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i meant, as soon as the silence ends you should turn and sheep the nearest feral druid. i seen a guy do that a few times, he wasn't even screaming jajaja.
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Alright this is what I would do if I were a frost mage and a belf rogue would open on me with Ambush + AoE silence:

First scenario; my pet isn't silenced, I pet nova the rogue, move away, sheep and start kitefest.
Second scenario; pet isn't silenced, I pet nova the rogue, but he trinkets (or miss whatev), I nova OR blink, and start kitefest.
Third scenario; pet is silenced, I wait out the silence and blink OR nova him with my own nova, and incase he trinkets my nova, I pet nova him.

Lesson to be learned: don't waste noth your nova and blink at the same time, and I would always use my own nova over pet nova if target is in melee range, cause pet nova is just an improved Frost Nova, cause of range??
and I would always use my own nova over pet nova if target is in melee range, cause pet nova is just an improved Frost Nova, cause of range??

But it wastes a gcd - I have been 2shot by rogues too often because i thought 'yea, i'll just nova and run away', even while i'm >5yds away, i still eat the 800 evis crit

edit: you ask why i eat the evis? no, not because of my latency(<60ms), because blizzard programs so well: in the last few days i have been mostly on both my druid and my prot warrior, guess what, I'm running maybe 1 ingame-yd away from my target for shield slam 'too far away', same on my druid: enemy druid is running just as fast as me, i'm still 1 yd behind him 'too far away' and the best is, it works the other way around too for both Charge and Wild Charge, i'm fucking 15yds away 'too close' - gg blizzard, rant over
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But it wastes a gcd - I have been 2shot by rogues too often because i thought 'yea, i'll just nova and run away', even while i'm >5yds away, i still eat the 800 evis crit

edit: you ask why i eat the evis? no, not because of my latency(<60ms), because blizzard programs so well: in the last few days i have been mostly on both my druid and my prot warrior, guess what, I'm running maybe 1 ingame-yd away from my target for shield slam 'too far away', same on my druid: enemy druid is running just as fast as me, i'm still 1 yd behind him 'too far away' and the best is, it works the other way around too for both Charge and Wild Charge, i'm fucking 15yds away 'too close' - gg blizzard, rant over
Well wasting a gcd doesn't matter, if you are implying that you would get away from the rogue by using pet nova that is incorrect. Cause it would take the same time for you to get away from the rogue no matter what nova u used.

But if you are afraid of getting 2-shot, then always blink, and pet nova, if you dont have the time to sheep the rogue before he can run to you.
So, i started playing my enh shaman again and i was wondering what is best stat to prioritize.

Agi or Crit.

and is stone bulwark totem the best enh shaman talent?
I'm working on a new resto FC sham and am at a loss of what to take for this quest

Since boa shields were announced for 5.3 I'm deciding between the Ring and Skillpatch. Or would the shield still be worth taking for the small amount of armor it offers over the boa?

If your time is suitable for your Fishing Contest, then you should get the Lucky Fishing Hat and choose Shield of Stockade, if can't then you can choose the eyepatch and wait for the Heirloom Shield.
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How do you change your thread title??? I tried but it only changes the title when you are in the thread, from the outside on the f2p forum thread list, it keeps showing the old thread title?
How do you change your thread title??? I tried but it only changes the title when you are in the thread, from the outside on the f2p forum thread list, it keeps showing the old thread title?

There used to be a way where you could double-click the name of the thread on the main forum page. But that doesn't seem to be working at the moment.

Only other way is to ask the Mods. Best way to do that is report the OP to your thread (the little button at the bottom-left corner of that post).
So, i started playing my enh shaman again and i was wondering what is best stat to prioritize.

Agi or Crit.

and is stone bulwark totem the best enh shaman talent?

Hit > Haste > Agility > Stam > Crit

Hit for obvious reasons - Haste, because unlike Cata, even with max-agility you won't hit or crit anything over ~350 fully buffed with zerker on a clothie and with baseline Flurry you want to hit your target as much as possible to get a) your Flurry up again and b) get as many Flametongue ticks as possible (just saying, but excluding MAYBE dagger rogues, enhancement shamans hit the fastest in the bracket) - Agility because it raises your AP for minor dps boost but massive, passive SP boost for better healing - Stam for obvious reasons - Crit for the occasional 200 Lava Lash Crit or the 600-800 Surge-crit

Regarding Stone Bulwark, yes, imo, it's the best enhancement shaman talent - Astral Shift is bullshit, Nature's Guardian is too unreliable as enhancement and now that SBT has 10% of the caster's health instead of the 5hp it had before it became at least viable (not counting that the majority of players won't even bother hitting it anyways)
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