Bankbeauty leaving the 10s community

So yeah. Time passed, it was all nice, but it's over for me. Several reasons could explain it, but I won't go into it, I don't feel like explaining my reason here. I will leave the 10s like this. I've done the best I could to help the community and the time passed with it was well worth it.

I will not level my toon but I will simply abandon any project with them. I will probably leave Medivh with my main and bankbeauty and go back to my first server, Zul'jin. There's a lot of people there that I miss and that I've not been playing with simply to stay active on my toons (10s and 85s wisely). I miss these people and for that reason, I decided to go back home.

Is twinking over for me? I don't know. A part of me thinks it's just over and that I should either leave twinking or WoW itself, but on the other side, there's a part of me that can't imagine playing WoW without twink. I will not take any decision right now and I'm probably gonna reroll some more twinks.

Bankbeauty. Well my paladin isn't over. I'm still planning on getting some more achievements, pimp this toon out and still be my banker, but will no longer focus on twinking aspect.

I'll keep an eye on this forum section and look over my guides to keep them up-to-date.

To finish, I hope you guys continue to work on getting Qs and activity going. I hope my work for this community did worth it, I believe it did. I wish you all the best of luck and the best for the future patch hehe.

Will I continue promoting this bracket? Probably not. Since I won't be a part of it anymore, I don't plan on continuating to promote it. I will keep on posting PvE videos, probably, but that's it.

See you around.



Well GL to you in whatever you decide to do. Much respect from me for helping get something going in this bracket. Wish I could have been around to enjoy it with you and now you're gone. :(
lol so people that xferred to medvih wasted their money
threesets said:
lol so people that xferred to medvih wasted their money

There used to be a ton of twinks on Medivh so unless that's changed since I was there, no.

GL w/ whatever you get into Bank whether it's in-game or out of game.

threesets said:
just saying i forsee that the guilds on medvih will disperse

well i doubt this. Bankbeauty is not currently a member of beats on nineteens or beats on fourteens and while he did contribute to the community immensely, it was not entirely Dependant on him.

good luck Bankbeauty!
I'll add this to the reasons of why I quit wow. yeah, the two guilds will most likely fall and go back to the inactivity it was before
Damn there goes 25% of the 10s community!
threesets said:
just saying i forsee that the guilds on medvih will disperse

..... BON and BOF are and will continue to grow. bankbeauty hasnt even been in our guilds for weeks now. this will have no impact on our servers community.

edited after finishing reading..

i hope all of u negative people quit 10's if your part of this community. i dont need nor want u around.

now do us all a favor n stop trying to act like its going to die. if it dies it will not be due to bank what so ever.

sorry bank, but its true. ppl act like your some legend...


SUNDAY ALLL DAY wargames/wsg/AB? be on at 10am 4pm and 9pm. SEE YAH THERE!

Bank has done a fantastic job of promoting 10's and if Bank does follow through on xfering I do hope to see her in the future in the 10-14 xp off wsg bracket.

I support Bank's enthusiasm for ten twinks and look forward to this continuing.

imo - pls don't leave
Thanks everyone. No the 10s community will not fall, I'm just another casual players like the rest of this community. Yes I did promote the bracket a lot and tried to get a lot of stuff going, but I'm surely not holding the thing by myself, nor is ANYONE. If 10s fails then it wouldn't be my fault, wouldn't be Bamfcow fault or BoN/BoF fault, it would be the fault of the whole community. Like I said, I'm not leveling Bankbeauty or any other of my toons. We never know, maybe I'd get back into it, who knows. But I'm probably gonna Xfer my toons back on Zul'jin, doesn't mean I won't join WSG if these happens hehe.

Again, Thanks a lot everyone, was really nice to see what everyone had to tell me, thanks a lot.

P.S: Please, let's atleast keep this thread on topic.

Thanks for promoting 10s Bankbeauty. I cancelled my WoW sub couple of days ago but your guides / posts etc really kept me interested in 10s and WoW until the end.

Bonne chance pour la suite =)!
@ Medivh 10's

10's are growing on Medivh.

Ally side - 50 - 10's

2 months ago there were only 2 or 3

Horde side - 100 - 10's

2 months ago there were around 50 or 60

. . . and it's still growing.

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