got Lucky Fishing Hat on 10 druid

get to the back of the line dawg, i got it ma first comp 5 fish in

I got mine first tournament 40ish comp. But it's not even close to BiS now that I finally have this nice BtA def helm with expertise :s War 9 stam Vs +6 str +22 exp score (capping) + 6% parry +100 armor. it's sitting in my bag now next to the WBH. What a shame.
Xanatös said:

I got mine first tournament 40ish comp. But it's not even close to BiS now that I finally have this nice BtA def helm with expertise :s War 9 stam Vs +6 str +22 exp score (capping) + 6% parry +100 armor. it's sitting in my bag now next to the WBH. What a shame.

in that case you should give a paladin FC a shot. you may thoroughly enjoy it!
Well, I'd still get BoA Mail head over LFH for FCing on a paladin, but this LFH still bothers me because it's BiS for a stam-whore.

On a FC, most will want the armor + Parry then 90 hp

69 armor more for BoA + 2 Parry, that's 4% parry and 1,18% Damage reduction from melee or 90 hp.

Anyway, big grats on hat.

LFH>BoA for Stam-whore

BoA>LFH for most of the rest (Some rare case (CC mage for example))
I fished for a while on "Letsgetiton" with no luck, The comp when i finally got it (i was on horde still), there where these 70 twink alliance Achievement Whores Fishing and they would kill me every time then camp my body, i was ready to give up for the day, Thought one last cast and BANG got my hat :) it was worth the frustration.
Heädströng said:
in that case you should give a paladin FC a shot. you may thoroughly enjoy it!

I wish I could :) EU is a bit broken atm. We got one nice spike of activity but then patch came, gfed northern barren gear, broke queues, some old gfed 10s tagged Horde side creating huge balance issue and then many stopped / lvled / moved back to 19.. Wtb transfer to US servers haha ^^. Hopefully EU will get better later on.

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