Simple questions should be asked here to avoid thread overload.
Also I wowheaded "walking boots" and found a comment within 2 minutes saying that they don't. Would honestly be quicker to wowhead something then creating a new thread probably.
Simple questions should be asked here to avoid thread overload.
Also I wowheaded "walking boots" and found a comment within 2 minutes saying that they don't. Would honestly be quicker to wowhead something then creating a new thread probably.
I don't think I offended/bothered anyone by posting this. Don't try to uphold non-existent forum code for the sake of looking noble. I doubt I troubled anyone with this topic, and I think it's more on-topic than "April Fools", "WAHHHH WARRIORS", and my personal favorite, "ZOMG BEST F2PZ".
The difference is those weren't threads with a very simple question. The april fools was kinda pointless but the other 2 had a purpose and if there is a thread MADE FOR simple questions then use it instead of making a new thread. Q&A thread is the best thread this section has and has gotten the most use so next simple question like how are mages atm or if ___ item drops just use it. Don't be a smartass either cause I was just trying to tell you wowhead would be quicker then making a new thread next time
Debating and relating facts over a possibly grandfathered item is a simple question? The mage topic was a discussion, and a discussion took place.
Don't get your panties in a bunch over the fact that you were being a condescending prick and I called you on it.
If you want to continue this discussion PM me. I wouldn't want my On Topic F2P Thread to clutter up all the childish nonsense that goes on around here.