AGM should be BOA

Someone should make that suggestion if it hasn't been made. Last I knew I was banned from posting on the World of Warcraft forums.

edit: I changed my mind on the BOA, but having them have the chest spawn once an hour would be optimal.
That's totally random, there's already tons of BoA and AGM shouldn't be another one.
The AGM has always been the most difficult to acquire twink piece, in my opinion.

Changing it to a BoA would make twinking just that much more carebear.
Brokenscream said:
The AGM has always been the most difficult to acquire twink piece, in my opinion.

Changing it to a BoA would make twinking just that much more carebear.

Agreed its what makes a twink a twink now a days.
bankbeauty said:
... there's already tons of BoA and AGM shouldn't be another one.

Agreed - yarrr 10 char.
I have 7 out of 12 Arena Masters - after less than a week of trying. My 85 and the occasional friend or two is enough to clear the arena most of the time and then alt hop.

It isn't -that- hard, just a little time consuming and awkward on ones schedule. At most I'd say reduce the number of Arena Masters needed...and reduce the amount of times the chest spawns per day.
Brokenscream said:
The AGM has always been the most difficult to acquire twink piece, in my opinion.

Changing it to a BoA would make twinking just that much more carebear.

I tend to play solo. I don't have a lot of guildies helping me with the AGM. And it's especially hard now that there's an achievement associated with getting it. Now we're competing with 85s who have absolutely no need for the item.

I wouldn't say having tons of e-friends makes a twink!
Synrai said:
I have 7 out of 12 Arena Masters - after less than a week of trying. My 85 and the occasional friend or two is enough to clear the arena most of the time and then alt hop.

It isn't -that- hard, just a little time consuming and awkward on ones schedule. At most I'd say reduce the number of Arena Masters needed...and reduce the amount of times the chest spawns per day.

My point exactly, you've got efriends... I'd rather own someone on one of my 85s and ninja the AGM for my lowbie.
Except that my buddies aren't always around to help me. I've gotten at least 3 of my Arena Masters just using my main and then Alt Hopping. =p Don't get me wrong, I understand the frustration, but I don't foresee the AGM becoming any easier any time soon.
Don't make it BoA, it's ok at it is now. If do anything, make it easier to obtain.
AGM should not be BoA.
1. do hard work like the rest of us and stop being so lazy. 2. dont bring up AGM to blizz if it does get turnt into BoA what ever but i bet they will over look it and want to nerf it. nuff said
bankbeauty said:
That's totally random, there's already tons of BoA and AGM shouldn't be another one.

Bump. /agreed

Best way to get AGM. Make an 85. Join a PvP Guild. Ask them to Carry you to 12/12 Arena Master Trinkets on your twink toon. Turn in Quest. Repeat if Necessary.

Last week I started working on my 2nd AGM for my 39 Twink; my 85 is also in that PvP Guild. I've been asking them to help me get my 2nd AGM and they were happy to help. I'm almost @ the end of Week #1 for my 2nd AGM and I'm currently sitting at 7/12 Arena Master Trinkets.

Just an FYI I work 40 Hours a week 5 days a week(full time). So I don't get too much "free" time to camp STV for AGMs. So ya, it works.
Randythehero said:
1. do hard work like the rest of us and stop being so lazy. 2. dont bring up AGM to blizz if it does get turnt into BoA what ever but i bet they will over look it and want to nerf it. nuff said

I actually have five level 85s, so it really isn't a question of laziness. (I said four in another thread, but I forgot about one I just leveled), and three 19 twinks, a 29, a 39, two 49s which I haven't really played excluding the deleted ones. I have pretty much geared myself with my current twinks giving myself runs for low drop rate bops.

The fact that they'd probably nerf it is the only problem with it. Although it might be nice if they made the AGM required level 19 to discourage the levels 15-18 from entering an experience capped bg. But considering the 12 trinkets with the +5 stamina required to get it are level 35, that's probably not going to happen. And really lack of an AGM doesn't stop people from entering experience capped BGs with less than 500 hp.
dakoduh77 said:
Agreed its what makes a twink a twink now a days.

Hardly, a carried twink maybe, or a rich one having 2 accounts, bying roundtrips from LP server and back to HP server, gold to pay some 85 etc.

AGM is a symbol and a cheap way of saving yourself in a bad situation. LFH was THE symbol of 19 twinks. Look where it is now...replaced by BoA hats :s
If it was BoA it would be scaled to the ground. lv1s probably wouldn't get 1stam out of it, and it would be equivalent to a good blue item for what ever level your at. So it would be nerfed from item lv55 to item lv24. 19s would get no more then 3-5 stam from it. And as others have said get your mates to help.

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