19's Scheduled Game Night - Sunday, March 9th

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first game back tonight rockin the cata enchants... got fucking destroyed. needless to say im happy to see games are happening regardless. thanks to superstylin for putting this together. hopefully we will see less hunters/rogues and more casters
Well... good news is we got some games going. Now just need to work on improving them. Hope everyone at least had fun, and would be willing to do it again.
The only reason why you're seeing so many rogues is because it's the only thing that can be done about 5 hunters.

Soooo, people are playing rogues to "counter" the one class that makes them even more useless? All those rogues were really fighting off the hunters by triple ambushing mages and locks...

Horde won the first game with 4 ranged/4 healers. It might've actually been a good one if Ally had any heals. The next two games they had 4-5 rogues and got 3-0'd easily. The game after that was 7 Horde rogues. My computer decided to spare me by randomly turning off during it, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that game was an easy but annoying Ally win.

I was drawn to this bracket because I really enjoy playing WSG with and against people who actually want to win. That many people playing rogues even though 4+ rogue teams lose every single time tells me they just don't give a shit. I don't get it, you can ambush people in awful games 24/7 playing XP-on or 20-24.

I'm not saying 5 hunter teams are a good thing, but all the rogues are killing any chance of this bracket coming back.
i swear the only people who play rogues are 12 year olds and could give 2 shits about this bracket rogue has to be the worst class to see on your team as long as there isnt more than 1
so its safe to say it was good that i didnt que last night? after reading this and seeing shitty comps pop up in certain posts. anywho it'd be nice to play more but if and when is the deciding factor for me.
ye games were real bad. i wouldnt expect q pops till summer time now, as yesterday demonstrated that the most we can make happen is maybe 5 games of hunters and rogues vsing hunters and rogues. oh well move on to better brackets guys
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