Level 20 Alliance PvP


Wanna know exactly same thing as the guy:p What's the name of the addon you use to see the other team?"
Looks like the typical Alliance BG Group on EU (although we typically have less Rogues, more Hunters and half of the Paladins are 24 with 2,3k HP)

this bracket is broken
Nothing that AP Horde cant beat.
the AP Alliance premade i was in never bumped into u guys D:

I suppose rolling over pugs is much easier

Seeing how the alliance que time are more than 5 times as long as hordes, the chances of you guys running into us is not very good. However last night we ran into plenty AP Alliance premades, just not yours.

As for your "rolling over pugs" comment, i found it adorable.
The shammy 20 axe looks pretty good too, better if you ask me. Funnily enough, I decided to do a dungeon for fun, profit and grissly trophies, and the axe dropped, and I managed to win the roll. Iron patch blade dropped in the same run. Deathsworn was there, so the warrior that lost the roll for the axe won that. I'll use the axe more than he would anyway, so I don't feel too bad about taking it from him.
That was a fun game, we only had 5 APs too. They had 4 healers and 8 hunters lmao. And i was the only healer lawl
lol because dmg isnt a good measure. 1k of dmg could be you hitting a healing paladin or something.
Yeah... the first trial acct character I made was a pally, and everyone complains about how cheap they are, so I re-rolled to warrior. But I've seen the same thing many times with Horde too!

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