Darkmoon faire artifacts

Indeed horrible drop rates (no extra's except an Egg from Akumai this time, which the toon I ran already had) , the only positive being that with the BG queues still down the LFD queues were rather short even as DPS (abt 5-10 minutes on average).

Given Aradiel's info & having not even finished up on one toon I'm starting to reconsider the DIY method.
Bad news:

Good news:

That was only one BG, so either I was just really lucky (which I haven't been lately) or they're a bit easier to get. Just loot EVERY corpse, don't feel bad they disappear quickly so go for it. Turned in one of each and hopeful next month I'll be ready to get my mount like right when it opens! >D
Imbued Crystal from Taragman the Hungerer in RFC and Twilight Lord Kelris in BFD

Ornate Weapon from Admiral Ripsnarl in DM/VC and Randolph Moloch in Stocks

Mysterious Grimoire from Lady Anacondra in WC and Lord Godfrey in SFK

Egg from Mutanus the Devourer in WC and Aku'mai in BFD

I'm up to 20 runs of stocks and I have yet to see the Weapon, so I'm gonna just do DM now and hope i get it
Same patch that brought bag-relief w/mogging,voidtorage and bigger stacks (chantscrolls a.o.t.) wil have you carrying DMF stuff for the next month (Bashiok, http://wow.joystiq.com/2011/12/06/today-in-wow/ ) so while not in the same month, it stands to reason they will be Monthlies like the rest.

Funny how Blizzard further devolved from 'Molten Front is casual content' to making this limited-time only grind as 'casual' content.

And yeah, bitchin about drop rates. Hope the EU BG queues have picked up by now.
Actually there are two of them who require level 85.

I got 9 of EACH last night by doing a couple BGs and looting dem corpses.

making cash making cash

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