument. I'd like to add to my first post that it is ofcourse more about the player of the tank than the class he/she plays

Here are the Char devs i promised:



The druid build is only what i came up with in 10 minutes, if someone has better build, i would like to see it to know how i could better my own build.

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