
  1. NEARLY - 29 ROGUE TWINK - WoW Classic

    NEARLY - 29 ROGUE TWINK - WoW Classic

    Filmed over 1 week on Classic ERA.Gear - -
  2. Fire And Fury | Fire Mage PvP (Classic WOTLK)

    Fire And Fury | Fire Mage PvP (Classic WOTLK)

    Fire And Fury - Watch as my Fire Mage twink harnesses the fury of flames to turn the tide of battles. From hurling Pyroblasts that melt foes on impact to ...
  3. rosetwinks

    If you were to make a tier list on pure DPS alone in the 10-11 bracket what would that look like?

    Not talking about speed or self sustain just purely damage per second, would it be an 11 fury fully war forged with life stealing and ooze trinket, a 10 mists, an 11 wind walker, a 10/11 arcane? If anyone has any links or resources or tested the pure DPS in the 10-11 bracket let me know! My...
  4. I just came back and need help

    Im playing eu i was lvl 29 twink before, wich bracket has queues lvl 29s f2p or lvl 20 f2p im clueless because evrything is so diffrent. My toon is suddenly lvl 17 now . Thanks for the help
  5. Retail Twink XP OFF DEBUFF in BG - One solution - 2023

    Many people know how to twink in bg and get that debuff in bg. For those who dont know : There are different ways of doing it ! so you can try different options. One Way of doing it : You get your main account that will create character "AA" Your twink should be on another account, free...
  6. Zpectre

    LvL 11 or LvL 20 character

    Question: Which is more fun to play PVE? As of now I have a Druid, warrior, monk and mage @ LvL 10/11, but I am curious if it makes any sense to level them to 20? Note: I do not wish to take part in any pvp activities
  7. Anyone have a level 30 twink ret?

    Im looking for level 30 twink ret armories.
  8. rosetwinks

    First time 20 Twink, any help would be great!

    So I currently have a bis 11 Twink(wind walker monk) and just finished up the last item on my 10 Twink(arcane mage) Love those toons but its time to move on to a new challenge and have a bit of fun while im doing it! Obviously besides scaling, what class/spec I choose for 10/11 twinks is limited...
  9. A12

    General deleted

  10. Level 79 Fire Mage PvP Vol.2 - Classic WOTLK

    Level 79 Fire Mage PvP Vol.2 - Classic WOTLK

    Nearly79 Fire Mage PvP Volume 2.Unleashing the Power of the 79 Fire Mage! Head - Visage Liquification Goggles - 22SP 14HitShoulder - Brutal Gladiator's Sil...
  11. Nearly - Level 79 Rogue Twink PvP Vol.3 - Classic WOTLK

    Nearly - Level 79 Rogue Twink PvP Vol.3 - Classic WOTLK

    Nearly79 Sub Rogue PvP Vol.3SPEC - 17/0/53Head - Weakness SpectralizersNeck - Forgotten Necklace of the BanditShoulder - Eviscerator's ShoulderpadsBack - The...
  12. Level 79 Fire Mage PvP Vol.3 - Classic WOTLK

    Level 79 Fire Mage PvP Vol.3 - Classic WOTLK

    Nearly79 Fire Mage PvP Volume 3Head - Visage Liquification Goggles - 22SP 14HitShoulder - Brutal Gladiator's Silk Amice - 30Stam 15ResiBack - Volanthius Sh...
  13. Mortalous

    39 vs 79

    I have recently leveled a character to L39 with my initial intention to twink in the 39 bracket but have also considered pushing to L79. This character's class is one that I have played for many, many years during multiple expansions and miss certain abilities available at the higher...
  14. Level 49 Priest Twink PvP - Classic WOTLK

    Level 49 Priest Twink PvP - Classic WOTLK

    Amnesia49 Shadow Priest Mage PvPClassic WOTLK✅ Subsribe#wow #WOTLK #Amnesia #Nearly
  15. Level 49 Rogue Twink PvP Vol.4 - Classic WOTLK

    Level 49 Rogue Twink PvP Vol.4 - Classic WOTLK

    Nearly49 Rogue PvP Volume 4Classic WOTLKDAGGER SPEC - - Embrace of the LycanNeck...
  16. Level 49 Rogue Twink PvP Vol.3 - Classic WOTLK

    Level 49 Rogue Twink PvP Vol.3 - Classic WOTLK

    Surprise49 Rogue PvP Volume 3Classic WOTLKFilmed over 2 days DAGGER SPEC - - Emb...
  17. Nearly - Level 49 Rogue Twink PvP Vol.2 - Classic WOTLK

    Nearly - Level 49 Rogue Twink PvP Vol.2 - Classic WOTLK

    Classic WOTLK49 Rogue PvP Volume 2Filmed during WOTLK Pre PatchDAGGER SPEC - SPE...
  18. Nearly - Level 49 Rogue Twink PvP - Classic WOTLK

    Nearly - Level 49 Rogue Twink PvP - Classic WOTLK

    49 Dagger Rogue PvP Filmed over one week during Classic WOTLK Pre Patch September 2022SPEC - 17/0/23Head - Embrace of the LycanNeck - Skibi's PendantShoulder...
  19. Normal Mode Nexus Drops

    Hey, Just wanted to see if it is possible for epics to drop from "The Nexus" Normal mode Wraith dungeon. I have seen some comments on wowhead saying that this is the case but it is wowhead and these comments were made almost 10 years ago. Wanted to see if anyone has seen a epic drop here or any...
  20. Subtlety Rogue 79 BIS Gearing Guide by Tyntyn (ank)

    1. Introduction First of all, it's not a guide aka "How to play" it's the guide aka "How to build". Dont have to say much about Sub on 79 lvl, most of you already know that rogues are mostly glasscannon class on 79, that can peel and escape fights really good and basically deal a lot of damage...