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rip fishin buddies
Do 19s still suck? Or did they have some sort of comeback. When cata started I had been off twinking for almost 5 months just sticking to endgame, and spent the majority of cata release time leveling and gearing my shaman, then doing arenas (resto was retardedly OP and we didn't lose a 3s until 1800 and a 2s until 2k) but it got boring, so I made a welfare ret pally for 19s. I played half of a WSG and it was just terrible. I could 2 shot people or kill them in a stun, my friend was 1 shotting people with his druid he made with me, and just everyone in general sucked. I was like man this is terrible then I quit WoW. They used to be so fun, I'm not sure if it is that the twinking community is just bad in general or that the good people that made it fun all left or what.

Would it be worth it to resubscribe for 19s or should I just stay away?
Hunters and Paladins....yayayayayaya
I would say it's not worth to resuscribe for 19. Every twink is a copy of a copy of a copy playing only fotm for 90% of what you get in pugs (Dpriest, Hpally, Subrogue, Hunter). Queue times have increased -a lot- as many left the bracket and queues have been buggy too. Burst is still insane and 19s die to fast unless you play priest/hpally.

Don't get me wrong: you can be lucky, have a good group and a lot of fun, but recent changes (GY changein wsg) just made it worst. Can be cool and fun (i do have a lot of fun as a sub rogue), but not worth a resub as the bracket is soo monotone atm. I miss the days when resto druids, warlocks, shamans were among us. 19s had such a nice diversity.
19s were fun...but UGH it just kept getting worse and worse...and like the guy above me said, WSG GY changes just made people say "f it im out"

Some other brackets that are worth trying out orc are:



39s <------------

Mrcer said:
19s were fun...but UGH it just kept getting worse and worse...and like the guy above me said, WSG GY changes just made people say "f it im out"

Some other brackets that are worth trying out orc are:



39s <------------


The GY changes were a bad call for Blizzard. Probably the worst idea they could have thought of.

But some of the above listed brackets are worth trying out. I heard 70s are very active, more then 19s even. 10s, 29s, and 39s are brackets striving for more activity so another person would help to the community.
Sure, alot of things suck. And sure, it's not like it used to be. But if you have the opportunity to play with friends or familiar faces it can always be fun. The GY change sucks, hell yah. The "fixed" queue times still kind of suck, hell yah. But it's like any other aspect of the game. Things evolve, for better or worse, and we adapt or dip. If you love playing the game it's worth coming back, if you don't then save your fifteen bucks. The rest of us will keep on keepin' on and hope for the improvements we seek.

Short of being serial-camped in consecutive games, I almost always have fun. That's just me, though. While my 70's are on the shelf for now, 19's still make me smile.
So what was this GY change?
19s are doing better. I would give the bracket a try again.
The graveyards now are a seperate platform of land inbetween the heigh of where it was before and the ground.

But id say come back, its not as bad as people say. Its still playable but its just more defensive now. TIts no where near as good as it once was but 19s still and always will be my fav bracket.
The GY changes basically were meant to change the the flag carriers camping the GYs for neverending Battles with flag carriers. but blizz didnt factor in that to escape a GY farm people would have to die right next the the land wall then spirit run to the high ground, in hopes their insignia didnt get stolen by a rogue

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