
  1. Kuwlie

    EU+US So how's the F2P community doing in 2016? WOD & Legion

    Hey guys, just wanted to ask. How's the f2p twinking bracket now? It's just I stopped twinking mid-way through MOP and altogether playing WoW in the first week of WOD and a lot of friends told me the bracket changed a lot. What I want to know is, 1. A friend told me there are no more BGs for...
  2. Ranae

    US Ret vs Prot vs Holy

    I made a paladin twink, and I have no idea what spec to pick. What's currently good and fun to play rn?
  3. Ranae

    US Making a f2p twink?

    Hey guys. This is my first post on this forums. xD Anyway, I haven't played WoW in 8 months, and I decided to come back for Legion. Except I'm gonna make a f2p twink. I don't wanna buy the game. Can someone catch me up on everything? Like I heard something about f2p's getting some sort of...
  4. Sicknature

    EU+US invasion gear repairable for f2ps

    F2ps can now repair invasion gear, also the costs are accurately scaled for lower levels besides f2p yaaay :^))!
  5. Gold

    EU+US Total new f2p account, where to start? :)

    Hello everyone! :) So i just started my first pure f2p account and I want to know if someone would tell me where to start and what to do. Also what classes are good for pvp (for now I started with a BM hunter) and last a good realm I could join? :)
  6. Zenjie

    EU+US Potential F2P Youtube series?

    Hey all! I read the thread by: Winterly and thought.: Why not make my own new account. But i wanted to give some rules to it. Rule 1: No heirlooms. Reason being that in pve these are generally bis because of their high stats. However i generally dont like heirlooms for personal reasons. Rule...
  7. EU+US Legion Scoreboard Thread

    Post Legion bg scoreboards here :) Lets see dem numbers! It would be a little more interesting if you include a little story or explanation for the scoreboard you are sharing. This was a bg in which both factions had strong classes+players but silly mistakes on enemy team and near flawless...
  8. AVPY0Pd_460s


    confucius kicking ass
  9. EU+US First impressions of 7.0

    Played 3 games just to see how things are for 20s. Player level does not scale up to 29 which has already been mentioned about PTR, but now this crap is live so not being able to hit 29s with every spell is what 20s have to look forward to. I played affliction and haunt was critting for about...
  10. Zenjie

    EU+US Legion prepatch guide.

    So as we all know the prepatch of legion is already out in the states and its out tomorrow in europe. So knowing this and having played an awfull lot on the ptr i compiled a list you should do in legion's prepatch. Enjoy (^_^) 1. Level every class to level 20 Yeah i know it takes a while but...
  11. Zenjie

    EU+US Legion invasion gear

    Atm when you do stage 2 and 4 you get chests with gear wich is great. But will we also get this on live as this gear is incredible for most classes?