Possible way to Make 19s fun again?


<The Awesome>
hey there, i was just sitting around orgrimmar overlooking my moves on my 19 hunter and i got a crazy idea. i am sure someone has thought about this before, but what if we "banned" concussive shot among 19s? i mean sure not all kids that roll hunters for the skill-less-ness will listen, but if everyone stops doing it, and you ridicule hunters for using concussive shot, maybe it will catch on? wing clip could be used because it would require you to get in melee range, and makes you able to be whacked by some melee classes so they don't feel completely useless against hunters. it would require more skill, and those that don't know how to kite (which seems to be most hunters in the bracket currently) will be easy targets! it's just a crazy idea, tell me what you think..or if you have any other ideas?
I assumed hunters lost wing clip until the other day I got wing clipped on my feral tank. I almost stopped and /cheer'd while fcing. Good hunters wingclip.
The problem with that is the numerous number of pug hunters won't listen nor care. Most pugs at 19 are people who barley twink, don't use wow or TI forums and just play the 'flavor of the month' class to be cheap. It would be a interesting idea, but sadly I wouldn't hold your breath.
Seithr said:
The problem with that is the numerous number of pug hunters won't listen nor care. Most pugs at 19 are people who barley twink, don't use wow or TI forums and just play the 'flavor of the month' class to be cheap. It would be a interesting idea, but sadly I wouldn't hold your breath.


Good hunters will beat the bad ones.

Bad ones go to good ones for advice.

Tell them not to use concussive shot.


Awesome said:
hey there, i was just sitting around orgrimmar overlooking my moves on my 19 hunter and i got a crazy idea. i am sure someone has thought about this before, but what if we "banned" concussive shot among 19s? i mean sure not all kids that roll hunters for the skill-less-ness will listen, but if everyone stops doing it, and you ridicule hunters for using concussive shot, maybe it will catch on? wing clip could be used because it would require you to get in melee range, and makes you able to be whacked by some melee classes so they don't feel completely useless against hunters. it would require more skill, and those that don't know how to kite (which seems to be most hunters in the bracket currently) will be easy targets! it's just a crazy idea, tell me what you think..or if you have any other ideas?

/roll a different toon and don't play your hunter any more (repeat for every other hunter in the game) and it might be somewhat enjoyable to all classes again.... (except the eliminated class(es))

(or at least start playing a different 19 for a while/ when you can.... way back in vanilla i made a hunter and he had like full green defias gear, i went into a wsg at 19 and was like "this is too rediculous..." I haven't played that 19 hunter since.. (moved on to 3 rogues, warlock, warrior, mage) and I play my main rogue + my most gimped class....
Mochabad said:
/roll a different toon and don't play your hunter any more (repeat for every other hunter in the game) and it might be somewhat enjoyable to all classes again.... (except the eliminated class(es))

(or at least start playing a different 19 for a while/ when you can.... way back in vanilla i made a hunter and he had like full green defias gear, i went into a wsg at 19 and was like "this is too rediculous..." I haven't played that 19 hunter since.. (moved on to 3 rogues, warlock, warrior, mage) and I play my main rogue + my most gimped class....

Mocha! I remember seeing you in arena and you not doing 1 damage!
Mochabad said:
/roll a different toon and don't play your hunter any more (repeat for every other hunter in the game) and it might be somewhat enjoyable to all classes again.... (except the eliminated class(es))

(or at least start playing a different 19 for a while/ when you can.... way back in vanilla i made a hunter and he had like full green defias gear, i went into a wsg at 19 and was like "this is too rediculous..." I haven't played that 19 hunter since.. (moved on to 3 rogues, warlock, warrior, mage) and I play my main rogue + my most gimped class....

lol ban hunters entirely. that will happen. every class should deserve to play in the bracket, but i think banning conc shot is more realistic
is this the most dumb topic or what? (rogue horde) killed by alliance hunter.... rogue horde rolls lvl 1 tells alliance hunter... Twink info says not to use that concussive shot because its for noobs! (hunter alliance) nice story bro. thats what will happen if you actualy try this and why the hell would you freak out because you have a OP cast on a toon? please type something worth reading, i thought i was going to hear of a new cool way to have fun on a twink when theres already fun things to do
Randythehero said:
is this the most dumb topic or what? (rogue horde) killed by alliance hunter.... rogue horde rolls lvl 1 tells alliance hunter... Twink info says not to use that concussive shot because its for noobs! (hunter alliance) nice story bro. thats what will happen if you actualy try this and why the hell would you freak out because you have a OP cast on a toon? please type something worth reading, i thought i was going to hear of a new cool way to have fun on a twink when theres already fun things to do

you enjoy 19s what with all the hunters? what is it now like 4 hunters per game each side? i am a huntwink since BC, i posted this because it is sad to see most of the good players stop playing because hunters "ruin the bracket" so i want to fix that.
Bring level 10's back to the bracket and all the hunter hate goes away..............

Just sayin
Awesome said:
lol ban hunters entirely. that will happen. every class should deserve to play in the bracket, but i think banning conc shot is more realistic

Obv.... hence why I said:

or at least start playing a different 19 for a while/ when you can....

We have all arrived to the conclusion that Hunters are ruining it..... You (being a hunter) complain about it being ruined..............................................................


(or don't QQ about fixing the problem that you are contributing to)

Brief explanation:

Mochabad said:
Obv.... hence why I said:

We have all arrived to the conclusion that Hunters are ruining it..... You (being a hunter) complain about it being ruined..............................................................


(or don't QQ about fixing the problem that you are contributing to)

Brief explanation:


FYI: i am no longer contributing to it, i am in the process of twinking a 19 rogue and i am no longer queueing on my 19 hunter. i will queue on him again when something is done about it. sorry, i should have mentioned that in my original post.
wingclip and concussive are original 19 hunter talents....disengage, explosive shot, scatter shot, aimed shot, intimidation (stun) are not.

bats and 2 sec stun of course isn't a original twink hunter pet, but back in the days hogs had a charge momentary stun and just as bats are #1 pets....hogs ruled back then due to being only pet with a ability in 19.

last time i played 19.....D-priests and paladins were still the gamebreaking factor on who wins
Steamed said:
i have this crazy idea, instead of trying to ban things with only the force of your words, how about we nerf hunters with the force of blizzard


You'll just get a "lolwut" if you approach hunters with a Concussive shot ban by TI. Most of those players play hunters just because they're OP. Also, while something like this might work for the 39/49 bracket, the 19 bracket is too big for regulations like this.

Besides, like it was already pointed out, if any hunters here want to improve the situation, reroll till it's better instead of restricting yourself to certain skills on an OP class.
More premades or at least mini premades, less room for scrubs, mainly hunters, to get into games.
shanker said:
last time i played 19.....D-priests and paladins were still the gamebreaking factor on who wins

I play 19 everyday and I have to say it's still the case. I saw D priests soloing not 1 but 2 sv hunters; just sayin'

Ps: I play D lock and F warrior nowadays, so no, I am not a frustrated hunter complaining on TI

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