
  1. EU Q pops, where they at ?

    Hi everyone, thats my first post here:) So, last weekend my drunk a** came home and decided to log on my first twink i have ever made.. at 5 in the morning ..just to do some quests for soothsaying vest & sparkproof gloves .. aand well.. both came out in epic quality!:cool: Now that this char...
  2. NoxxicSham

    US NOXXIC TWINS - Tichondrius.

    Noxxic Twinks is a lvl 20 twink Horde guild on Tichondrius. We'll show you how to get into regular battle grounds as a twink and own the 20-29 bracket. We have all bank tabs with a stock of inventory to help you level up your professions so you can get the most out of your twink. If you're...
  3. Boarhide Leggings - Help

    Hi All, Saw a lvl 20 rogue with Epic Boarhide Leggings. Can someone please tell me where these drop as I can only find the green ones on wowhead. Thanks. Their armory -
  4. Jabz

    Sick of class lacking in ur bracket..need more competive gameplay...well...

    Well i reckon joining 59 daily war games will be ur answer with socket gear and all quests from 20-59 ava for upgrades ....all classes are viable...non toxic environment..everyone happy to help gear a unique play style thanks to sockets being ava....we have acheived what no bracket has...
  5. Wallhack

    EU WTS Magefist ilvl 28 Ravencrest-Ally

    Wts magefist gloves on Ravencrest-Ally, wisp me here or IG BymD#2195
  6. Karesinda

    EU+US Best healer in your opinion?

    Who do you feel heals the best in BGS for lvl 20? Here's what I'd think, however, I'm nowhere near certain this is /best/. This is not accounting to their ability to DPS and heal, just pure healing. 1.Druid 2.Priest 3.Shaman 4.Monk 5.Paladin
  7. Karesinda

    US Did you remake to get epics?

    I was considering remaking to get epics, but is it really worth it? I have every Brewfest trinket, epic foam staff, full fang... I'm a druid, would it really be worth it to try for the epics? Or am I just crazy? My warrior friend has recreated over 16 warriors now.. Edit: [I'm lvl 20] I'd also...
  8. Wallhack

    Price Ilvl 28 (lvl20) magefist gloves ?

    All in the title. Just want to know the approximate price for those gloves, thanks !
  9. schmoozer

    EU 60 Fury Warrior PVP - Redmill

    Hey, Long time no see. Haven't been playing much wow these recent months/year(s) but thought I should upload this old gem I've had on my hardrive since 2017. It's not too serious of a PVP video with all the world pvp its containing, but it was fun making. Hope you enjoy it!
  10. US Speedrunning dungeons

    Someone tried to speedrun? if yes, whats program i can use for timing?
  11. EU WTS - Slicer Blade (Epic)

    Selling pairs or single Slicer Blade(Epic) on following Realms : Draenor / Kazzak / TarrenMill Stats : Require level to equip : 19 Item level : 31 Damage : 6-10 Speed : 1.8 DPS : 4.4 +8 Agility Contact following battletag for more info >> FrostyDog#277195
  12. Karesinda

    US Any lvl 20 Horde guilds LFM?

    Just looking to drop into one, though my dislike of having a guild title beneath my name :p I am primarily a healer, though if necessary I can and will dps for PvP. My btag is Karesinda#1720 and or mail/message me @Donthitpls and I reside on Tichondrius as mainly a druid on Horde.
  13. Rocket

    US Horde 80 PVE + PVP

    Hello all With the recent changes to the twink community I am looking for any people interested in doing level 80 content. If i get enough feedback here I will create a guild or join a guild if there is already one formed. I am Horde on the Illidan server. Please respond here or add me on...
  14. US First time twiking

    Well, i loved the ideia, but i'm lost in how to do and whats the principles of twinking. Have some guide for read here? thxxx
  15. Thereisone

    US WTS Mythic Antorus run / loot funnel.

    I'm going to start selling Mythic Antorus / ToS or whatever else your twink needs. I have multiple toons and people to help on both Horde and Alliance. Instead of just setting a time, I'm going to book appointments. Prices vary depending on content and loot funnel or not. Message me on...
  16. Shadowlox


    [Classic legacy] starting a new P60 guild on Argent-Dawn [EU] [Alliance] to get into the classic feeling! the current Xpac of the game is lacking content and Project 60 is the only thing that is enjoyable for alot of people, its just not there so we are trying to create a strong and big...
  17. BOOSTS

    Hey guys, I know many of you have twinks around the level 60 and level 70 brackets. I offer a legacy boosting service, should any of you want to get a boost through a legacy raid for your twink, add me EU only. both factions. price can be discussed :) Ifireblanks#21710
  18. Yatsa

    US <Horde Strike Force> Progressive Raiding Branch

    The <Horde Strike Force> on US-Maelstrom is starting a new, fun-focused team to raid ALL of Warcraft's content at level. We'll start at 60, lock XP, and enter Molten Core. Hopefully, we'll end at level cap with the current raid. Raid Times: Saturdays at 10pm Central Rules: -No Heirlooms during...