Search results

  1. AGM should be BOA

    Hardly, a carried twink maybe, or a rich one having 2 accounts, bying roundtrips from LP server and back to HP server, gold to pay some 85 etc. AGM is a symbol and a cheap way of saving yourself in a bad situation. LFH was THE symbol of 19 twinks. Look where it is now...replaced by BoA hats :s
  2. You are killing this damn bracket.

    We are but Hpallies replaced hunters for most pugs i've been in. Around 3-4 Hpalliers on each side, then same for rogues, then priests / hunters. Rest is often one or two random mage/warrior. Rest is too crappy to be in without pocket healers (I don't cun't Hpallies as healers as most only know...
  3. Godly Feet of the Lynx

    You can't see them red because the screenshot is taken from a lvl85 and the item is not binded yet. If you send it to say a lvl10 twink, this chant will appear red.
  4. Whats new

    I would say it's not worth to resuscribe for 19. Every twink is a copy of a copy of a copy playing only fotm for 90% of what you get in pugs (Dpriest, Hpally, Subrogue, Hunter). Queue times have increased -a lot- as many left the bracket and queues have been buggy too. Burst is still insane and...
  5. 19s Armory Library

    Thanks for the new breakdown! As for the BiS it's quite subjective imo as it all comes down to personnal preferences at the end of the day. Sad that my daggy rogue didn't make it on this list while putting +30ap +4% crit and +5% hit compared to others but it's true i miss agm :p nvm Great job!
  6. cloth boa helm

    I guess it's possible. I did it on my 70 twink by farming dailies (QD, Netherwings and fishing). No dungeon runs but i trandfered a +100% guild rep tabard though. I think it took me 2 weeks or so. So at 80 with tourn dailies + fishing + tuskars + sholazarr dailies, it would take you 1-2 weeks i...
  7. Only hardmode Ahn'qiraj EU

    Thanks a lot for the invite and 1rst clean of MC on my 60 lock. It was a smooth run and a lot of fun =) See you on sunday for AQ! Bump this
  8. Talon Of Vultros Still available ???

    As 'still in the game' as Shadowfang. For me both do not loot anymore though (4.1 that is). If you check wowheads, thousands of kills and no dagger.
  9. Ideal class composition in a wsg.

    10 Holy pallis ofc. I think every huntard rolled one by now anyway...xD Breakdown usually I find in pugs out of 20 players EU: 1 Fwarrior 1 Eshaman 1 Amage 3 hunters 4 Dpriest 5 Sub rogues 5 Holy pallies Close enough to a gathering of opness. There can always be nice teams with such...
  10. Worth it?

    Advice from a fellow old lock: don't, just don't. They are the worst in any bracket, and even if the 'idea' of playing a lock is sexy on paper, you will quickly realise how most 39s will 2 shot you. If you want a cool support class with a chance to survive a rogue ambush, make a shadow...
  11. Project activity! (EU)

    Sorry I just jump in this discussion, but this is one really good argument. I've seen that countless times in my 3 years of twinking in a lot of different brackets: premades actually kill brackets. Hell even a good team of 3 guildmates (FC+healer+anti-efc) can turn a warsong. I understand...
  12. DW Frost

    DW frost it currently really good. In 4.2 though, you can forget it: - Hungering cold has 1,5s cast - Glyph of dark succor no longer heals you 15% of your life back at every DS. Instead it heals you 20% life back after you killed a player, making it useless in arena. I would say go for enh...
  13. Wargames! EU Draenor

    Poor warlock :( You guys think a shadow priest would have more chance? In a 2v2 or 3v3? Or is it all about stacking hunts/rogues/paladins? I think rogues or hunters can get someone down in 3sec if they have no heals. I remember Luft or Moon have insane damage. My feral can put down some nice...
  14. 19 twink armories

    19 backstab rogue: Gølgøth 19 affli lock: Jøke
  15. Bankbeauty leaving the 10s community

    Thanks for promoting 10s Bankbeauty. I cancelled my WoW sub couple of days ago but your guides / posts etc really kept me interested in 10s and WoW until the end. Bonne chance pour la suite =)!
  16. EU WTB Blackened Defias Boots + Belt

    If a mod can close this thread. I just cancelled my sub yesterday. Thanks
  17. skinnng easier to level

    As far as i know you can't do that anymore. As Horde you just need to go in the orc starting zone and kill / skin boars. As alliance it takes longer. GL
  18. price check on mindthrust bracers

    20k here on Draenor. But there was a Shadowfang @ 100k. So I think players just lost it here. Those bracers have been listed for more than 1 month now. SF is gone though...
  19. EU WTB Blackened Defias Boots + Belt

    WTB Blackened Defias Boots + Belt EU, Draenor :Alliance:. Character: Gølgøth Hi, I am looking for those 2. Willing to pay 500g each. Send me a message in-game if interested. ;)
  20. got Lucky Fishing Hat on 10 druid

    I wish I could :) EU is a bit broken atm. We got one nice spike of activity but then patch came, gfed northern barren gear, broke queues, some old gfed 10s tagged Horde side creating huge balance issue and then many stopped / lvled / moved back to 19.. Wtb transfer to US servers haha ^^...