
  1. EU+US Patch 7.3 and F2P

    Is there a list anywhere of what changes it will bring to F2P accounts, classes, etc?
  2. Embu

    EU+US F2P ranking: must we include veteran accounts or not?

    Hey people, I would like to know your opinion about the decision to include or not veteran accounts in this ranking: https://xpoff.com/threads/f2p-ranking-top-100-honorable-kills.73685/ It is true that since the beginning, the "true F2P player" wasn't accustomed to bring some items than the...
  3. lunare

    EU+US How are balance druids?

    I'm curious, as I am a f2p player who already has a druid leveled to 20, and has three unopened legion chests from a year ago. After the legion event I took a break, and it ended up being quite a long one.
  4. Embu

    EU+US [F2P Ranking] Top 100 Honorable Kills

    Hey people, When Twinkinfo did exist there was a ranking that enabled to see who, between all F2P twinks from Europe and America, had X amount of honorable kills. I propose you today to resusiscate this ranking because F2P still continues to get activity, and because it's always funny to see...
  5. Jabz

    EU+US POI Wargames 10v10 20-29's

    Hi guys since 20-29's have been lit , I'm thinking of organising 20-29 war games (WSG/BOG). Just want to see who's interested, F2P are also welcome to join. If I see a good number of people interested I will start forming them during peak periods. Saving people waiting in group to form I will...
  6. icehawk

    EU+US Stampede boys!

    Hahaha, just wanted to say how excited I am to have Stampede at lvl 20.......... Well, not really, just that patch 7.2.5 introduced some slight tweaks to various classes. Obviously by now we've all seen how Arms Warriors were given some roid's and are now ripping new ones in bg's :eek: But for...
  7. icehawk

    EU+US Best 20 PvE & PvP tanking class?

    I'm just asking some opinions from the 20 - 29 community. What do you think is the overall best tanking class for 20's? I'm looking for an all-rounder PvE and PvP tank class. I've only ever twinked a 20 Prot Warrior. Prot Warrior's are fairly decent in PvP with a stun, charge and slow and ok...
  8. EU Looking for mates

    Hello, i'm Hammur-Dalaran, a french f2p since late cata. I will try to be quick. I'm atm looking for some mates with btag, in order to do some premades on english realms. I am a Horde player. Please contact me over this thread or via MP (you may send me your Btag). This could be helpful for me...
  9. Tuskbreaker

    US What's the most active F2P realm on US?

    Just got a US f2p started and was wondering what realm I should roll Horde and what realm I should roll Alliance on.
  10. EU+US Can't BG or Arena on F2P?

    What's the point then, just dungeon and duel?
  11. Burg

    US <Nagaz with Attitudez> - Aerie Peak (H)

    Hello all. <Nagaz with Attitudez> is a guild on Aerie Peak (Horde) that is recruiting level 20 twinks that are looking for a place to call home. About Us A group of friends just looking for other twinks to group up with so we have pug groups. Interested in running 10v10s when other guilds...
  12. EU+US Quick tip 2:BiS Caster offhand for f2p(ilvl 60)

    Hey, i knew we can't get Stratholme Lily as pure f2p, so i took it for granted that the best casters could have was some ilvl25ish quest reward or something. Turns out there's plenty of florists around Azeroth selling the next best thing - Bouquet of Black Roses(ilvl 60)...
  13. EU+US Quick tip- easy iPvP rings for f2p

    Hey everyone, thought i'd share a small detail some people might have missed. While the BiS ring at 20 for bgs is still Seal of Argas(ilvl 32) and variations from that quest, the 2nd slot can be easily filled with ilvl30 white quality ring, Silver Piffeny Band, which i've yet to see on any f2p...
  14. US New Bug

    Was going to Q with a couple 29s and got this message
  15. Bakedaflol

    EU+US Best item lvl Build for lvl 20 Arenas?

    trying to put together an item level build for lvl 20 arenas. I play Holy Paladin/Prot Paladin. Since I am making a new toon on US, Im doing it mostly without looms and gold, anything I can farm? Where do I go? :) Thanks in advance!
  16. icehawk

    EU+US Cheeky way to ruin Hallows for the Horde!

    Not sure if anyone is interested, but thought I'd just post this neat little tip which could save some Alliance toons many GY runs. Trying to get into UC to ruin the Horde's Hallows End isn't the easiest task as a 20, but if you have the trusty ol'...
  17. EU+US Argent Crusade Tabard - Free to Play

    Is it still possible for F2P accounts to get the Argent Crusade Tabard with the Commendation Badges no longer being available?
  18. EU+US PTR 7.1 Impressions for 20's

    7.1 PTR Impressions I know things are subject to change, but I decided to compile a list of changes for classes on PTR and include my general impressions of the changes. If I'm missing something let me know, I briefly skimmed over the spellbook to see what changed. Warriors Arms Warrior-...
  19. Epichealtime

    US <Techno Death Machine> Bleeding Hollow Horde 20-29 Limited Funding

    Hey Guys :D This Guild is an answer to Horde's current predicament in battlegrounds. We will focus mainly on group queueing pugs to contest current Alli Alpha Guild <Stuck at Graveyard>. I can offer you aid in leveling both your characters and your professions as well as insight into the...
  20. Raelysae

    EU+US F2p Priests

    So, I can't afford a sub for another month for that is when I work...so, I'm gonna give f2p a try. What is the current state of priests, if anyone knows? One of my favorite classes and I don't mind if they are garbo tier, just want to be somewhat optimal. Holy or Disc?