AP horde, Please read!


So, i was on my number 1 druid fcer katemiddlton right. so when i died i was sent the gy of course and when i rezzed i got killed brutally by a level 24 human rogue i think his name was Grimcel, or somthing like that, after rezzing like 3 times and still getting killed i decided to leave the game on go onto my warrior lokah, when i was on her, i enterd a warsong gulch match and then i got a message, it was the guy warning me that all horde from AP will get ganked by his level 24. And this does look pretty legit, i mean he's passing by the guyz with less the 600 hp and going for me, and maybe other ap horde. So all i'm saying is get ready to brawl, cause this guy is gonna get ya! If you play horde AP of course......

24 human rogue from Burning Legion. Grimcel i think the name is.
I've gotten his little spam tell before, just people being jealous of F2P
Dude, how many times must I tell you? Stop downloading porn, you're gonna get a virus every time.

LOL. Earl, I have an addiction. jk jk

But it has to do with the internet this time. Like it's saying my internet is connected but when I try get on mozilla, WoW, vent etc. it won't connect. Vent is saying something about my IP. Some bullshit, can't wait to get my new computer.
i invite him to come at me with enthusiasm. i'll be happy to embarrass him on my level twenty.
Too much pwnage by the AP horde premades.

Srsly, I can't count how many times I've heard "omg AP horde premade" in chat. Must've pissed someone off who's willing to pay $15 a month just to get back at you. Congrats I say :D
Heh. I saw an ally pally named Trialkiller a few nights ago. Chain sapped him at every opportunity
Best part was that allys had four 24s compared to our two 24s and we beat em. They were too busy Trialkillin' and their 24 FC rouge only had a bit over 1k health????


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