<Acquired Taste> Level 70 Raiding Guild [EU-A]

Tier 6 Content Guild <Acquired Taste> Level 70 Raiding Guild [EU-A]


  • Guild: <Acquired Taste>
  • Server: <Boulderfist> PvP Realm
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Website: here
  • Aim: Clear all The Burning Crusade content, offering an experience as close as you will ever find to replicating the true TBC era feel.

> > > We are currently clearing all TBC content every week with 70s only. < < <

> > > We are looking for more dedicated and exceptional players that truly want to experience the joys of < < <

> > >TBC raiding asnd PVPing before Cataclysm expansion comes out. < < <


<Acquired Taste> started out as an idea, a dream. We are not a guild that was created upon whim because we simply had many level 70 players laying around. We also did not want to create a guild where everyone simply got boosted by level 80s through BT/SWP while they were sitting semi-afk watching TV.

No. our dream was to create a guild that would house players who were truly dedicated to clearing all TBc content from start to finish, without the need for PuGs or boosts. We wanted to be completely self dependent, we wanted to attain the feeling of accomplishment when downing a hard boss and we wanted to work hard ourselves, so that we could be proud of the guild we have managed to create.

Did we manage to execute our plans and achieve our dreams? DEFINITELY!

About three months ago we began planning the guild, discussing the specifics and analyzing the different aspects of level 70 Raiding. We worked hard on recruiting more players who were genuinely interested in, and committed to creating this solid, successful and fun level 70 Raiding Guild. We began looking for other level 70s through the Battlegroup forums, looking for players posting on level 70s and then contacting them individually in-game, one by one. It was very hard to 'sell someone a product that did not exist yet' but with a lot of time and perseverance we managed to find a group of core players from all over the EU realms, willing to make our plans a reality.

All guild decisions and specifics was a group effort, we all go together on forums and talked, and talked, and talked some more about the different aspects of our guild. We all decided that to be fair and ensure everyone involved was definitely committed, we chose a realm that not only was beneficial to the guild but also a realm that none of us were currently on. Everyone had to pay the price of a server and or faction transfer.

Just under 2 weeks after our guild launch, we are sitting on 41 characters, 29 accounts, 21 level 70s and done no other recruitment except for word of mouth. We have now decided that it is time to increase our roster size and recruit more dedicated TBCers to join our ranks to that we can begin our mission into 25 mans and beyond.


1) Our guild was created purely for the purpose of clearing all level 70 content with only level 70s. There are almost NO active or progressing level 70 guilds on EU or US realms that do not - or did not start out with - allowing their members to PuG raids for gear. Yes some of our guild members do have some BT/SWP gear, but most don't. Player with that gear either earned it during TBC or attained the gear BEFORE xfering/joining our guild.

PuGing or being boosted for gear is an immediate guild-kick offense and there is no excuses.

Screenshot of our first Illidan Stormrage Kill.

2) We wish people to actually experience or remember what it was like to gear up. As I previously said, we do not allow PuGs and Boosts, but along with that we do not allow players to use BOE WOTLK gear, or gear that is found in Northrend. If you wish to raid with us, you MUST fully meet our guild requirements when it comes to gear specifics.

3) We work hard to make level 70 interesting. While I do not fully enjoy WOTLK, there were some great additions to World of Warcraft that came with the expansion.

Our guild has been working hard on creating custom Level 70 Achievements and Hardmodes for our guild, that are designed to create and maintain a bigger challenge than some of the TBC content currently provides. Some examples are:







We are working on becoming the level 70 raiding guild of choice for the EU servers, and here are some of the other things that you can expect from us.

  • An awesome time and we will make every moment count
  • Great guild PvP and PvE movies
  • Fast dedicated progression
  • Friendly and experienced players and leaders
  • A community that you can call your second family
  • Fun guild activities when not raiding



Since we are a raiding guild, and we do actually take our guild seriously, we have certain requirements that we expect our members to meet.

  • If you wish to join us, you MUST make an application on our guild website before you can receive a guild invite. Using guild forums is compulsory for our guild, and by applying on our website you gain access to our forums.
  • Ventrilo use for progression raids.
  • Be willing to use any mandatory addons we require or may require.
  • Act in a mature manner, have control of yourself and able to follow both rules and instructions.
  • Be prepared to actually try to improve both your gear and your skill level / competency.
  • Be active. We are not a sideline guild. Not showing up to raids because you had a raid on your L80 is not an option. You are either with us or you aren't. 10 days no-warning-inactivity gives you a guild-rank-reset and puts you into inactive rank. 14 days no-warning-inactivity gets you a guild kick. Being kicked or demoted to inactive.
  • You need to know the boss strategies before coming to a raid. We are not going to explain every single boss strategy each time, and if you mess up because not knowing the rules then it's your head on the block.


We want to create a raid schedule that will suit as many people as possible. Henceforth over the next few months we might make one or two tiny changes to it by adding or removing 1 or 2 days, moving raids 1 or 2 hours forwards etc. However everyone will be notified at least 1-2 weeks before any changes that will be made are made.

*8pm - 10/11pm Boulderfist Server time*​

  • MONDAY - Progression Raiding Night
  • TUESDAY - Optional PVP/Arena/Ganking Night
  • WEDNESDAY - Optional Raid Night for older content / alts
  • THURSDAY - Progression Raiding Night
  • FRIDAY - Progression Raiding Night
  • SATURDAY - Optional Raid Night for older content / alts
  • SUNDAY - Optional Heroic rep farming / achievement farming Night


  1. Guild Website
  2. Guild Rules
  3. Guild Rankings
  4. Achievements and Hardmodes Progress
  5. Raiding Requirements and Expectations
  6. Raiding Days and Times
  7. Recruitment Needs


1) What do you allow in terms of WOTLK 'stuff'?

Currently we allow the use of:

  • WOTLK spells
  • WOTLK talents
  • WOTLK glyphs
  • WOTLK gems
  • WOTLK enchants
  • WOTLK consumables
  • WOTLK professions/profession levels,
  • WOTLK Profession crafted items that are SPECIFICALLY for the crafter. (BS Bracer/Gloves sockets, JC Dragon's Eye Gems, LW enchants, Inscription enchants, Enchanting enchants, Engineering enchants and Engineering trinkets are allowed).

Currently we do NOT allow the use of:

  • WOTLK items that are not listed above. (BOE items, instance items, vendor items, quest items, etc).

2) Why do you allow the use of such WOTLK items? Surely that is not in the good spirit of TBC? Won't you just faceroll content then?

An excellent and very reasonable question. If I could, I would get Blizzard to create level 60 and level 70 specific servers, where everything is identical to the way it was. But I can't.

In short the reason why we use the WOTLK items listed above is to balance out handicap. You see during TBC era, BT/SWP level guilds had a HUGE recruitment pool to choose from. They could easily find people who were GOOD raiders, people who were all competent, had BT/SWP level gear, had HIGH attendance records, and in general were good enough to raid BT and SWP. Unfortunately for us, at the moment we pretty much have to take what we can get. It will be a while until we are able to draw out a good enough 25 man team from a VERY VERY small recruitment pool. It sort of balances things out a little bit.

3) What's the point? Blizzard nerfed all the raids slightly before the expansion anyways - it's just a faceroll now.

No it isn't a faceroll, see my above post for a reply about that. Very few guilds during TBC managed to get Sunwell on farm (even after the nerf). Very few guilds managed to get ICC and ICC Heroic before the buff. Even after 30% buff many guilds still can't down LK.

Each expansion has it's ups and downs. We enjoy what we do and take what we can get and make the best out of it.

4) Do you accept rerollers?

Yes we do accept players who wish to make a new character to level it up, however it isn't recommended unless you have RAF and/or are a very dedicated leveler.

5) Do you accept Death Knights?


Unholy[S]haman;164126 said:
There are almost NO active or progressing level 70 guilds on EU or US realms that do not - or did not start out with - allowing their members to PuG raids for gear.

Glad to see you used the word 'almost.'

Seriously though, its good to see another guild that's actually striving to clear their own content, rather than getting carried through Black Temple and Sunwell by 80's. I also think its very smart that you have implemented a 'no pugging rule.' That will definitely help keep the integrity of what you're trying to achieve. Good luck from one 70 guild to another.

-Luminaa (Epoch GM)
Luminaa said:
Glad to see you used the word 'almost.'

Seriously though, its good to see another guild that's actually striving to clear their own content, rather than getting carried through Black Temple and Sunwell by 80's. I also think its very smart that you have implemented a 'no pugging rule.' That will definitely help keep the integrity of what you're trying to achieve. Good luck from one 70 guild to another.

-Luminaa (Epoch GM)

Yeah I was very particular about the almost :p

Regroovenate said:
achievements are kinda retarded, specially when you just made them to make them, and you can't even spell them right :(

Eh, some people think pvp is retarded, some people think raiding is retarded, some people think wow is retarded. Everyone has their own opinions and everyone has their own choices.

If you don't like what we do, that's fine. It's your opinion :)

Hence why you can choose which guild you wish to be in. We are just trying to introduce something new and have a little bit for everyone in our guild, we are having fun and it isn't affecting you in remotely anyway at all.

I'm aware of the spelling mistake in the last achievement, will fix that sometime. Any other spelling that you would spell differently might be because I use a different version of English to you?

Anyways we really not wanting to get on the bad side of everyone because we want to be as drama free as possible. Would appreciate it if you didn't post in thread just so that you can point out faults in others.

Thanks :)
Another achievement that is fun is 1million dmg on KJ :) me and luminaa normally have a race to 1million dmg +.+ she always wins.

as seen here.

Dude seriously? Are you that bored with your own life that you need to try harass others and cause problems in theirs just to make your own seem better?

We not doing anything that harms, bothers or affects your life in ANY way at all. So why are you looking to try cause trouble with us?

Find me 3 other active and progressing guilds on EU servers that run a level 70 raiding guild as or more legitimately as us from start to finish. If you can then I will remove that from my original post. If you can't then my point still stands. Good day.
Supbrah, you must remember that we cant be too picky about the people we recruit. Most people have issues even with the no Wotlk gear on raids rule, how do you think they would react to no wotlk gems or enchants? :D

Also, we want to expirience the bosses again but we have wotlk talents which also give unfair advantage so we try to offer as enjoyable and friction free tbc raiding expirience as possible with only 70's.

who complains you cant use LK gear in raids? find one piece better than t6/6.5 lol my warlock didnt get a new piece of gear till i started heroics/raids when i lvld him from a twink. i did get the chilly slobberknocker from that one quest, but thats like 75-6 and only cuz i didnt have a good staff. didnt even use it tho till i wanted more hit for raids
Falkor said:
who complains you cant use LK gear in raids? find one piece better than t6/6.5 lol my warlock didnt get a new piece of gear till i started heroics/raids when i lvld him from a twink. i did get the chilly slobberknocker from that one quest, but thats like 75-6 and only cuz i didnt have a good staff. didnt even use it tho till i wanted more hit for raids

The guild rule that we have about no WOTLK gear in raids is more for those who just join the guild. We don't want people to hit 70 and be lazy and sit in heirlooms / cobalt gear etc. We want them to actually make an effort to run dungeons and heroics to get good pre-karazhan gear. It sort of gets them in the right frame of mind.

Anyways bit of an update on tonights raid:

- Raid started at 8pm. Cleared Gruul's Lair (second time now for the guild) with 16 people.

- Then went to Magtheridon's Lair and 1 shotted him (first attempt for the guild) with 15 people.

- Then went to Tempest Keep and 1 shotted Void Reaver + A'lar (A'lar was almost a wipe at the end) and then got High Astromancer down on the second attempt. - all with only 15 people

- Gave KT an attempt but didn't quite get it and called the raid at 11:15pm.

Good job all :)

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