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  1. 19's Scheduled Game Night - Sunday, March 9th

    I think they mean any ranged class...
  2. 19's Scheduled Game Night - Sunday, March 9th

    Too many rogues. 7 horde rogues one game.
  3. Stream For BLR/LSFTW Premade Tonight

    Congrats guys on the win! See you don't need me. Good luck on future games!
  4. BiS Lock

    Finally some affliction recognition, I've been playing affliction spec since I made this character, and ever since 4.0 everyone went destro and claimed affliction lagged behind. I personally believe affliction is the better of the two glad to hear I'm not just stubborn.
  5. Reserved for lvl19 arathi basin (us)

    After two hours of being in queue all of Bloodlust Rep have gone to bed, maybe next time.
  6. Arena Master :)

    Very nice, I wish 5s were active in my Battlegroup
  7. Can horde get [Band of raptor teeth] ?

    Seems to start from this quest. Hope that helps
  8. Possible way to Make 19s fun again?

    The problem with that is the numerous number of pug hunters won't listen nor care. Most pugs at 19 are people who barley twink, don't use wow or TI forums and just play the 'flavor of the month' class to be cheap. It would be a interesting idea, but sadly I wouldn't hold your breath.
  9. <Twink Info> GUILD Recruiting!

    WTB 'like' button.. lol
  10. Reserved for lvl19 arathi basin (us)

    I am trying to get some of the Bloodlust rep people to queue but seeing as a lot of people didn't even know about it till a day or so ago don't expect the 5 you put for us without asking, lol. I put a calendar event up, but so far not too many of them look like they can make it.
  11. The Arena Master

    You can, it requires win trading being there is no 5s and little to no 3s.
  12. Quest items Ele sham

    Seal of Argus and Garrosh's Pardon for rings wise. but... Look at ALL CATA GEAR (new items and granfathered) - By Jarex (twink source) for any gear that looks appealing to you. Otherwise look up other shamans, I know Purj is one of the few elemental shamans left in this bracket.
  13. Zul´aman

    If its anything like SFK or deadmines, I would say so... But it is blizzard so we really can't make assumptions.
  14. Back after a break. Need help!

    Shamans are kind of lacking at 85. Warriors are amazing, but getting nerfed next patch. Rogues are rogues and will always be great at endgame pvp.
  15. BiS Lock

    Affliction is good as well, gives a lot more globals for CC effects while doing a lot of damage at the same time. Armory Link is in my signature.
  16. BIS 70 holy pally

    My pally is pretty well geared. I'm more focused on SP with my gems, while a lot go straight resil. Its really preference Armory link is in the sig.
  17. 70 Warlock

    A friend of mine had a really well geared 70 Demo lock, with hand of Gul'dan hitting like a truck and Felstorm(from felguard) hitting equally as hard, my holy pally struggled to even out heal it without cooldowns. Here is his armory link: Sapluh He did quit before the new vendor off piece items.
  18. How To: Level One Rogue.

    Human, not rogue. It's 8 attack power at level 1. 150, not 225. Its Greater Stats, also add in +15 Resilience as a option (Major Resilience). I personally like dueling high levels on my level one, +5 Hit is necessary if you don't like taking forever. (Called Lesser Accuracy) So far...
  19. New Crit Ring

    : ( I'm at 15 of those rare fishes and haven't seen one ring yet
  20. Something Fishy Going on in AB

    Achievements are hardly skill at level 19.