Yooo who gon play Starwars MMO?

hehe. Ye, first we thought about making a twinkinfo guild but so few were interested that we joined another guild. That guild was a bluff and they had little wow experience, didn't keybind and linked movies where they ganked in STV, so we re-made the original guild but looked for members elsewhere as well. Thats basically 1 month ago and we've got a strong guild with really good players now. Not that hard since raid is only 8 man.

Rather "guild hop" before the game starts then after. This guild is staying.
Everything I've heard so far about this game is bad. Another generic MMO that just won't be good enough to compete with WoW. Warhammer, GW, EQ2, FFXIV, Rift, etc....see ya guys back in a month!

I've been beta testing the last month and a 1/2. Game is fun as heck. I actually uninstalled WOW from my PC.

When MOP comes out, you are going to see a large influx of people responding like:

"I'm grounded for the next week, so I won't be able to raid"

"My mommy said I need to make my bed and do my homework before I play, gonna be on a little late."

"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, girls play this game??? COOTIES!!!!"

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