Search results

  1. Oceanic f2p community start

    the ones on aman thul seems to be mostly alliance only still the oceanic alliance community on aman thul is the biggest oceanic community
  2. Oceanic f2p community start

    sweet been looking for an oceanic community. saw a couple of 20s there but they didnt have the addon
  3. Ooch has been banned.....again

    ah sorry i though when u said aerie peak u were 20s. Its probably someone who though you were a gold farmer reporting you.
  4. Ooch has been banned.....again

    did they ban your trial account that was attached to your main? or were you a p2p who was 20?
  5. AP horde, Please read!

    just report him for harassment when you get his "hate tells".
  6. Yooo who gon play Starwars MMO?

    might be interested in playing US swtor. Sith inquistor cuz they are the fotm.
  7. Darkmoon faire artifacts

    i keep getting pops for 1/3 stockades with first boss done >< which of u is leaving at first boss <.<
  8. Level 20 Alliance PvP

    why not sort by damage done?
  9. Active Brackets.

    QFT alliance AP does premades too but we hardly bump into horde AP premades unless its organised bracket consists of mostly hunters,pallys and rogues but other classes are viable too(but take more skill than the overplayed 3 classes) ps its Aerie peak US
  10. Level 20 Alliance PvP

    the AP Alliance premade i was in never bumped into u guys D: I suppose rolling over pugs is much easier
  11. Can you crack it

    hmm converting if from hex to ascii in java just gives me a bunch of gibberish. Will probably try some VM stuff with this code.
  12. F2Ps linked to mains

    u 4got mailu sharooke
  13. Paladin Recruits

    dats why we need moar hunters to counter dem pallies
  14. Free to plays afking the P2P's out of a BG

    i play alliance so i didnt do it if thats what ur implying i am just stating that u cannot tell who reported you afk it might be a p2p it might be a f2p
  15. Free to plays afking the P2P's out of a BG

    You cannot tell who it is that reported you afk
  16. Is there a class/spec that can consistently beat Hunters?

    how does he know that about their trinket cds though?
  17. Is there a class/spec that can consistently beat Hunters?

    pug horde hunters are crap too most dont even know how to strafe @jenks of course your gonna win a hunter v hunter if ur trinket is not on cd while theirs is
  18. Cant decide...

    i reckon pallys and rogues are pretty fun to play horde queues are faster alliance pugs are more geared
  19. (A) 15 Man AB Signup - Sunday 27th

    we had a mean 10 man AB and wsgs around 6 pm st
  20. What happened

    idk bout u guys but i see more 24s during weekends but hardly any during week days.