Hello! I am new on f2p bracket, and I started resto druid on TN ally.. While it was just test to see if this bracket is popular and fine to play, now I am starting some serious business with paladin.
Anyway, I am looking for some good and crazy community to join, pvp vise ofc, including premades and arenas. I am 2.2k rated ret pala in 2's at my 70lvl twink , and also r1 in world with ret/fmage combo back in cata. This is not intend to be show off at any kind, just letting you know that I am not complete nub. As much as I would like to play on horde side, I don't care if its ally too, as long as there is awesome people to play with. I am also planing in making premade team, that will face even 24's premade and beat them hard ^^ . In my signature you have links to my pvp movies in cata and 1 movie with world pvp with my 19lvl rogue (bad geared), also back in cata.
Anyway, please let me know if anyone is interested, to join their server! Thanks!
Anyway, I am looking for some good and crazy community to join, pvp vise ofc, including premades and arenas. I am 2.2k rated ret pala in 2's at my 70lvl twink , and also r1 in world with ret/fmage combo back in cata. This is not intend to be show off at any kind, just letting you know that I am not complete nub. As much as I would like to play on horde side, I don't care if its ally too, as long as there is awesome people to play with. I am also planing in making premade team, that will face even 24's premade and beat them hard ^^ . In my signature you have links to my pvp movies in cata and 1 movie with world pvp with my 19lvl rogue (bad geared), also back in cata.
Anyway, please let me know if anyone is interested, to join their server! Thanks!