LF crazy pvp community to join!


Hello! I am new on f2p bracket, and I started resto druid on TN ally.. While it was just test to see if this bracket is popular and fine to play, now I am starting some serious business with paladin.
Anyway, I am looking for some good and crazy community to join, pvp vise ofc, including premades and arenas. I am 2.2k rated ret pala in 2's at my 70lvl twink , and also r1 in world with ret/fmage combo back in cata. This is not intend to be show off at any kind, just letting you know that I am not complete nub. As much as I would like to play on horde side, I don't care if its ally too, as long as there is awesome people to play with. I am also planing in making premade team, that will face even 24's premade and beat them hard ^^ . In my signature you have links to my pvp movies in cata and 1 movie with world pvp with my 19lvl rogue (bad geared), also back in cata.

Anyway, please let me know if anyone is interested, to join their server! Thanks!
Sup Ctm.
Loved the world pvp vid! ;D
Aggramar horde has loads of very friendly awesome players, and they premade everyday aswell - you should swing by!
Hey bass :)
Ye I heard that aggramar is awesome horde f2p server, and I would probably join there.. But still leaving some room to consider other servers! Tnx for replay :)

[MENTION=15624]Franciska[/MENTION] : not sure why you are jelly? Maybe i should go war like you?? Or maybe mage is fotm or destro lock back in cata... /sigh
Aggramar is the most active f2p community on the EU servers, and guess what, it's horde too!;) Premades and arena happen all the time and there's usually around 20 people online (sometimes it drops to <10 in the 'early' hours on weekdays, but it can go up to 30+ during weekends as well!)
Hey bass :) Ye I heard that aggramar is awesome horde f2p server, and I would probably join there.. But still leaving some room to consider other servers! Tnx for replay :) [MENTION=15624]Franciska[/MENTION] : not sure why you are jelly? Maybe i should go war like you?? Or maybe mage is fotm or destro lock back in cata... /sigh
Aggramar really is the only choice for Horde, as Twisting Nether is for Alliance. Both factions have spent a lot of time promoting the activity on these realms, don't settle for anything less! :p

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