New Crit Ring

hwagz said:
Pain in the buttfish!

But I'm enjoying the grind. i like that pond. With all the pigs roamin' around. Kinda relaxing.

Go play minecraft.
twinkypinky said:
Haha finally got one! was about damn time was about to hearth took like 7 fish to get it though

: ( I'm at 15 of those rare fishes and haven't seen one ring yet
Nice to see Blizzard included some classic-style Twink items instead of just boring ones without any Lore attached many non-Twinks have as well.

Makes me wonder wether other named, 'unused' bodies of water hold new secrets; personally I always found Darrowmere Lake rather underused (and fully expected it to contain mobs the first time I saw its eerie, ''Loch Ness'' -vibe presence).

As for some raw data:

out of sheer boredom a friend of mine started fishing for the Ring, in the morning he got 1 Bane/15 minutes or so and after 6 Banes the Ring, in the afternoon he had similar results (7 Banes, also hour and a half), and in the evening after 8 Banes and abt 2 hrs no Ring.

Note that his Fishers had a modified skill of 225 or higher.

Although the data is of course limited, on that same server the Rare Fish of Ironforge appeared to be (going by abt. 5 of my toons) to be more common on certain time intervals as well - when Fishing between 13.00 and 14.00 I always got it within that hour, in the evening I could fish for hours without catching it.

So it could be that this new Rare spawn has some server-dependant regularity in it.
threesets said:
but everything in wow has a hidden lore meaning...doesnt it?

I'd have trouble coming up how e.g. Heirlooms fit in things Lorewise, only the Dread Pirate Ring has any individuality to it.

I can tell where and how my toons got their Quest gear, I can tell where they got their Drop gear, I can even tell in most cases how many runs it took or how much I paid for some item on the AH and how I acquired the gold to pay for it (I rarely had more than 1k on my books). Basically, my Twinks gear told their life-story.

With my stash of Heirlooms...haven't got the foggiest where they fit lorewise or which Instances I did to get an individual piece, nor do they tell anything about what the toons using it did. Even cereal prizes have more background to them. Call me what you will, but to me they just lack 'soul'.
got mine off AH, 800g, so its affordable.. =)
Hugzlol said:
Been fishing for two hours and not a single stendels bane.

Does it drop from a school or something? or am i just really unlucky.

i was getting a stendels bane about every 30-50+ fish, out of 5 of them i got 2 rings.

you just fish the pond. to pass boredom somewhat i qued for BGs. my 70 is one that caught them using a +25 fishing pole, +3 fishing line enchant, +5 fishing hat, +75 lure from hat, +5 fishing gloves, and is maxed at 450 fishing
Mehcritkillu said:
I've been fishing for over five hours in Stendel's Pond on my 16 huntah, still not a single fish :mad:

Am I just too damn unlucky or am I doin' it wrong?

you're in westfall right? :p

You're just really unlucky
Mehcritkillu said:
I've been fishing for over five hours in Stendel's Pond on my 16 huntah, still not a single fish :mad:

Am I just too damn unlucky or am I doin' it wrong?

After 3k fish my fishing buddy shows a 1% drop rate, you must be very unlucky :(

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