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stamm said:
I have a question

Why have i NEVER seen this mighty sword on a f2p?

Is it so bad?
Rets and arms want crit. IMO it could be worth it on a ret stacking stam and resilience since ret heals are silly now.
Not just crit, but also weapon damage. Compared to BAR (at both level 20 and in battlegrounds), the sword is not BiS for damage. When being focused, the sword may only be better than resil "sword"+board when almost all of those focusing you are non-physical damage dealers.

At level 24 (battlegrounds), it's 3 str+6 resil vs 5 stam+8 crit+(3 min dmg-5 max dmg).
Oh, let's also not forget that the sword has a swing of 3.6 sec, compared to 3.8 from BAR, which affects how one's attack power is converted into weapon damage, which boosts the damage of various abilities that scale with weapon damage. The slower the weapon speed, the more attack power is converted into weapon damage. So, sword swing<BAR swing as well.


Now, with my question. In WoW, has there ever been a time when a non-rogue class would prefer a fast-swing weapon over a slow-swing weapon (assuming almost equal DPS)? Fast-swinging weapons seem a bit inferior by the fact that slower-swings give more weapon damage from AP than fast-swings (which matters on weapon-damage-scaling classes). Or, are there classes (excluding rogues) that are/were different with regards to weapon speed?
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since ret heals are silly now.
but then again so is rets...

But I am actually suprised that I havn't seen anyone with this weapon aswel, since of course for most 2-handers BAR is the goal, but like people buy the honor shoulders, and then turn them in before the 2 hour duration, for 100% refund, and that way practically roll with BoA PvP shoulders until they can afford PvE shoulders, since even the PvP ones are way better than blue alternatives, I havn't seen anyone do this with this sword...
I've been up against FOTMing baddies for the last 5-10 games - where'd all the good people go?
spring break?
[MENTION=18883]Thuniador[/MENTION], i'm asking if i need to be grouped with a p2p who's zoned to a certain point in the quests, or if there are any other similar requirements besides simply hopping on and earning the achieve

You don't have to be in P2P group. All the thing you have to do is just stay on the trampoline and get 20 point. You need to get to Whistling Grove either with summoning or you got flight base there.(No lvl requirement and no quests needed)
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Should nova and poly him, if he trinkets the nova, then you should blink. imo

how can you do that when silenced? i'd say pet nova and get out of melee range.
how do u counter a bloodelf's racial silence as a mage that has a cd down when the bloodelf rouge uses it just after ambush (assume frost)
Blink right away. Making you Frost Nova first uses another GCD which allows the Rogue to deal more damage. So: Eat the ambush, move in a certain direction backstrafing, Blink in the opposite direction, Sheep, start DPSing. If he Shadowmelds your Sheep, you're basically screwed as because he'll get off another Ambush and probably will have a 5 CP Eviscrate up after that.
how do u counter a bloodelf's racial silence as a mage that has a cd down when the bloodelf rouge uses it just after ambush (assume frost)

That took me some getting used too. Your health bar drops and you didn't auto target the culprit because they are still in stealth. They have GCDs. If you put your debuffs in a very noticable location and blink or snare if you see poison, hemmorage, or any of the other rogue debuffs. I've also seen rogue swoop in and ambush then swoop out of range of fear or snare before stealth breaks to get you to waste your CC.
I've been up against FOTMing baddies for the last 5-10 games - where'd all the good people go?

I asked myself the same question few days ago, when I experienced a looong string of lost games. And I figure it out (after observing a pattern in all the ally teams I was facing) . It's simple: an important number of good players rerolled and rallied to designated f2p servers, and they are queuing together. Also, add the fact that random pugs quality went down the drain, from the moment the Spanish invasion occurred. Veteran f2p premades against Spanish-ly populated pugs = most likely a disaster.

My only chance to win is when the random team I'm in, is facing another genuine random ally team. But that's 1 in 5 and even then if they have enough 24s, it's still a gamble. Outside of this I get to fight, in no particular order: French premades (always heavily 24-ed), Spinebreaker premade, Magtheridon premade, German premade and few other odd premades here and there.

Yet, when I see Colinas Pardas in the opposite team, there's hope. A little. :)
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I enabled Interruptbar but I don't see it ingame. Help please....
Load out of date addon, ot type /ib toggle, cause it might be hidden by default.
Frost Nova and pin it, once done use Blink and keep away of it before he finishing move on you.
I'dd never use Blink and Nova on the same target, unless they trinket nova. I'dd use blink, and then just do your thing, shouldn't be too hard, with any of your t1 talents and pet nova.

:eek:View attachment 1792
Why does Phron think it's ok to abuse an exploit?
Because he cba to face a 24 rogue one shotting him.
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