
  1. Brilliant

    New members! Questions. Faq, ama

    I've noticed theres been an influx of new members lately. With them, alot of new threads. I wish you very welcome to whichever bracket you decide to join. Maybe some new members wanna ask some questions here.
  2. Myzdikal

    New Possibility Found: Chromie Time AND Threads of Fate? [DEPRECATED]

    EDIT: As of the hotfix on November 5th this is no longer possible due to the maw skip requiring level 50 now. Disclaimer: If anything happens to your account as a result from replicating what occurs in the video below, I am not liable in any way. I am simply sharing new information that I found...
  3. US <Timewalkers> [A] lvl 30 dungeons, raids, PvP

    Guild Name: Timewalkers Server: Kel'Thuzad Faction: Alliance Maximum Level Requirement: 30 Guild objective: Dungeons / Raids / PvP Wargames <Timewalkers> are looking for anyone willing to stay at level 30 in order to enjoy Classic, Burning Crusade, and Wrath of the Lich King content. This...
  4. Ivo

    Level 20 Items Sheet UPDATED GEM & ENCHANTS ADDED STATS CALCULATOR IS NOW LIVE! BUILDS ARE NOW LIVE! Hello, since Chubakass' awesome spreadsheet hasn't been updated for quite some time and meta has changed a bit I decided to make another one that includes all good items (armor, weapons...
  5. Berrybush


    Hi guys. Where do you grind stuff other than dungeons and 20-30 areas? I read people here say you can do tons of stuff on f2p WoW now but what exactly are those tons of stuff? Fishing cooking herblore tailoring enchanting engineering ? Do you farm these somewhere else? Am I missing...
  6. Any 29 Twinks Out There?

    Hey guys, I am new here at XPOff, but I have recently started forming an exclusive 29 twink guild/team for eventual scheduled BG's! Looking to anyone that could be interested or would want to play together. Of course, the point of contact would be Vinillo, Stabdeez, or Beardeez or message on...
  7. Captain Keelson

    Outlaw stats

    Hello comrades. Recently started making twink rogue 20 (I know not meta, but I really love it). Can you please tell me what stats do I need to focus on? Versatility and? Mastery looks delicious, it's fun to hit 200-400 hp with a 30% chance. Crit is also pretty good, but I think there is no...
  8. New Farming Community (US)

    Looking for farmers levels 10 through 25, i've just made this community and i'm looking to branch it out over multiple servers. Not a discord community, simply just in game. Add me on btag Jimmyguapo#1216 or simply reply to this thread. Looking for geared farmers, not full boa farmers. Picky but...
  9. KangOfWar

    Recruiting Twinks For Selling 10-50 Power Leveling

    Hey all, first time posting long time lurker. You may've seen me as Kangofwar or Kanghouly. After talking to some 20s members, I was encouraged to write a post basically hiring existing twinks from the 20s community, while also teaching briefly what it is I do so that others can start too. I...
  10. Zulu

    20s Arena Discord

    Hello friends and enemies <3 New things coming to the 20s bracket, come get involved. Looking to set up arena events for fun regular games, Notifications will be sent out on discord: Please if you are a Guild coordinator, please feel free to link this discord in...
  11. HairyTreeMan

    TBC 19 Warrior Checklist

    If I am missing anything, please let me know and I will update. Thanks! Arena Master - Try to get one arena master as early as possible to get the quest xp out of the way. Alliance: 10 - Defensive Stance Quest 13 - Pious Legwraps (Optional, especially since leg chants. Dunno for wotlk) 14 -...
  12. Jonnes

    (NA) WTB Level 1 Rogue Twink Gear

    Howdy folks. Looking to buy any ilvl5 BIS leather gear or jewelry that fit the criteria of BiS as outlined in my guide for level ones. Here are the templates: Head, Chest, and Legs +1 Primary Stat +2 Stamina +2 Secondary Stat A (Not Mastery) +1 Secondary Stat B (Not Mastery) +1 Tertiary...
  13. Embu

    Happy F2P 10th anniversary!

    Happy birthday to all! 10 years already. 10 years since starter edition was created. And that level 20s have gradually appeared in the twink world. So why not celebrate this symbolic date? In the last 10 years, many stories have emerged with level 20 players. Whether in Europe, America...
  14. YHOOL Custom Twink Hardcore Permadeath Server 3.3.5

    A unique hardcore custom permadeath server is coming back known as YHOOL on a 3.3.5 client max level is 20(twink) custom content to be added in the future that keeps players engaged loads of world pvp and active devs
  15. Gehennas Horde twink guild support

    Hello, I'm an experienced twink who just rerolled to Gehennas horde to twink. I've decided to roll lock as a support class with lots of cc for bg's. I was wondering if theres a twinking community/guild on Gehennas horde who would like to pick me up in their roster and help support me a little...
  16. WTS Power of the scourge

    WTS Power of the scourge that is used on Shimmering amice On EU - Firemaw add my discord Sau#3508 or unknown#23627
  17. HairyTreeMan

    TBC 19 Paladin Checklist

    If I am missing anything, please let me know and I will update. Thanks! Arena Master - Try to get one arena master as early as possible to get the quest xp out of the way. Alliance: 13 - Pious Legwraps (Optional, especially since leg chants. Dunno for wotlk) 14 - Tunic of Westfall/Chausses...
  18. WoWPortal, A new way to Twink.

    Not gonna lie.... Didn't have many ideas for the title but more for the body. Im repping a server i play on at Its a progression server with a twist. Fully scaled and soloable dungeons and raids from 10-80. Allowing twinks or people who want to twink to farm and gear their own...
  19. tkvision

    Staff of the One True Bramble King

    Hey, so I'm trying to twink a lvl 10 monk. I have a few questions about this and twinking in general. I saw a lvl 10 monk with this staff, but it said required level 18 to use? I was lvl 18 on my other toon at the time. The staff was also ilvl 44. In order to get this staff to be this high of...
  20. Tokarev

    lvl 20 rogue.... what spec?

    Hi so I found out that one of my old wow characters became lvl 20 thanks to lvl squish. That made me wanna twink out my rogue. but I am legit puzzled on what spec to pick. What's good for pvp and stat priority? For example I looked at some Sub armories and they had tons of mastery and not a lot...