
  1. Szivexe

    How long does It take to fully gear a warforged 20s twink?

    I'm not new to twinking, but I quit after they implemented the seperate xpoff brackets. I see the vet 20s are still good though... I was thinking of going all out and having every class as a 20s twink but it would entirely depend on the time to gear and I have zero idea what the rates are having...
  2. WTS Pendulum of the Doom

    EU Alliance Pyrewood Village got a few for sale Can xfer to any server or sell Horde side if the price is right discord: sau0
  3. Mattens

    US Starting a 30s Twink PvE/PvP Community!

    I checked the forums, and noticed no 30s! *sad* So what I'm doing is starting an Alliance guild on Tichondrius Named (Crit Squad) and the goal of the guild is to clear raids, smash dungeons and even maybe battlegrounds! In case you're like: "Mattens, But why 30s?" Because my friend, 30 is the...
  4. Worth leveling a 25 to a 29?

    Hey, been out the twink game for majority of last two expansions but looking to get back into it, this is my old 60 twink, now 25. Wandering if worth leveling to 29 or keep at 25. If worth leveling to 29, what would be some...
  5. Maximums

    Earthshaker (EU) Ally 1Lvl Twinks

    Hello to all twink lovers:ez:I want to invite you to join me for: PVE, farm or PVP duels. Need to develop 1lvl twinking on the server, need more people who like to: have fun, explore old mechanics, look for bugs or explore the unknown and test new mechanics. Even more, i will be happy even for...
  6. WoW19 WOTLK Classic

    WoW19 WOTLK Classic • What is this ? • WoW19 WOTLK Classic is a discord server for the twink 19 EU and US • What will you find in the discord ? • In the Discord WoW19, you will find: • Guides for all in-game classes (BIS gear, talents, glyph etc…) but also many other guides to help you...
  7. Embu

    Battle For Outland | lvl20 PvP Event EU

    [07.05.22] REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED! Introducing a new PvP event for lvl20 twinks! :p Alliance and Horde will fight in the arenas of the Hellfire Peninsula (Outland). • DATES • Thursday 7 July 09 PM CEST • HOW TO JOIN • Join the WoW20 Discord. Check the channel event-info...
  8. Mende

    Instant level 19 twink Pserver

    Came across this level 19 twink private server Twink Land. As the looks of it it looks pretty new and you get all your BIS gear and enchants right when you spawn in the game. After looking around it looks like you can transmog your gear as well. All the transmog gear costs gold and it looks like...
  9. New to twinking, any recommended reads?

    Was looking at some guides on the forum, but some of them have broken links. Such as the link to recommended items for lvl 20 twinks. Mainly looking to start a ret pally twink. Would be really cool if there were any guides on a leech build or similar. If anyone knows anything I'd love to hear...
  10. Jonnes

    Quick, Easy, Solo - Infinite Bogling Root Farm

    The is a longtime staple of level one twink buffs, and I'm constantly telling my buddies about this method of farming them. I decided to write up a guide to save time explaining it, and also to simply share it with the community. This guide's...
  11. Elementalx

    [EU] WTB twink items pls

    Looking to find Scaled to 20 also after: Feverflare cloth bracers and shoulders with socket + speed Feverflare Mail bracers and Boots with socket + speed Feverflare offhand with socket Intellect trinkets with Mastery, socket and...
  12. YoungTattedX

    BoE Drop Changes ?

    I have been doing some research into some BoE items for some of my twinks. Upon looking into it further I see most if not all of them are above level 20 (21,27+) So i was generally wondering if there was a patch that changed the ilvl of the BoE drops perhaps. I even tried looking at other...

    There is a new server made by a good high rated 70 rogue named Linguster. Made just for 70 twinks who miss Mists of Pandaria PvP and play style. Or even those who never tried MoP or twinking in MoP and want to try it. OR ANYONE WHO LOVES PVP. Once downloaded you: 1. Make a character 2. Begin...
  14. Most Active Level to Twink

    Hey guys I was just wondering what the most active level among twinks is right now and I'd assume it's F2P and Vet 20s, but I'd like to know if there's any other levels that are doing well right now. Thanks.
  15. Mhax the Cat

    Mhaximalists at Work

    Hey folks, I'm new here because I started a project with only level 10s. I created 12 chars on The Venture Co European server in my guild "Mhaximalists at Work" Mh - Hunter Mha - Warlock Mhax - Druid Mhaxi - Mage Mhaxim - Priest Mhaxima - Rogue Mhaximal - Monk Mhaximali - Death Knight...
  16. Life

    US <<<GOLDEN TWINKIES>>> - The Largest & Most Social Guild is RECRUITING ALL 10s/20s/30s+ for BATTLEGROUNDS / RAIDS / DUNGEONS / WARGAMES / PARTIES

    <<<GOLDEN TWINKIES>>> (Bringing the “Golden Era” to Twinking by Uniting EVERY twink!) The Largest, Most Social, Most Active, & Fun Having Twinking Guild is recruiting all TWINKS! ✨WELCOME TO THE PARTY!✨ We're here to gear you up, enchant you, and bring you into the action! We are the...
  17. 6 Twink in 1 Month?

    Im planning to use my wow token for gearing twinks. If i activate my sub can i gear up 6 different character? I have no gold on my account. No Shadowlands also. Armors, enchants, gems, professions, farming... Can i do it? What do you think?
  18. World pvp

    hello everyone, i stopped playing wow for 2 years and i came back and looking for world pvp, we are a group that made a couple of twinks and started playing world pvp to have fun , it was perfect a couple years ago but now not so much , we thought about going to Dreanor-Eu as alliance so we can...
  19. Znipp

    30 Outlaw Rogue - Low DPS?

    Hey fellow twinks, Whenever I LFG a random Dungeon my DPS is terrible, I've been outDPSed by (low level) levelers... Is it because Outlaw has a ramp up time? My gear is a mix of ICC heroic and TBC. a 5 minute DPS rotation on a dummy gives about ~230DPS. Character can be found here...
  20. <Graveyard Taxi> – Pyrewood Village (Alliance - 29)

    CABS ARE HERE! <Graveyard Taxi> is a newly formed guild recruiting solely for level 29 Twinks. As part of the ongoing resurrection of the bracket, I felt it would be incredibly useful to newbies, returners, and existing players to have a bracket-focused Guild on Pyrewood Village. Let’s...