Wargames! EU Draenor

siwtz said:
We are 5 members of Highwav online atm! :) We are doing 2vs2 wargames atm ! loads of fun :) If you are horde or ally and got a 39 twink on Draenor please whisper me in game :)

GZ, how is the wargames turning out? Fast zerg matches OP or?
Kore nametooshort said:
You horde or ally? I may throw you a /w at some point.

Horde, but havent played in months, thats why Im curious:) I quit because of cata changes and no skirmish, if wargames is/are fun I might consider coming back
We tried 3vs3.

Setup 1: Warlock, Holy paladin, Holy paladin (we wanted to try x2 healers 1 dps) vs disc priest, Holy paladin and Fire mage.

Results 1: Long and booring fights :/ There where somewhat equal fight. But warlocks isn't doing good damage. So he left behind on damage done for the fight. 15-20k ~ behind mage. (warlock wasn't bis either)

Setup 2: Retri paladin, Warlock, Holy Paladin vs Holy priest, Holy paladin, rogue

Results 2: The rogue (AP gear) 3 shotted our warlock (2600 hp). We didn't even have a chance to start casting a heal. Then we me and the retri survived for a litttle while and later died.

That was our 3vs3 games. But I must say, it was more fun than it looks :)
But 2v2 with healer/dmg setup in both side are fun! Games can last over 10min (depend of many things...;))
Poor warlock :(

You guys think a shadow priest would have more chance?

In a 2v2 or 3v3? Or is it all about stacking hunts/rogues/paladins? I think rogues or hunters can get someone down in 3sec if they have no heals. I remember Luft or Moon have insane damage. My feral can put down some nice burst too around 2k opening @900 ap, but then get stun / killed in 3sec. I guess i need to stack stam (old gear with 2k5 life).

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