Talon Of Vultros Still available ???

[item] Talon of Vultros [/item]

lvl 11 dagger, one of the slowest in game which would be epic for Ambush on my 11 rogue..

But does it still drop from the Rare Elite " Vultros" in westfall??

It used to be a lvl 26 Rare elite, it is now a lvl 10 .

And I have found and killed her 7 times, with no drop. only greens and whites,

and on WoWhead, The dagger is no longer listed in its drop loot table???

Anybody know anything about this???

thanks in advance!
It dropped for me in 4.0.1, but since then I haven't tried. That was when this mob was lvl 10 btw.
I saw the dagger on the AH in 4.0.6 for 1.5k gold, no idea if he had it pre-cata though :(
As 'still in the game' as Shadowfang. For me both do not loot anymore though (4.1 that is). If you check wowheads, thousands of kills and no dagger.
It's pretty rare. I did a quick scan of all US Auction Houses and found that they're out there but probably only about 50 have been seen in the last 4 months or so. It's quite possible it doesn't drop anymore, but it's also possible that the dr is just really low.


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