Armor penetration for MM hunter? (60)


Heya, my hunter twink has been laying arround for a long time now, but now is the time for him to return :)

Hes gear is cinda out dated (sockets, enchants etc), and I havent had the time to run aq with him.


His current gems is 32 AP, and his in MM specc. the question is, if I'm staying MM, would it be a good idea to get some armor penetration gems?

Concidering all the retri/prot paladin twinks out there (atleast in my BG), it would be nice to get rid of at least a bit of their armor.

So, what is youre oppinion? :)
:warning...i dont play hunter as a main spec for pve or pvp:

im sure it couldnt hurt, however from what i know about hunters (pve wise at least) ArP is NOT one of their best stats. ap, crit (i.e agi), and haste are better imo, especially since there isnt a lot of ArP to stack @ 60-69 afaik for hunters, so gems alone might not make a big difference. take my advice with some lumps of salt, but i just wanted to give you at least one reply
You are better off stacking Agility. ArP is stacking will screw you over in dps.
Hm, but if I have like 12 sockets, that will get me like 240 armor pen, wich is like 50-60% at lvl 60, and with aimed shot at 50% crit with trueshot aura glyph + specc, woulnd that kinda hurt?

but ye. on the other hand, chimera shot, arcane shot and serpent sting is all magical dmg :
Henzy said:
Hm, but if I have like 12 sockets, that will get me like 240 armor pen, wich is like 50-60% at lvl 60, and with aimed shot at 50% crit with trueshot aura glyph + specc, woulnd that kinda hurt?

but ye. on the other hand, chimera shot, arcane shot and serpent sting is all magical dmg :

it's worth trying. the 20 armor penetration gem is extremely OP for characters lower than 70.

i'd say its better than 20 agility gems.
Hm, I think I'll just go for the 20 agi gems after all. cause cba replacing all the armor pen gems when I wonna go surv :p

thanks anyways! :)
Not to be a killjoy or anything but how is it possible to get a dozen gem sockets on 60-69 gear?

Even T4-6 gear didn't have a dozen slots.
Henzy said:
Hm, I think I'll just go for the 20 agi gems after all. cause cba replacing all the armor pen gems when I wonna go surv :p

thanks anyways! :)

if you have gold to play around with, mise well try armor penetration first while you still can. once cataclysm is out, u won't even be able to try it anymore.

plus, imo 40 attack power is better, even with 5/5 lightening reflex, 20 agi is only 23 agi, 40 AP still wins imo.
you seem to not be accounting for the fact that agi also grants crit, dodge, some armor, and those stats alone are why people prefer agi over AP in terms of gems for a hunter at 60.
glancealot said:
if you have gold to play around with, mise well try armor penetration first while you still can. once cataclysm is out, u won't even be able to try it anymore.

plus, imo 40 attack power is better, even with 5/5 lightening reflex, 20 agi is only 23 agi, 40 AP still wins imo.

so wait they're removing armor pen. in cata?

also yea...almost every class ever prefers pure stats (agi/strength) vs. ap since said classes typically have talents/buffs that allow pure stats to scale better than AP. the pure stats also give extra bonus (block value for str, crit, dodge, armor for agi)

also LK gear and even nontier BC stuff will have more gems than tier usually. i saw his armory and there was indeed a plethora of gem sockets.
glancealot said:
if you have gold to play around with, mise well try armor penetration first while you still can. once cataclysm is out, u won't even be able to try it anymore.

plus, imo 40 attack power is better, even with 5/5 lightening reflex, 20 agi is only 23 agi, 40 AP still wins imo.

hmm, okey. dont have alot of gold atm.

whats up in cataclysm? :eek: are they gna remove it?

aye, but I want some crit aswell :)

and with 20 agi gems, I'm reaching like 40% crit with new enchants + skinning :)

btw, my char's name is Hulketta, changed the name :)

armor pen is NOT a top quality stat for ret pally since most of the attacks are holy damage (which has binary resistance) and cant doesnt benefit from armor pen. strength = #1 stat just because of how it scales with talents/buffs. then either crit or agi. but pure strength beats AP for a ret pally any day of the week
Falkor said:
armor pen is NOT a top quality stat for ret pally since most of the attacks are holy damage (which has binary resistance) and cant doesnt benefit from armor pen. strength = #1 stat just because of how it scales with talents/buffs. then either crit or agi. but pure strength beats AP for a ret pally any day of the week

Should i am for X amount of SpellPenetration then?
no. spell penetration fails for paladins as well. why? b/c holy is binary - meaning it will only either hit for full damage or miss; there are no partial resists.
glancealot said:
plus, imo 40 attack power is better, even with 5/5 lightening reflex, 20 agi is only 23 agi, 40 AP still wins imo.

Lightning reflex is 15% bonus to your TOTAL agility, not the agility of each item. Please Glancealot, check your argument before you post it, you make yourself sound like a 12 year old german kid who thinks he knows everything and has to prove it on every single topic.

On the topic, MM skills (with exception of arcane shot lower % than other skills) benefit more from 20 ArP than 20 AGI untill capped (dont know what the cap is at 60 is exactly but im guessing its around 600 rating considering that 240=56%) but if you are survival AGI is ofcourse the gem to use after you're hit capped.

But in pvp when you rely on burst dmg(because healers have cast times on heals and instant heals cant overheal everything LOL) i'd advice using AGI on MM, Survi and BM(<- BM's benefit more from AGI than pure AP because pets get portion of you crit too and therefore AGI is superior)
Falkor said:
no. spell penetration fails for paladins as well. why? b/c holy is binary - meaning it will only either hit for full damage or miss; there are no partial resists.

Aha. Thanks, bro.

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