How To: Level One Rogue.


How To:Level One Rogue.

Hello, I am quite new to this forum but not at all new to my level one twink Qqlolqt. Before I get started I would like to remind you all I am open for corrections if I make any issues or mistakes.



Well as you may or may not know I play a human for obvious reasons (The 2 minute PVP trinket), Sword Specialization (3 expertise) and diplomacy because I like to rep farm. :p Other races you may consider are;

Night Elf - Shadowmeld, Elusiveness(which kicks in whilst Shadowmelded), Quickness (Reduced chance to be hit), or 75% increased movement speed whilst dead which at times, can be invaluable.

Dwarf - An overall terrible rogue race due to there looks and overall bad racials but incase you're interested their racials are, Stoneform increases by 10% and removes all bleeds and poisons quite good when dueling a warrior and need to bandage. 1 frost resistance, and 3 expertise whilst wielding a mace(s).

Gnome - A fairly decent choice for any level one twink but in my opinion not as great as humans. Their racials include; Escape Artist gets rid of effects such as concussive shot, hamstring and such, Arcane Resistance and Shortblade Specialization 3 expertise with swords or daggers.

Worgen - No longer obtainable at level one so not filling it out.

:Horde: Horde:Horde:

Orc - Bloodfury, 8 attack power boost which is somewhat useful for bursting, Hardiness 15% reduced stun duration good for when dueling paladins, Axe specialization 5 expertise whilst using an axe.

Troll - Beserking, 20% attack speed serves as a mini bloodlust and a large bloodlust when combined with Lifeblood. 10% increased health regeneration and 10% happens while in combat semi useful, 5% extra damage whilst killing beasts and 15% less duration on movement impairing effects also quite useful.

Undead - Will of the Forsaken, quite useful when dueling priests and warlocks, Cannabalize, in my opionion quite useless due to the extreme regen we get by default, and Shadow Resistance

Bloodelf - Arcane Torrent, two second AoE silence situational but still useful also serves as an energy boost, also 1 Arcane Resistance.

Goblin - Also no longer obtainable at level 1.


I personally see Herbalism and Skinning as easily the best although the 7 stamina via Mining is relatively useful also for a maximum stamina setup.150 in both Skinning and Herbalism are vital as well with First Aid really and a heavy supply of Heavy Runecloth Bandages.


Currently not 100% sure how to link Wowhead in my posts so googling/wowheading may be necessary to find where they are obtained.

Head - N/A

Neck - N/A

Shoulders - N/A

Cloak - Stealth (8 agility 8 dodge)

Chest - Greater Stats(...I think) 4 to all stats

(ALTERNATIVE) 100 hp or 150 hp if an item level 35+ item is available. Also having a chest piece enchanted with 15 resilience is a great option don't know how I forgot about it seeing as I have one lol maybe cause shutdown was up I forgot.

Bracers - Superior Stamina (9 stamina)

Gloves - Superior Agility? (15 agility) Also have the option of 10 haste rating but in my opinion it is inferior to 15 agility.

Belt - N/A

Pants - Rugged Armor Kit (40 Armor)

Boots - Superior Stamina, Agility or Minor Speed (7 stamina, 7 agility or 8% movement speed) Thoughts on Hit Rating Boots: Depending on the class you are dueling they can be useful but in duels with all melee and hunters especially I prefer the 8% movement speed although I do keep a pair of hit rating boots mainly for the PvE factor.

Weapon - I always use 15 agility on main hand (and offhand when I have lost 100 hp via macro to switch to dual wield) some people like lifestealing but it really comes down to preference.


Will be applied tomorrow night when I have more time.
You forgot race: Human. And primary prof.s are capped at 150 on a lv1 are they not? BiS Chest enchants are +15 resil, + 150 hp and +6 stats on Haliscan/Forma Dangui. Also Gloves may want 10 haste, and Boots +5hits. Also players have said old ZG Chants work on BoA Helms at 19, so they may also work on lv1s I would imagine. And why are you dissin' Dwarfs? Those beards are epic.
Qqlolqt said:
How To:Level One Rogue.

Well as you may or may not know I play a rogue for the obvious reasons (The 2 minute PVP trinket), Sword Specialization (3 expertise) and diplomacy because I like to rep farm. :p Other races you may consider are;

Human, not rogue.

Qqlolqt said:
Orc - Bloodfury, not 100% sure on the attack power boost but is somewhat useful for bursting, Hardiness 15% reduced stun duration good for when dueling paladins, Axe specialization 5 expertise whilst using an axe.

It's 8 attack power at level 1.

Qqlolqt said:

I personally see Herbalism and Skinning as easily the best although the 7 stamina via Mining is relatively useful also for a maximum stamina setup. 225 in both Skinning and Herbalism are vital as well with First Aid really and a heavy supply of Heavy Runecloth Bandages.

150, not 225.

Qqlolqt said:
Chest - Super Stats(...I think) 4 to all stats

(ALTERNATIVE) 100 hp or 150 hp if an item level 35+ item is available

Its Greater Stats, also add in +15 Resilience as a option (Major Resilience).

Qqlolqt said:
Boots - Superior Stamina, Agility or Minor Speed (7 stamina, 7 agility or 8% movement speed)

I personally like dueling high levels on my level one, +5 Hit is necessary if you don't like taking forever. (Called Lesser Accuracy)

So far good guide, would be interesting to see a full list of level 1 twink guides
15 resi give 40% mitigation atm, will be nerfed slightly next patch. will most likely stay over 35%.

and for gear:

Chest: 15 resi/16 dodge on haliscan or 22 dodge on formal dangui.

9 stam on bracers (5 dodge if your HP is high enough)

LS on both weps/LS on MH agi on OH if you want dodge

5 hit on boots when DW.

40 armor on haliscan trousers

10 haste on gloves
Corrected some issues as well as adding alternatives thanks oh and Dwarf=gross looking lol. and with Djaeb's comment on 5 dodge rating I only ever use it on my dodge set as 90 health in my opinion is always superior to 9.42% dodge.
forgot 6 stats to 35+ ilvl wep
Qqlolqt said:
Corrected some issues as well as adding alternatives thanks oh and Dwarf=gross looking lol. and with Djaeb's comment on 5 dodge rating I only ever use it on my dodge set as 90 health in my opinion is always superior to 9.42% dodge.

5 dodge isn't 9.42% dodge. it scales differently depending on how much dodge you have atm. If you have 2 AGMs and rumsey and greater ward of runing then you got quite a lot of hp/absorb and that 90 hp don't seems so good anymore.

What if you get several rune procs in a pve vid combined with heals from bandage or just get a lot of heals in pvp from lifesteal then the battle is dragged on and on and let you dodge more.

9 stam if you don't have a high enough hp pool or if the battle isn't long enough.

5 dodge if the battle will take some time.

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